
Waking up late in the evening was a little weird as I sat up on the couch yawning I was left to sleep here so I did and now I was up as the sun was sinking so I walked to the kitchen and found they could steep coffee here so I began to do just that as I ground the coffee beans and made fresh cream. I boiled the water and went to make a filter I sliced my hand on the scissors though. As my blood trickled down I held it over the second cup he was a vampire he won't care if a little bloods in his coffee right? I quickly rinsed off the open wound and tore some fabric from my dress as I bandaged my hand and brought the two cup into the living room setting them down I then washed the scissors and cleaned everything.

Walking to my cup now and sitting down it was a little after dark as a groggy looking Vince came down the stairs and he sat down beside me as I handed him the other cup he sniffled it once and his eyes got round as he downed the coffee luckily it had time to cool before then and he licked his lips.

"That was the best coffee I have ever tasted I could be addicted! What the hell was in that?" He glanced at my cup and then my hand.

"Your hurt."

"It's just a scratch" I said setting my cup down gently.

He snatched my hand up and began to unwrap the bandage and as he saw the cut his eyes began to glow red. He brought it to his lips and softly licked the trickling line on my hand as I looked away the pain faded.

The sudden cold hands on my waist the movement was fast as I was pulled against him in his lap his breath on my neck then suddenly the pause. Why did he pause.

"I'm sorry I think I just... I lost control for a second." He said into my neck as I felt his lips press against my skin and his nose in the crook of my neck.

I shivered as his hands wrapped around me and held onto me.

"You're so thin and frail I shouldn't take your blood till you're strong enough but the way it tastes in the coffee it was wonderful I'm so curious to taste you, I'm kinda lucky you are mine now it's like a gift for saving your life back then I didn't have to buy maybe you have potential if I let the mages see you. Do you wanna meet them Lilith do you wanna become a witch?"

He said so much and processing all this was allot to handle, but maybe I could learn more about my mom so I simply nodded.

"Good cause I don't wanna make you my slave anyway you will live as my witch then."

Now I was more confused but he carried me off upstairs gently cupping my butt and I rested my chin on his shoulder with a soft sigh.

"your more relaxed then I expected you to be most humans have ran about 8 times screamed and attempted suicide by now and I just find you with a scratch."

"Would you rather me run sir?"

He leaned away and eyed me his brow raised.

"No it's just a bit odd but it makes this allot easier for me. Anyway here stand up I'll help you out of that gown and you can bathe."

Standing on my own in a pretty nice bathroom I let him help me out of the dress the far to big garment falling to the ground as I quickly covered myself mg loose undergarments a white silk that I had been forced into.


I muttered as he eyed me and I turned to get the water started as I leaned I felt fingers cold as ice touch my back and I stiffened as the water came on...

"You have a winter mark. You will be a natural witch and powerful too."

His voice was soft as he traced the birthmark on my back I couldn't see it felt like a cold snowflake being doodled on me.

"w..w..winter mark?"

"It's the rarest of witches marks but it's also the most potent magical symbols of your lucky you may not even require a wand."

I nodded trying to process this and visibly relaxed when his hand left my skin I let out a small breath as I suddenly felt a cold brush of his fingertips as he unclasped my bra.

My eyes widened and I swallowed hard as I moved my arm and took my bra off facing the water and I gently slid out of my underwear next as I stepped into the pool of water and sank down. Before I knew it this man was suddenly adding soap and dampening my hair like it was fine silk. He was bathing me and being very respectful about it too he didn't eye my body or anything he just kept eye contact or watched my hair. When he finished I was allowed to soak a little longer in the water as he set me out some clothes and a hat he also went to fix breakfast for me. This was so... Weird. Maybe I was already dead? Wouldn't that be convenient. I got up and dried off as I braided my hair back I pulled the oversized shirt over my thin frame and it fit like a dress so I just took the pants and set them aside they looked to big anyway as I put the small pointed hat on my head well it wasn't all that small more like one you would see spooky witches in. I didn't bother with the mirror as I slid on the long black socks and walked down the stairwell. The warm smell of fresh vegetables searing in a pan with something else made my mouth water as I walked into the living room and turned the corner to the kitchen to see veggies seared in a yellow fluffy item. Was that eggs? My eyes got huge I never could afford them.

"That smell delicious." I said softly.

He turned to face me holding the pan and his grip stumbled for a brief moment I wondered why.

"Whoa..." He said as he set the pan aside and walked over.

"It's like your a totally different person." He muttered.

"I'm sorry?"

"no. No.. you look stunning." He said as he brought a soft redness to my face and I looked at the stove.

"Um I think breakfast is um burning." He WHIRLED around and grasped the pan and got the fluffy omelette out as he then coated them both in a gooey yellow substance.

"What's that?" I asked

" You have never had cheese?" He said dumbfounded.

"nope." I said looking at the plate I was handed as I sat down lifting my fork.

"try it I promise it will change your life."

I brought the fork to my mouth as he scarfed his and I took a bite it was wonderfully it melted in my mouth the texture the flavor I was surely in some weird heaven!

Tears fell down my cheeks onto the plate.

"Whoa are you okay it didn't burn your mouth did it I'm sorry!"

"It's so good." I said my voice barely a whisper as I stuffed my face even though it was hot.

Of course Vincent beamed like a he was a hero in a story book so proud of himself. I didn't care it was so good and now I felt so full. He took our plates and cleaned up before he got ready for the day he took my hand and escorted me outside into the night.

"Alright let's get you interduced to the witches."