Chapter Thirty-Two: Catra

Grief still burned through Catra.

She was doing her best to pretend that she was okay for her mates, though she wasn’t sure why.

They could probably feel her emotions better than she could.

Every time she closed her eyes, a thousand memories flashed through her mind. Memories of her grandmother, living and dead.

And now Katrina was really, truly gone and there was nothing Catra could do to bring her back.

And the worst of it all was that she had been mostly responsible for it. She had relied so deeply on the strength they gave her, that she had never once considered that they would one day lose that strength.

She had not realized how much she needed them.

She had taken them for granted.

Catra had taken Katrina’s sharp wisdom and humor and loving reprimands for granted. And now she no longer had the woman there to tell her what to do.

Katrina would not even be around to see the birth of her great-grandchild.