Chapter 57: Reward and Test

"Can Mr. Bogrod directly take Galleons out of your vault?"

While waiting for Professor Murray in the hall, Wade quietly asked Marchionne.

"Don't worry," Marchionne, knowing what Wade was thinking, also lowered his voice and whispered back:

"Goblins — they can deposit Galleons into the vault, but they can't just take them out — unless they have the owner's authorization. 

The Ministry of Magic made a contract with the goblins long ago — a very ancient and powerful contract. It's precisely because goblins never betray their duties that people are accustomed to storing valuable things in Gringotts."

"But I heard... Gringotts was broken into this summer?" Wade recalled hearing about a news report.

"Yes, that did happen."

The goblin, Griphook, who was walking over with Professor Murray, overheard Wade's words and immediately emphasized: "But nothing was stolen. Gringotts is still the safest place in the wizarding world."

Professor Murray, who had gone to retrieve something, returned empty-handed. Marchionne didn't ask any questions. After they stepped out of the doors of Gringotts, he said to the two of them:

"Sorry, Professor Murray, Wade, I need to quickly arrange for the launch of new products. There are only a few days left before school starts, and there's still a lot of business to coordinate!"

Professor Murray nodded, "Go ahead, Marchionne."

"See you next time, Mr. Marchionne," Wade also bid farewell.

With one hand pressing down on his hat, Marchionne gave a slight bow and hurried off. Wade noticed that he seemed to be heading toward the office of the Daily Prophet

Although Wade had marveled at it several times already, he couldn't help but remark again: "Mr. Marchionne is truly someone who doesn't waste a second."

"As long as it's related to money, he's always more active than anyone," Professor Murray said as he led Wade down the steps. 

"However, he is an excellent businessman — I'm not saying he's more trustworthy than others, but his vision is longer-term. To gain greater profits, he's willing to spend years, even decades, laying the groundwork."

He then looked at Wade with admiration and said:

"If you were in your thirties or forties and had just come up with 'Book of Friends' in a moment of inspiration, I'd advise you to be cautious — Marchionne might try to figure out a way to extract more profits from you. But you're only eleven years old—"

He paused, then smiled mysteriously.

Wade speculated: "Won't it be easier to be deceived when you are young?"

"No, Wade—" Professor Murray said with a sigh, "Your age is currently a weakness, but it's also your strength. Like me, Marchionne believes in your potential and looks forward to seeing you shine in the future. 

That's why, for now, he'll do everything he can to help you—investing time, resources, and energy, even willing to sacrifice some extra benefits to support your growth, hoping that you'll bring him greater returns in the future."

Wade frowned slightly.

Although Professor Murray didn't look down at him, he seemed to know what Wade was thinking. He smiled and asked, "Are you upset? Do you feel he's too pragmatic?"

"Not exactly upset." Wade didn't admit it but instead said:

"I understand that most relationships between people come from being needed and being used. But Mr. Marchionne is very warm and enthusiastic... it's hard to accept that his inner motives are so—"

He hesitated, unsure how to politely describe that contrast.

Professor Murray smiled and finished for him, "—cold? Putting too much emphasis on practical interests?"

Wade silently nodded.

Professor Murray said, "Wade, in this world, the most frightening thing is not being used—because 'being used' is also a recognition of your talent and value. 

It's the people who have no value at all that are pitiful, like a speck of dust—no one cares whether they disappear or exist. So don't fear or despise others wanting to use you. 

You must learn to leverage your talents and overcome obstacles in these relationships driven by interests, using these resources to promote your own growth. 

But always keep a clear mind, protect your own interests, and never become someone else's tool. Be the master of yourself."

He lowered his head and saw the boy's gray eyes looking at him intently. Although Wade didn't say anything, Murray knew that this child would remember his words, carefully think them over, and learn from them.

A complex emotion surged within him.

On the one hand, Terrence Murray felt a sense of satisfaction and relief in sharing wisdom and experience, watching a student grow from ignorance to knowledge, from immaturity to maturity.

On the other hand, he felt as though he was introducing the cruelty, harshness, and complexity of adult society to an innocent child. He suddenly worried that this negative influence might lead the boy down the wrong path, filling him with a bit of regret and guilt.

So, Professor Murray changed his tone and spoke in a lighter mood:

"But—these things are still far off for you. You don't need to worry about them for now. Just remember not to make any promises lightly—if you're ever unsure what to do, come to me anytime."

Professor Murray made a promise he would normally never say out loud.

"Thank you, Professor," Wade looked up and asked, "Since I've known you, you've helped me so much. I'm really grateful—how can I repay you?"

"Then please continue to maintain your passion for learning and your relentless curiosity for the unknown, Mr. Grey," Professor Murray said with a smile. "For a professor, what could be a better reward than seeing the fruits of their hard work?"


Professor Murray once again used the Floo Network to send Wade home. 

However, since his contact at the Floo Network Authority had already gone home for the day, they couldn't temporarily connect the Grey family's fireplace to the network. Instead, they had to Floo to a nearby location and walk the rest of the way.



"I heard that Apparition can teleport people instantly to another place?" Wade asked, brushing the soot from his hair. "So why are we using the Floo Network?"

"Because Apparition isn't a suitable way to travel with children," Professor Murray replied gently. 

"It's a very advanced and dangerous form of magic. If anything goes wrong, the consequences can be disastrous, and children are particularly vulnerable to injury. So unless we're fleeing for our lives, it's best to choose a safer means of transportation."

By the time they arrived home, it was already late. Mr. and Mrs. Grey were anxiously waiting—one keeping watch by the door, the other by the fireplace. 

Fiona, who was standing by the window, saw the two figures approaching and immediately cried out in joy and rushed out of the house.

Professor Murray stopped walking and smiled at Wade. "You've been through a lot today, and you must be exhausted. Even though as your teacher, I shouldn't be saying this... but go home and rest well tonight, and don't read, alright?"

"Yes, Professor," Wade responded respectfully, filled with gratitude.

Seeing that the two still had things to discuss, Mr. and Mrs. Grey waited by the door, allowing them to finish their conversation.

"And finally, because your first project has made me very satisfied, I want to give you a small reward." Professor Murray pulled a tiny box from his pocket and handed it to Wade.

Wade immediately guessed that this was what the professor had gone to Gringotts specifically to retrieve. 

How valuable must it be for Professor Murray to store it in his vault? 

He didn't know, but instinctively declined, "No, Professor, I—"

"Don't refuse, Wade," Professor Murray said firmly, pressing the box into Wade's hand. "This isn't just a reward; it's also a test—use it well, Wade."


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