Busy for The Month.

I was transported into this game in September and now it's October like damn. I guess I'm spending my New Year here. The Harper house because more busy than usual, like they started getting ready for Halloween quicker than usual. I literally woke up seeing a huge spider on the ceiling with large red beady eyes and fangs, I screamed and jumped onto Luke's DJ set. Luke came barging in holding up a bat, his hair disheveled.

"Why?? What's wrong?" He asked serious, I pointed up to the ceiling while shaking. He followed my gaze and his serious face turned to a "like seriously" look.

"Jade it's a fake spider, Jayden put it there." He said while faceplaming. I didn't believe him and stayed on his DJ set.

"C'mon Jade. Get off my set." He said.

"No way! What if it comes to life and-" I protested but Luke carried me off his set. I let out a yelp, this the second time he carried me. His blue eyes shining with mischief, he grinned at me.

"Sooo did you enjoy your date with my brother?" He teased, I knew who he was talking about and I hate how everyone thinks it was a date.

"It wasn't a date!" I retorted while trying to break free from his grasp but he put me on my feet and pulled me closer to his chest.

"Oh c'mon, I saw how you looked at the hairpin when you returned, with the love in your eyes." He replied teasingly. I felt embrassed. I was just appreciating his gift and now I'm supposed to be in love with him?

"I was just happy he got me a gift! Now lemme go!" I stated, he finally let me go.

"Ok, Jade. I heard ya." He said while raising his hand up in mock surrender, he then ruffled my black hair before walking away. Annoyed I chased him and climbed on his back.

"Woah! Jade, didn't know you wanted a joy ride." He said surprised. I ran my fingers through his brown hair, it was wet and smooth. Oh this should be fun.

"Hey... Why you acting weird, you now want to massage my hair too?" He asked, his confusion was soon replaced with a yelp of pain with I pulled his hair with all my might. He started running trying to get me off him but I held him tightly while pulling harder.

He ran all the way to the living room and threw me onto a couch, he glared at me with this playful mischief in his eyes.

"What was that for huh?" He asked while sitting by me.

"For teasing me! Duh" I replied while pouting, he started laughing while looking at me, the mischief never leaving his eyes.

"What?" I asked him as he smiled at me, a genuine smile not his normal cocky smirk.

"Oh nothing." He said while looking at me still smiling.

"Oh c'mon! What is it???" I asked while shaking him, he held my hands to prevent me from shaking him.

"Ok, ok, I'll tell you!" He finally said, I let go of him expecting his answer, he looked at me the looked away. "You look cute when you pout." He finally mumbled. My heart skipped a beat, did he just say that I'm cute.

"You really think that?" I asked him, he nodded approvingly.

"Well you are cute but pouting makes you look cuter." He admitted shyly while covering his mouth with the back of his hand, I started blushing and I looked away trying to avoid his gaze. I felt a hand gently grab my chin, the hand turned my head for me to face Luke. He was still smirking, but I could see a faint blush on his cheeks.

"It looks like today you're in the mood for looking cute." He said while resting his forehead on mine. It was like time stopped it was just the two if us, he finally got up.

"Err Jade, I can ask a favour from you?" He asked me. I looked at him confused.

"Yea, what is it?" I asked him. He started fidgeting his fingers.

"Well, a club just recently asked me to do a gig there and I'm pretty nervous... Since I don't know anyone from there and all my brothers are busy. So can you come, just to keep me company." He requested. Luke? One of the most popular guys in school, has a large fanbase is feeling nervous. I looked at him trying to figure out if he's lying. But he did actually look nervous and I did hear that October in this game is a very busy month, like events roll up and are so hard to keep up with.

"Sure, I don't see the harm in that." I replied, he sighed in relief and thanked me.

I'm going to be busy this month aren't I?