Chapter 56: The Lone Star and the Sun

As expected, the efficiency of Aslan's Magic Workshop was remarkably high. By the time Wade left, he already had the first edition of the Book of Friends in his hands.

This initial version was a combined collection that linked a minimum of two people and a maximum of fifteen. 

The cover was much more refined than Wade's original design, with gold-trimmed lettering and gently swaying Eustoma. The inner pages were differentiated by different colors and flowers: 

For example, two-person entries were marked with sunflowers, three-person entries with tulips, four-person entries with daylilies, five-person entries with violets, and so on—each flower symbolizing friendship.

To Wade, this version of the Book of Friends was already quite exquisite, but Marchionne wasn't completely satisfied.

"This version is aimed at women. We should sprinkle some scented powder on it," he remarked.

"Are there other versions?" Wade asked.

"Of course," Marchionne replied. 

"There's a version for men, featuring illustrations of pine trees, crowns, scepters, and arrows; an animal version with unicorns, phoenixes, dragons, and pegasus; 

A children's version with puffskeins and fairies; a fantasy version with Dementors and three-headed dogs; 

A Quidditch edition with famous Quidditch players and flying brooms. There are also architectural, Veela, Merlin Medal, and House versions..."

He rattled off dozens of variations, as if he could come up with endless money-making ideas without even thinking. Finally, he added:

"There are so many styles to choose from that people will buy multiple copies just to collect them, even if they don't need them. 

But for now, our flower template is the most developed, so we'll start with this. If you don't like it, you can give it to your female classmates. When the other versions are printed, I'll send you a set of each."

Wade shook his head. "Why would I need so many?"

"You can keep them for your own collection!" Marchionne replied with a grin. "Or you could use them to strengthen relationships with classmates!"

"I don't like currying favor with others," Wade responded.

Or rather, his life hadn't yet reached a point where he needed to rely on pleasing others to get by, neither in this life nor his previous one.

"It's not really 'currying' favor," Marchionne explained. 

"If someone helps you out with a small favor, you can give them a Book of Friends as a token of thanks. 

It doesn't have to be much—just a two-person or three-person set would do. It costs you almost nothing, but for others, it's a valuable gift. They'll surely be happy to receive it. And, Wade—"

He gently ruffled Wade's soft hair and said, "We aren't lone stars in the night sky. There will always come a time when we need help from others. If you don't give first, how can you receive?"

"Marchionne does make sense," Professor Murray suddenly chimed in, "but if it makes you uncomfortable, don't feel the need to follow his advice. Blindly imitating others will only cause you to lose your own judgment. 

You just need to be true to yourself. A lone star may indeed be lonely, but if you are the sun, naturally the stars will gather around you."

"Alright, perhaps you are right, Professor," Marchionne shrugged. "But I still think there's nothing wrong with maintaining good relationships with most people."

"You've been focused on making money since your first year, but Wade isn't a businessman. He's an alchemist—one who enjoys solitude, pursues the unknown, and keeps company with knowledge. 

That's the true character of an alchemist! Don't taint my student with your cutthroat business tactics," Professor Murray said, clearly displeased.

"Hey, that's slander, Professor!" Marchionne protested and quickly gave an example. 

"If I were really ruthless about making money, I would have instructed the tech department to limit the Book of Friends usage to one year. That way, users would have to buy a new one every year, and then the Galleons would really keep flowing! 

But I didn't do that, which proves that even when I'm doing business, I have high moral standards!"

"But you definitely thought about it, didn't you? Otherwise, you wouldn't have come up with such a nasty idea so quickly."

"—Thinking about it isn't illegal."


Their next stop, naturally, was Gringotts.

It was already evening, and there were fewer witches and wizards shopping in Diagon Alley. Instead, some shady figures in black robes began to appear, most of them heading into a dark and sinister alleyway.

"Don't look over there! That's Knockturn Alley, a place frequented by Dark wizards."

Marchionne blocked Wade's view, and with a sweep of his wide-sleeved arm, almost completely shielded Wade. Professor Murray walked on Wade's other side.

The group arrived smoothly at Gringotts, where a goblin standing near the entrance gave them a bow.

"Good evening, gentlemen."

"Good evening," Marchionne responded with a slight gesture, adding, "Mr. Wade Grey needs to rent a new vault."

"Wade Grey?" The goblin looked up at Wade, who was only slightly taller than himself, but didn't question his age. Instead, he nodded and said, "Very well—I understand. Which type of vault would you like to rent?"

"Why don't you explain the different types and prices to Mr. Grey first?"

"Please follow me this way—"

Wade followed the goblin and Marchionne to handle the vault rental process, while Professor Murray approached another goblin sitting on a high stool, busy writing.

"Long time no see, Griphook."

"Hello, Professor Murray. How can I assist you today?" the goblin, named Griphook, asked respectfully.

"I need to retrieve something from my vault." Professor Murray presented his key.

"Very well, please wait a moment—I'll fetch the Mine Cart."

The goblins keep a dragon imprisoned in the underground vaults to deal with any ill-intentioned individuals. The Mine Cart allows goblins and clients to safely move through the vaults.

It was Wade's first time riding the legendary cart that Michael had once described to him—like it's going to shake your brain right out.

The cart looked narrow and small on the outside, very basic, but it wasn't cramped at all, even with two adults, a child, and two goblins inside. Griphook pulled the lever connected to the front of the cart, and with a clatter, they were off.

"Close your eyes and don't open your mouth!" Marchionne quickly shouted to Wade.

Wade, not foolish enough to ask questions, immediately complied.

The cart sped down a steep slope, going faster and faster as the cold wind howled past them. The track must have been particularly winding because their bodies kept swaying from side to side, as if they were about to be thrown off. 

Luckily, with his eyes closed, the dizziness wasn't as bad, and Marchionne's arm, locked tightly in front of his chest, acted like a safety bar.

After what felt like forever, the cart finally came to a stop. Everyone's faces had turned pale, and they clung to the railing for a while before Wade and Marchionne could crawl out of the cart.

As for Professor Murray, he had to continue further down to retrieve his items from his vault.

"Alright, let's move on," Griphook said as he once again pulled the lever on the cart.

Another goblin, named Bogrod, stood by the side of the track near a vault with the number "317" on the door. He used his long fingers to grip an old bronze key, inserting it into the lock and turning it several times. The chains suddenly came to life, crawling away as the vault door swung open.

Wade looked inside from the doorway. The empty vault resembled a large cave, completely barren, not even a single weed in sight.

"This will now be your vault, Mr. Wade Grey," Bogrod said, handing him the key. "Please take care to keep your key safe."

Wade accepted the key, which was attached to a long silver chain, just the right length to hang around his neck.

"Looks a bit empty, doesn't it?" Marchionne said with a smile. He signed a document and handed it to Bogrod. "Transfer fifty thousand Galleons from my vault to Vault 317."

Bogrod took the document with a blank expression. "Very well, please wait a moment."

In what seemed like only a few breaths, the sound of jingling suddenly filled the air. 

Wade looked around for the source of the noise and was astonished to see thousands upon thousands of Galleons raining down from above, like a golden storm inside the vault. 

The coins clinked and tinkled as they hit the floor, forming a small mountain of gold, glinting brightly in the torchlight.

Marchionne laughed and said, "One day, this place will be completely filled with Galleons, don't you think?"


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