9th October.

"Soooo you want to throw a surprise birthday party for Christopher? Wait how did you even know today is his birthday?" Kristen asked as everyone was seated in the living room, everyone except Christopher and their parents. It's like their parents are barely around well they are minor characters.

"Well I am your personal assistant sooo it's my duty to know your birthdays." I replied. Jayden was writing something in a music manuscript, while Luke was on his phone playing video games. Kristen had been playing his violin before I called the meeting and Chris had been... eating well he still is.

"But Christopher sorta likes celebrating his birthdays alone." Chris said with food in his mouth, Kristen glared at Chris with disgust.

"Don't talk when there's food in your mouth stupid." Kristen said, Chris mumbled an apology and continued eating his home made cupcakes .

"Anyways..." I said while staring at Jayden.

"Why you staring at Jayden?" Kristen asked me.

"Cause he said I should." I replied casually. All the brothers stared at Jayden, he looked at them before shrugging his shoulders.

"Is that a problem? Anyways let's get to the matter at hand: Christopher's birthday party." Jayden said. As he stood up, manuscript still in hand. "Christopher hates large parties soo it should just be the six of us." He also added.

"The issue would be keeping him away from the house until the surprise is ready." Kristen added.

"What if we do the party at the music room? There is sound proof." Luke recommended.

"It's not. We just ignore all the cringe anime bullshit you say there." Kristen said to Luke who started blushing from embrassment.

"But it is big enough. So let's do it there." Jayden said.

"What about distracting Christopher?" Chris asked. Suddenly Kristen got up stretching his body.

"Leave that to me." Kristen said while grinning. That exact moment, Christopher came down the stairs rubbing his eyes while yawning, his black hair in a total mess and his red eyes showing fatigue.

"Good morning." He yawned while coming downstairs, suddenly Kristen got up and went straight to Christopher.

"Whaddup, my brother from another mother? How are ya?" Kristen said while hugging him tightly.

"Oh I'm fine, I didn't get enough sleep though. I was studying. I just came here for a drink, then I'll nap..." Christopher said while dozing off on Kristen's shoulder, suddenly Kristen carried Christopher on his shoulder which startled him.

"W-what are you doing?" Christopher asked half surprised and half sleepy.

"Sending you to bed." Kristen replied as he carried Christopher to his bedroom. Immediately we all left and went to the music room and started rearranging the place. Chris volunteered to make the cake while Luke said he'll bring his DJ set, leaving me and Jayden to set the place up.

"Should we bring tables?" I asked him.

"When we were small and Christopher had birthday celebrations, it was normally picnic themed so I guess we should use picnic covers. They are in my room, I'll get them." Jayden said as he left, some few minutes later Luke came with a gramophone with some CDs.

"I thought you said DJ set." I said.

"Well.... I thought classic music would be better.", He said as he set the gramophone and put one CD inside, soft music started playing in the room, a few minutes later Jayden came with the picnic covers. And we laid them down.

"Woah, here looks like picnic in the 1800's..... Good thing I made tea!" Chris said as he entered with a massive tray filled with mini cakes and six teacups. We finished setting the place up and Chris texted Kristen to bring Christopher.

"A little to the left. No my left! Of course there are two types of lefts!" Kristen's voice echoed through the hallway, the door opened and Christopher was blindfolded with a black tie. Kristen rushed to our side.

"Alright you can remove it." Kristen said, Christopher removed the blindfold slowly, unsure of what is going on.

"Happy, happy birthday!" We all said as he had fully removed his blindfold, he looked stunned. And he was even more surprised when his brothers pulled his to sit down and we started singing happy birthday to him. It was really fun, Christopher actually looked happy.

"Need help?" Christopher asked me as I did the dishes.

"Oh it's ok, it's your birthday after all." I said but Chris cut me short.

"Nah. I just feel like helping out." He said as he picked up a plate and started cleaning it. "I also wanted to say thanks. Jayden told me it was your idea." He added.

"Ah, it's no problem. It's your birthday after all. You should celebrate it." I replied smiling.

"Soooooo. Next week Monday.... Wanna hang out?" He asked me I nodded.

"Great, ask Kristen where my college is. There's this café there that you'll love." He said then left after we finished the dishes. When I was alone I checked the intimacy level.

[Christopher: 25%]

Expected, but I didn't expect this one:

[Jayden: 20%]