A Road Trip Of Memories [1]

"Announcement Harpers and our dear Jade Hiroto! I have something to say!" Luke said as he entered the room looking excited.

"You lost your DJ set and need money to buy a new one?" Jayden asked.

"You and Rio got into a fight over a girl?" Kristen asked.

"You ate a hundred spicy chicken wings?" Chris asked.

"No, no and no! Chris..... That's your thing." Luke said as he stared at Chris in a "what the fuck dude?!" manner.

"Ok, what's the big announcement?" I asked him, Luke's eyes gleamed with excitement as he opened his backpack and showed us a map of some mountain looking area.

"Luke no." Christopher immediately said.

"Oh come on! Please just this year, please!" Luke whined.

"Huh why? What's Luke talking about?" I asked the brothers.

"There's this mountain at the outskirts of the city, it's called Mt. Bliss and every year during autumn there's this rumour that says if you make it to the summit. You'll see a magical creature. Total bullshit if you ask me." Kristen explained, Luke let out a dramatic gasp.

"It's not a creature stupid! It's a scenery!" Luke retorted, Kristen got up and stared daggers at Luke.

"Who you calling stupid? Want me to paint you black and blue?" Kristen threatened with a smug grin on his face.

"Christopher! Kristen wants to kill me!" Luke screamed as Kristen effortlessly lifted Luke in the air by his collar.

"Actually, that sounds like a great idea." I said after thinking about it. All the brothers looked at me, Kristen dropped Luke on the ground.

"Seriously? You believe that bullshit too?" He asked me confused, I eagerly nodded.

"Well... I don't really believe in magic but you guys need fresh air. Especially you Jayden." I noted.

"Pfff. I get enough fresh air! The ceiling fan provides." Jayden retorted. I rolled my eyes at him. "Well, I can go on road trips with the game I'm playing so buzz off." He added while pouting.

"Oh come on guys! Road trip! Just the six of us enjoying eachother's company~ it will be fun!" I pleaded but no one was bugging.

"Oh come on guys! Please just this year. Please, mom and dad won't send me.... please?" Luke pleaded, Christopher's expression soften as he looked at his younger brother as if the mention of their parents had an effect on him.

"Pack your bags, we're going." Christopher announced.

"What?!" Kristen, Chris and Jayden exclaimed in shock. "For real?!? Christopher?!" Luke hugged Christopher tight when he heard the decision.

"Thank you!" Luke squealed as he rushed to his room to pack his things, Christopher stared at his younger brothers. "I said pack your things, I'm only giving you guys an hour. Or I'll take your gadgets." He threatened, immediately the others got up and rushed to their rooms to pack.

"What changed your mind so quickly?" I asked him. Christopher simply shrugged and replied:

"Well.... We used to go for road trips with our parents and now they're busy, I guessed Luke just wanted a reminder that we're still a family." He replied as he went upstairs. "So hurry up and pack or I'll leave you here." He added playfully as he disappeared into his room.

"I'm ready!~" Luke said as he descended with two bags, one orange and another light green. "One for you and one for me!" He added cheerfully.

"You packed everything of mine?" I asked surprised. He nodded.

"Your underwear and that thing you wear monthly." He said, my face turned red from embrassment.

"You packed sanitary pads for me?!" I asked him, he shrugged like it was no big deal. The others came and we headed to the garage, there was apparently no van. So we had to use one of the sports cars to go.

"But there isn't much space for all of us." I observed as the others entered and I was right, Christopher and Chris sat in front, while Luke Jayden and Kristen at the back.

"Welp, unless you sit on one of us. Like Luke since he's your boyfriend." Kristen teased, I could see Luke's face going red from Kristen's statement.

"Oi! She's not my girlfriend, we just hang out." Luke stammered out of embrassment, Kristen just shrugged and slumped his shoulders. Jayden was sitting at the end of the car while Luke was in the middle, so even if I wanted to sit on those two, I can't.

"Wha- Oi?! What you doing?!" Kristen yelped as I sat on his lap. The other brothers looked at us in shock, Jayden restraining a laugh.

"I'm doing what you said. I'm sitting on one of you." I replied calmly, Kristen's cheeks flushed bright red, his eyes widening.

"It didn't mean sit on me damnit!" He replied his voice trembling with pure embrassment.

"Geez, don't be such a shy boy Kristen, I'm just sitting on your lap. I'm not doing anything naughty am I?" I asked batting my eyes innocent like, Kristen muttered a string of curses under his breath.

"Fine whatever...." He mumbled as we set off to Mt Bliss. On our way, I saw a whole bunch of things as we left the city. Plains with cows sleeping lazily on the grass, clear ponds with lily pads floating softly on it. After an hour if driving..... We still weren't at our destination.

"Kristen your belt is hurting me!" I groaned as my legs were already aching me. Kristen looked at me confused.

"I'm not wearing a belt, Jade." He replied confused. "Wait what?' I asked in shock, then reality clicked.

"Kristen, what the fuck?!" I screamed, as my whole face turned red still feeling something hard underneath me.

"I'm as confused as you are damnit!" Kristen yelled, blushing uncontrollably.

"More like hard." Jayden mumbled while playing video games, Christopher couldn't help but laugh out loud at Kristen.

