Chapter 55: Marchionne’s Magic Workshop

Marchionne was someone deeply passionate about pursuing wealth, and he never hesitated to show it openly.

After signing the contract, Marchionne immediately pushed to move on to the next step, unwilling to waste even a second of time that could be spent making money. 

This time, Professor Murray asked Steven to entertain the guests at the party while he accompanied Wade to Marchionne's magic workshop.

"We must launch the first batch of products before the school year starts. The students and their parents will be eager to empty their wallets on our goods," Marchionne said enthusiastically. 

"We can offer different packaging, varying quantities, and different quality levels. Even if we just add a few designs to the parchment or sprinkle some gold dust, pure-blood nobles will be willing to pay three times the price. 

Oh, and I need to whip up some posters. They should be plastered all over Diagon Alley by tomorrow morning!"

Wade couldn't help but be amazed and asked: "Can you really get it done in time?"

"Of course!" Marchionne winked. "Dear Wade, in the magic world, anything is possible!"

Wade assumed there must be some incredible spell that could speed up production. However, when they used Floo Powder to travel to Marchionne's company, Wade discovered the real secret—Money.

The company's lobby was vast, with a flowing waterfall in the center. Above the water, the words "Aslan's Magic Workshop" gleamed in golden light. 

The arched ceiling was painted with various magical creatures, some of which moved slowly across the surface. Surrounding the lobby were numerous burning fireplaces with green flames flickering in them. Wizards stepped out of them from time to time.

"Why are we suddenly being told to work over the Christmas holidays?" A young man, seemingly unaware that his boss was nearby, complained loudly, "I was about to leave for a trip to Italy!"

"I heard it's for an urgent production order," a witch replied cheerfully. "And we're getting paid triple our usual rate for overtime!"

The young man with short hair immediately calmed down and said, "Oh, well, that's not so bad then."

"Make way—please, move aside—"

A goblin shouted loudly, struggling to direct a mountain-high stack of boxes as they moved. He made slow progress due to the crowded lobby, and his frustration was evident.

The sudden increase in work had thrown everything into chaos. A few house-elves darted around between people's legs, moving quickly as they delivered various items. 

There were swarms of colorful paper airplanes hovering overhead, occasionally diving down with a sharp swoosh, targeting specific individuals.

"Damn it!" A wizard suddenly found a paper airplane lodged in his hat. He pulled it out and unfolded it, then shouted in frustration:

"Why am I only now finding out we're running low on Stone Scale Fish Oil? We said before the holiday break to take stock and replenish what was needed! Don't let me find out who's been slacking off!"

He hurriedly rushed through the crowd, almost knocking over the goblin, who angrily threw down the boxes and cursed loudly.

Wade was quite surprised.

Judging by the current chaotic state of the magic workshop, it seemed that Marchionne had probably ordered all the staff to prepare for overtime right after witnessing the effect of the Book of Friends

At that time, everyone was still hopeful about negotiating with Professor Murray, but Marchionne, being determined to win, had likely already planned how the subsequent work would proceed.

"Sorry, it's absolute chaos here today! It's not usually like this. Wade, Professor, follow me, this way."

Marchionne led Wade and Professor Murray through the crowd and into a private elevator. He finally relaxed a bit and pressed the button labeled "6th Floor - Technical Department," and loosened his collar as he did so.

"Your workshop has seven floors now?" Professor Murray squinted at the row of elevator buttons and remarked, "I remember last time it only had five."

"Yep, we've had some good growth these past few years," Marchionne said proudly. "The modifications to the magic radios have been a major boost, and that's thanks to your willingness to give us the license."

"There aren't many wizards open to embracing new ideas, especially when it comes to modifying Muggle items. A lot of people still think Muggles are some kind of stupid, inferior beings. It's incredibly ignorant!"

"I remember my first time going to school, seeing that scarlet train racing across the Scottish Highlands like a giant beast, and I was deeply impressed by Muggle ingenuity and power. 

After graduating, I actually wanted to sneak into a Muggle university to study, but for various reasons, I had to give up…" 

"—'Various reasons'? More like you couldn't understand anything," Professor Murray cut in sharply, exposing the truth.

"Hahaha—Professor, don't be so blunt in front of the young ones!"

Wade suddenly realized that although Professor Murray often teased Marchionne, their relationship was much closer than it appeared. When they talked in private, there was a special understanding between them.

Wade quietly observed the posters and advertisements on the elevator walls while listening without interrupting.

In the technical department, there were two goblins and about five or six wizards, all equipped with various tools, waiting in the office. 

This office was different from a Muggle office, it was filled with strange, slowly moving magical objects. Different colored lights occasionally flashed, and the room was filled with a variety of soft, tinkling sounds.

Once they arrived, Professor Murray and Marchionne found an empty table, sat down, and started drinking tea, leaving Wade to interact with the technical team.

Wade first demonstrated the process of creating the Book of Friends, skipping the time-consuming potion mixing by bringing a pre-prepared batch. The people present were all experts, and after watching once, they quickly grasped the general process. 

Then, they broke it down step by step until more than 80% of the steps could be completed by even a third-year Hogwarts student. Some people were constantly calculating ways to further reduce costs, experimenting with different materials for the mix. 

In less than half an hour, the technical department had already finalized the production process for the first batch of products, and the entire magic workshop entered a high-speed operation phase.

During this time, although Marchionne only occasionally chatted quietly with Professor Murray, he was also subtly observing Wade the whole time.

The black-haired boy wasn't particularly tall, and after demonstrating his work, he spoke very little. However, every time he did speak, it was on point and filled with insight. 

Several members of the technical department tried to alter his magical rune circuits, but before they even began, Wade pointed out the potential consequences—either decreased stability, delayed information transmission, or even data loss.

Time proved him right, every single time.

Marchionne secretly stuck out his tongue, finally understanding why Professor Murray never thought much of his own skills—even though he had scored an "E" (Exceeds Expectations) on his Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Level (N.E.W.T.).

Look at this child. Not only does he have genius-level creativity, but he also possesses a dedicated and rigorous approach to learning, along with a deeply pragmatic, well-honed experimental mindset. 

If he hadn't tried these rune circuits dozens or even hundreds of times, how could he possibly understand every single change so thoroughly?

No wonder that, with Professor Murray's current standing, he was willing to set aside his pride and personally advocate for this child, helping him secure greater benefits.

Geniuses in this world are as numerous as flowing water, plentiful and common. Marchionne himself had been called a genius by some. So he understood all the more: 

Many geniuses, if only gifted with intelligence, eventually blend into the crowd. Some, being too "smart" for their own good, end up fast-tracking their way to Azkaban. 

But a genius like Wade—barring any unfortunate early demise—his achievements were beyond question, and his future brilliance was clear to see.

How can one win over such a genius?

Marchionne mentally revised his strategy, which he had already adjusted three times.

Eleven years old... is this kid really only eleven? It makes my own thirty-something years feel like they'd been spent living as a Flobberworm...

Could it be...?

Suddenly, Marchionne leaned forward and said in a low voice: "Professor—Professor Murray—come on, tell me the truth—this kid is actually your illegitimate son, isn't he?"

Wade, who had been discussing lead powder ratios with the technical team, suddenly heard a loud scream. 

He turned around and saw that Marchionne had rolled off his chair onto the floor, while Professor Murray smiled and calmly signaled that nothing was wrong.

—Though, for some reason, his smile seemed a bit sinister.

Wade blinked in confusion.


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