The information

The ground rumbled beneath Hazel's feet as she stood her ground to maintain balance. She was dressed in a golden armor with a golden katanna strapped to her side while her multicolored hair blew in sync with the wind. Hazel stood fearlessly as she stared at Lloyd who seemed to be having a power surge as he'd just let anger cloud his judgement.

"These lesser beings thinking they're stronger than US!!?" He yelled and angrily stabbed his katanna into the ground creating a wave of manna that blew everything in it's radius away while hazel stood still even though the wind was blowing her clothes.

"We're waging war on the lessers." He said and hazel used telekinesis to draw out her katanna. She sped towards him and he used his katanna to shield his face from being sliced in two

"What are you doing? Rebelling?" He asked in a rather irritated tone.

"Of all the gods, you're the least I'd label to be a traitor." He said and filled his katanna with energy, pushing hazel backwards while she used a backflip to regain her stance. Before she could gather energy into her core, she'd been hit by Lloyd with his ultimate dragon dance that cracked the dimensions between the human and god realm sending hazel through a portal. Escorted by lightening, hazel was struck down creating a massive shockwave impact.

She gasped as she woke up. She'd fallen asleep on the dining table. She slowly stood up to tidy up the table using telekinesis. She slowly walked to the sitting room to sit down on the sofa while thinking about the god realm.

She was the sub general of the united rainbow squad which consisted of over three billion legions of angels, Lloyd being the general. Since she was the most beautiful demigod in the god realm accompanied by her fighting skills, she was made the assistant to Lloyd to calm his temper. Few nights ago, a member of the legions sent a report to Lloyd, a letter of threat from the human world. He got full of rage and threatened to destroy the human world. He made to lead the biggest army into the human world and lay waste to them but hazel being the instrument to calm him down tried to stop him from putting his actions into reality but he used his ultimate move to attack her while she was off guard and she was thrust into the human world.

She slowly rubbed her neck and sat back to relax. She couldn't stop but think about her family, her younger brother who was known as the most talented full god ever seen in the god realm. At a very young age he was already a general leading the highest force in the military. The military was divided into four divisions; the first division, purgatory, her brother Oliver being the general and Gatling being the sub general leading a total of 23,901,423,012 legion of angels. The second division, united rainbow squad Lloyd being the general and hazel the sub general leading a total of 3,092,004,000 legion of angels. The third division, god's palm, petal being the general and iris the sub general leading a total of 72,000,000 legion of angels. The fourth division, brute force, Damian being the general and Frost being the sub general leading a total of 40,002,000 legion of angels.

Being the sub general of the second strongest division of legions was a great burden to her, and she was never made to spend life with anyone as her partner and her absence from the god realm would cause great chaos. And not just that, if Lloyd gets his way to talk to Oliver, the human realm would be in danger of being wiped out. All she needed to do with her stay here was to find enough proof to counter the false report that was made.

"Urghh." She grunted softly and her perception kicked and she stared at the door. The door slowly opened and Leonard walked in. He slowly took off his jacket and held it close to him as he walked towards the staircase.

"Don't you think it's high time you went to sleep." He said as he walked upstairs but she said nothing in reply.

That night, hazel spent her time trying to figure out her next step, her house mate wouldn't help even if she asked for his guidance and he would freak out if he knew she had powers.

She stood up from the bed and sat down on the ground, crossing her legs. She joined her fingers together and inhaled. She exhaled and shut her eyes. Suddenly, energy began to fill her body and her damaged core began to slowly repair itself.


Leonard yawned as he walked down the stairs with his blue pyjamas on. He sluggishly walked to the kitchen to prepare food. He gave a quick glance at his housemate who seemed to be enjoying a Netflix show.

He slowly opened the cupboard and brought out a few ingredients and one pasta. He peeped through the little opening in the door and brought out another pasta before shutting the cupboard's door and the kitchen door. Since she'd arrived at his place, never for once had she rolled her hair, combed it or even packed it in a ponytail yet it was always neat and smooth. He gave a short smile before proceeding to cook.

Since it was Saturday, Leonard had much time to spend on the internet with his fans. A message popped up while he was scrolling and he snoozed it. While he was still scrolling, another message popped up and while he was trying to snooze it, he accidentally opened the message. It was from an unknown sender, it requested his immediate attention at a five star restaurant. He scoffed and dropped his phone beside him and his gaze caught her.


Leonard pushed the glass door and walked in with hazel holding the arm of his suit with the tip of her finger. This was because she'd refused to let him touch her even though she wanted to go with him.

"Act normal." He said calmly before ushering her to a sit which she sat down on. He sat down beside her and brought out his phone. The seat in front of him was soon moved and miss Wonder sat down.

"Here I was wondering why Leonard started acting coldly." She started and raised her hand signalling the waiter.

"Get to the point." Leonard said and folded his arms while hazel kept looking around.

"I looked around and I didn't see your Lamborghini." She teased before bringing out a book from her bag.

"I'm keeping a low profile." He said and stared at the book. The waiter soon arrived with the menu list and she collected it.

"The Pentagon says they lost a test subject, highly dangerous, flee on sight." She said and pushed the book to him and he reluctantly opened the book. The waiter went back as soon as she'd made her order.

"Is that why you called me outside?" He asked as he flipped the pages slowly.

"What's wrong if I call a bestie outside just to warn him of a possible danger." She teased.

"Can we create some time alone without this_" she pointed at hazel who rolled her eyes.

"Thanks for your time." He said and stood up almost immediately.

"Your organization deals with information." Miss Wonder said and stood up slowly.

"This should be enough." She winked and walked away briskly away. The waiter arrived when she'd left and Leonard settled the bills.