Zhao Mei

"Hey Jade, I need a favour from you." Kristen's voice said against my locker I turned to see him leaning against my locker while holding a leather covered book in his hands.

"Yo, what's up?" I asked, while looking at the book.

"Well..... I need to give Christopher his book back. I borrowed it for a project and I can't go now..." He trailed off. "Can you give to him, like right now?" He added looking at me with his blue eyes.

"But.... school is still in session...." I replied looking at him.

"And you guys have free period. Jade please? Pretty please? With your favourite topping on top?" He requested his blue eyes colouring desperation..... He looked like Chris when he did that well. They are twins.....

"Why can't you go?" I asked him.

"Because I'm terrified of his girlfriend." He said, his eyes showing fear. Christopher has a girlfriend?

"Christopher has a girlfriend?? Since when??" I asked surprised. That was definitely not mentioned in the game.

"Her name is Zhao Mei and she and Christopher, let's just say their relationship is very karmic. Like one second they've broken up the next their together again... She's crazy." Kristen explained..... So he wants me to go to Christopher's college.... What if I meet this crazy Zhao Mei?

"What's in it for me?" I asked him.

"Well.... I can protect you from Vlad... You think I didn't hear your little stunt against him?" Kristen grinned, I looked at him at first confused but then I remembered the confrontation between Vlad and I. I agreed to take the book to Christopher.... Only because I didn't want to be murdered by Vlad. I left the school with permission and headed straight to Christopher's college, lucky for me Kristen gave me directions. And wow the college is big. It was bigger than both the mansion and the school, I started looking for him but to no avail.

"Ummmm excuse me, but have you seen Christopher Harper.... I'm looking for him." I asked a girl with short white hair and light green eyes with pale skin. She was wearing an oversized yellow sweater with a black skirt and yellow stockings and white sneakers.

"I've never seen you here..... Are you new?" She asked me while her eyes roamed all over my appearance.

"Oh nah. I don't attend this school. I'm still in highschool.....", I replied while feeling nervous.

"Then how do you know Christopher?" She asked.....

"I'm sort of his personal assistant... Well I'm actually the personal assistant of all the Harper brothers and Kristen asked me to give Christopher this book." I replied while showing her the book. She looked at the book for a while before saying: "Believable, ok let's go." She led me across the hall way until we reached a large room. Another music room, she opened the door and Christopher was just there sitting down and playing his guitar. When he first saw me he was confused but his face changed to annoyance as soon as he saw the girl.

"Mei? What are you doing here? I thought I broke up with you." He said annoyed, Mei just looked at him and scoffed.

"Aww. You still want to deceive yourself. I broke up with you. And I was escorting her." Mei replied while pointing at me.

"Great, now you're done escorting her so could you kindly fuck off?" Christopher asked irritated.

"And what if I don't wanna leave and I want to stay what will you do huh? Christopher Luis Harper." She replied while grinning.

"Don't mention my full name like that! I can mention yours too you know!" He growled. Mei just simply rolled her eyes and placed her hand on her hip.

"No you don't~ you don't have the guts." She snickered.

"Oh, but I had the guts to bang you didn't I? Zhao Mei." Christopher retorted, Mei's eyes shot up in surprise before her cheeks went a vibrant shade of red.

"S-SHUT UP!" Mei stammered uncontrollably, it took her a few minutes before she regained her composure. "Anyways, she came to give you a book." She added, I gave Christopher his book.

"Oh thanks, I actually needed it." He said when he looked at the book. All I said was a bye, see you at home and left without another word. I didn't need to hear another bickering between those two. As soon as I left I checked Kristen's intimacy level.

[Kristen: 13%]

Only 3%? Meh. But I just encountered one of the other four mysterious characters.

[Zhao Mei: 2%]