
"Faster! I have to run faster... Faster Legs Faster"


I sat up gasping for breath.... My Silk blankets on the floor. It was just a dream. I rubbed my eyes checking the hour on the clock. 4:00 pm. Good. I still had some time before everyone met in the village square for the selection. Hopefully my number won't be called. I wished softly as I got dressed and cleaned up tugging on my old shoes. I faced the door and pushed it open the sunshine was warm against my skin. It was now or never. I made my way to the town square. The new buildings looked nice today the lumberjacks had a good hall this year. The sound of smiths in the background rang softly through town as I made it to the small group who had gathered earlier and soon everyone would arrive.

This needed to be done today the selection that is because tonight someone will be gifted over to the Supernatural's as a gift to keep the peace. In total three of us are taken every five years so it's a fairly good treaty, Today the Vampires, tomorrow the Werewolves, and The third Night the Dragons. It was all pretty terrible.

Suddenly being shoved into the fountain and scrambling to my feet I look up to see Elijah and John laughing horribly at my sorry state my clothes more ruined now then ever.


"Shut up Lilith you stupid orphan trash." Elijah said bitterly.

"Did we say you could speak or stand you rat?" John said rudely.

This was pretty normal I was still recovering from them shoving me into a gully a few days ago my pale skin was bruised and cut the water only making the dirt and wounds hurt and itch more.

"Get up you fucking rat there gonna call the numbers in a few min.s" Elijah said as he grabbed me by my white hair yanking me roughly out into the dirt.

"Freak." John said as he kicked my side walking off. It hurt bad.

My hair wasn't always white it became white after I seen my parents die I was so scared and afraid after a pack of wild wolves ripped them apart it just turned white what was a 7 year old supposed to do?

I picked myself up and walked to the group as the announcer took the stage there was no time to change now.

"Is everyone here?? Very good alright now we will start the drawing of the numbers." The man reached into the jar full of numbers there was roughly eight-hundred people all together and as he pulled a singular paper out he spoke.

"Would the holder of the number six-hundred and sixty-six please come to the stage."

My heart drove as I slowly pulled the wet paper from my pocket. That was my number. I gulped and walked forward the crowd parted some snickered or eyed me as I stepped into the stage and offered the man my wet number. I was shaking as I did the man smiled.

"Our tribute Lilith Nightingale!"

Normally an applause was heard but none came and soon I was escorted away by two city guards to be as they say 'Prepared for tribute this evening.