
I was practically carried off since I was so short and my malnourished form from so few meals didn't help. Why me now if the vampire race isn't happy I'm not a walking blood bank we will likely be attacked he'll why am I worried about them anyway no one's helped me before...

I was tossed in a room and two women in heavy veils began to undress me I didn't put up a fight I knew it was just their job.

Pales of water were dumped over me in a barrel as I was scrubbed. It was cold too.

Soon a white gown with blue sheer was placed on me. This gown was customary to represent the vampire tribute. The wolf tribute wore green and well the last tribute just wore a bronze skirt no one questioned the odd request.

Once dressed the dress was spacy around my stomach making my chest look a bit bigger I was allowed to look in the mirror but it didn't last long before I always carried off and made to stand on a crate and tied to a post at the end of town.

I closed my eyes whilst the sun set this was the griever time the time of farewells but I stood alone... No one would miss me and I'm certain tonight everyone would be locked inside their homes. Was I Scared maybe... Maybe a little... But if I died so what if they took me as a blood bag it's all the same. So now I just had to wait. Maybe the wolves would eat me before then or maybe the vampires may even just leave me tied to the stake I was an embarrassment after all.

"I'm sorry mom... I'm sorry dad..."

I mumbled to myself as tears slipped down my cheeks. Maybe if I could just wiggle this binding loose then I could..

I froze when I heard movement in the trees. I'm didn't make a sound but I could feel the warmth against my neck I hadn't even seen anything move ...

"Don't move, and for the love of God don't scream."

A voice quietly said in my ear as I felt a cold shiver down my spine. It sounded masculine and very much softer then I thought as I felt the all to tight ropes on my wrist come free and then I was scooped up and moving through the forest every thing was a blur and I was already tired and this was making me naucious. Growing feint at the speed and the growing nausea I succumbed to the inevitable blackout.

When I came too I was in the middle of the floor in a room I slowly sat up and felt like I was gonna hurl fortunately I had nothing on my stomach.  Sitting up further and battling the dizziness I looked around some the room was dark only a few candles here and there some wooden benches and a big wooden throne that looked comfy with pillows.

I must be in the vampires establishment. I concluded as I sat quietly it felt like it had been awhile as my stomach growled and I felt thirsty but it was easy for me to ignore this I had most of my life. Just as I thought about laying on a bench a handful of vampires walked in.

"I brought the tribute in before the hunt sir." A familiar voice spoke in the group.

"Thank you Issac, now if everyone would please take there seats we may pass judgement on the tribute."

A new deeper voice spoke as all sorts of vampires in there majestic grace filled the seats.

"I know you are all eager to return to your families so let's make this quick."

I kept quiet as I watched the dark black shoes step past me and pause a moment. I felt the gaze steering into my back and shivered when he said what was next.

"So human most try to run and escape but you haven't even bothered to move paralyzed with fear I presume?"

I was stuttering mess when I replied.

" s..s..s..s..i.s.sir"

Small gasps came from around me as I looked up knowing my face was covered in tears I met the glowing red eyes and the most handsome face I had ever seen the 5 o'clock shadow the soft curls in his tied back hair his fair skin his soft smile he was... Perfect but he was a vampire.

"I fate."

My chin was lifted by his hand as he examined me circling like a hawk over its next meal. Two others brought me to my feet and seemed pretty surprised I was shorter then everyone else I couldn't help my height I was malnourished after all and they seemed to notice that next.

"look they had to have put her on a stool or box I swear she was taller" The one called Issac said.

"Hey Claire? Do you think they ripped us off?" The man who seemed to be in charge said next.

A strong bueatiful woman walked up to me and felt me down. "Well she is all there and very malnourished but it's fixable with time and patience Most here don't have that time though."

"I see well it's up to them if anyone wants this one they need to speak up otherwise I'll take her she will be my first human but I will not burden the group with her." The leader spoke silence followed.

Rejected again. We're my only thoughts. As I felt hands on my hips as I was lifted up over the tall muscular lead vampire just my luck and soon everyone was dismissed and I was carried off into a little village in the knight we came to the largest house in the premises and I was placed in the living room on my feet.

"There you are pet now don't run away and don't leave the house or I will find you and drain you of your blood am I understood?" I nodded quickly just grateful to be alive as he walked off into what seemed to be a kitchen.

"You must be hungry. What do you humans eat again?"

He really didn't know what humans ate?

"I'm some broth and vegetables is fine." I said softer then I should have.

"Hmm?" His sharp ear twitched.

"If that's all then keeping you fed shouldn't be an issue and I'll chase away that malnourishment in no time."

He said with confidence I didn't care to say more it was more then what I could ask for already it wasn't easy being poor this was gonna likely be the best and most food I had eaten in weeks.

"Alright human it's boiling I will pull it off when it's done I've gotta go get washed up for bed don't let it boil over and just sit wherever."

He said before walking up the stairs and I sat on the couch staring at the pot from there. I got up twice to stir it before he got back downstairs and I sat my hands folded the dress seemed to have stayed flawless since I was being carried allot. As he came downstairs in just black pants for bed and his pale chiseled chest could be seen I reddened it was... I looked away before I could even consider completing that thought. His footsteps entered the kitchen as he tossed some herbs and spices in the hot pot and I looked at his back before looking more around the room I didn't hear anything just felt the warm bowl being placed in my lap as I looked up his face so close to mine.

"Thank you." My voice was extremely quiet.

"Your very quiet what's your name anyway?"


Silence. I lifted the spoon of hot broth and carrots softly blowing to cool the liquid. Placing the small bite in my mouth I could have died it was delicious.

"Lilith." My name rolled off his tounge and I froze up spoon in my mouth.

Carefully setting the spoon in the bowl.


"My name is Prince Vincent. You can call me Vince though."

I was now still as a bored I was in the hands of one of the 4 vampire princess known to exist and his name was VINCENT. I'm doomed. I took another bite my arms a little stiff.

"Are you Elizabeth's daughter?" He said suddenly and I dropped my spoon.


He cleared his throat.

"It was just a question sorry."

"no.. that's my mom's name just how do you know it?"

He grinned from ear to ear.

"Cause I'm the guy who carried you home that night after those wolves tried to eat you up!"

He beamed like he was proud.

"you should have let me die."

I muttered but his ear twitched he had heard me.

"No." He stated his voice darker.

"Your mother was a great healer for my kind and letting you die was out of the question I may have not gotten there in time but I saved you for her so shut up."

I was silent. This was news to me and I quietly ate my food pondering on how my mother was able to travel between the vampire world and the human one.