I learn archery.

Soooooo remember that time Luke said he would teach me archery? Yea today happened to be that day.

"Wake up Jadie." Luke's voice whispered in my ear as he poked my arm, I grumbled and turned to the other side facing Jayden as he slept. Like today is a holiday he should just let me enjoy it. Luke still poked my arm with his fingers, trying to wake me up. I pushed myself closer to Jayden's sleeping body trying to maintain a distance from Luke. Suddenly two arms wrapped themselves around me and pulled me close to Jayden. He nuzzled his head against my hair, I woke up immediately startled.

"Jayden! Lemme go!" I said annoyed, Jayden just mumbled something before sleeping again.

"That's it." Luke said and went over to the curtains and pushed them aside, the bright sunlight entering the room. Jayden groaned and let go of me before rolling to the other side of bed but he rolled too far and fell off. I used my hand to cover my eyes, Luke carried me off the bed before plopping me onto the ground.

"It's time to teach you archery! C'mon get up and go bath, you smell horrible." He said what staring at me, I looked at him annoyed.

"She's trying out you scent." Jayden said as he got up. Luke gaped at Jayden who looked indifferent to Luke's reaction. "Just stating facts." He added.

"I'm your older brother damnit." Luke grumbled annoyed. I left the room hoping to avoid any drama from those two. I went into the bathroom.

"No one should interrupt me, I'm talking to you Jayden." I said as I slammed the door shut and locked it too. After taking a shower for like I dunno...

30 minutes, I forcefully kicked Luke and Jayden from the room to excuse me to dress.

"Jadie~ Hurry up~" Luke said.

"Why are you calling me Jadie?" I asked him over the door while I wore a black sweater.

"It's a nickname, just for you." He simply replied. I came out..... Looking at Luke, he was wearing a casual teal T-shirt with jeans. Strapped on his back was a quiver and a bow....

"Luke, I don't have a bow or quiver." I said. He just ruffled my hair before shrugging.

"You'll use mine." He said as we left the house. We walked to wherever the archery grounds were, none of us talking to the other. The only noise was the sound of our feet against the fallen leaves on the street.

"We're here." He said as we entered a garden. Soooooo, the archery grounds was in a garden, there were other people inside there, some were shooting their arrows at the target, others were sitting down and eating snacks that waiters brought and others were just walking around.

"Stretch your left hand a little bit farther from the bow." Luke instructed me as he taught me archery.

"Like this?" I asked him as I stretched my left hand farther from the bow's string. Luke held my hand, his fingers interlocking with mine as he pulled my hand farther.

"Now release." He said as he let go of my hand, I released as he said. The arrow hit the second lowest side. Meh, not bad for my first try. Hey if I go back to my world maybe I'll try archery. Wait..... What the hell did Lucia do to my body? If I'm here..... Is there anyone in my body? Am I dead in my world? Or maybe time has stopped there.

"Should we try again?" Luke asked, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Oh yea sure." I replied. We continued with the archery practice until I nearly hit the bullseye.

"Hey Luke, you don't mind me trying my archery practice here right?" A familiar voice asked, we turned to see Zhao Mei standing right by us, claded in a white crop top and red baggy jeans. Luke gave her the go ahead and she started shooting her arrows I wasn't really paying attention to her, since I was thinking about what happened between her and Christopher when I left.


I looked at the target and I was stunned, she had shot an arrow into the bullseye. I thought that was her first but I looked down and saw like 6 arrows on the target. One on the ground, two were on the last ring, another two where on the second ring closest to the bullseye and the last one which she just shot was on the bullseye. We kept shooting arrows for a while, Luke had good aim, he shot 3 arrows into the bullseye.

After what seemed like an hour or two of target practice, Luke and I left.

"Soooooo, did you like the archery practice?" He asked me on the way home.

I looked at him, his eyes showing curiosity. If I'm being honest, hanging out with Luke is pretty fun and his company is really enjoyable.

"Yea, we should hang out more often'