"You're getting hard just because a girl is sitting on you?!" Christopher laughed while driving on the lonely road. "You're really pure aren't you?" Christopher teased. Chris was already sleeping so the commotion woke him up.

"Are we there yet? I'm hungry." Chris asked, Luke rolled his eyes at Chris. "You're always hungry." Chris complained while glaring at Kristen who was a blushing mess. "Mr. Tough is blushing just because a girl is sitting on him, Vlad should hear this." He teased.

"Are you jealous?" I teased while playfully poking Luke's head.

"What?! No! Of course not, I'm just-" Luke said attempting to defend himself.

"Heartbroken that she didn't decide to sit on you." Jayden teased, Luke turned to Jayden, staring daggers at him. "Shut up." Luke hissed but hands down. I could see his faint blush. I guess Kristen noticed it cause he started grinning.

"Hey Luke, wanna swap?" He asked Luke.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Luke asked.

"Like Jade comes to sit on you instead of me." Kristen explained.

"Well, since you asked nicely why not?" Luke said, his smug attitude returning, suddenly Kristen pulled me closer to him, making me straddle him.

"And give you the chance to be happy, hell no." Kristen teased as he placed his hands on my hips as he kissed my forehead, while grinning. Luke looked like he'd blow up but it was Chris who got my attention, he was basically fuming. I poked Chris' cheek through the left side of his cheek.

"Relax, I'm just joking around. Don't go yandere mode." I teased as I pecked Chris' cheek. His face lit up as a blush crept on his face.

"You are soooooo sleeping in my tent when we reach the mountain." Chris suddenly declared.

"No way! She's staying with me!" Luke objected, his eyes burning with irritation.

"Keep dreaming, she's sleeping with me." Kristen said.

"Stop treating her like property and let her choose." Jayden said, eyes still glued to the phone. Kristen, Luke and Chris looked at me.

"So, who you choosing?" They asked me. I looked at them, then looked at Jayden. He seemed innocent.

"Jayden, I pick Jayden." I replied, Jayden paused and looked at me.

"Guess, you don't want to walk perfectly for days. Don't worry, I don't bite..... hard." He chuckled darkly, why is it the innocent looking boys who are the most naughty?!

"Nevermind, I pick Christopher." I mumbled, Christopher looked at me through the window as he said:

"I'll make you see stars then." Christopher whistled.

"Why are you all naughty?!" I screamed annoyed while blushing hard, I swear I got a nose bleed. We finally reached the mountain and set up for the night and I still hadn't decided who I'd sleep by.

"So, have you decided?" Chris' voice whispered in my ear, I jumped back startled. I looked at Chris who's black hair was disheveled along with his clothes, his red eyes looking at me with fatigue and affection.

"Damn, you're such a messy eater aren't ya?" I teased as I used my thumb to clean the chocolate smudge by his mouth, a faint blush appeared on his cheek.

"I was starving! Gimme a break!" He whined as I laughed. "So which tent will you sleep in?" He asked, I thought for a while. I told him I'd sleep in Jayden's tent because I knew Jayden was just messing with me.

"You seriously picked me? I thought you'd run off to Chris or Luke." Jayden said as he smoothed out the creases on his light blue hoodie and white trousers.

"That's exactly the reason I picked you." I said as I laid out my sleeping bag by his, he rolled his eyes and started removing his hoodie, revealing the black shirt he was wearing. Suddenly he also started removing the shirt but stopped and looked at me.

"Could you look away?" He asked me.

"And why would I do that?" I asked. "Are you insecure about your body?" I asked him, he looked at me annoyed.

"No! Ok fine. Keep being a pervert." He replied annoyed as he removed the started removing the shirt slowly, revealing the body underneath. He finally removed the shirt and folded it before putting it gently on the ground. He stretched out his body, showing me the abs he had.

"Damn I hate road trips!" He groaned before staring at me. "You seem to like the view." He said half annoyed and half pleased. I felt blood trickling out of my nose as my cheeks went red.

"You're hot. Like damn hot." I said as if I was in a trance, I covered my mouth as soon as I realised what I said. He looked surprised as he comprehended what I said before approaching me and crouching to meet my eye level (I was sitting on my sleeping bag) he grinned as he cupped my cheek, he thumb drawing idle patterns on my cheek.

"Something tells me you mean physically and not in temperature." He said while staring at me. My hand pinned his hand that was on my cheek as I stared at him.

"And what if I do?" I asked him, he paused for a while before leaning in close.

"It makes hotter than you are." He replied as he bit his lower lip, his lips just inches away from mine. I smirked flattered by his comment.

"Then I must be damn hot if you think so." I stated as my eyes looked at him, I thought he was going to kiss me but he pulled away. I don't know why but I felt annoyed by that, suddenly he pulled me close and kissed my neck. He pulled away looking at me before kissing my forehead gently his fingers tangled in my hair as he whispered in my ear.

"If you continue being so damn hot and flirty, I might actually take a bite from you soon." He said as he let me go and sat on his bed before lying down his back facing me.

"Good night. Sleep well." He said as he drifted off to sleep.

"Good night." I replied as I drifted off to sleep.