Chapter 98-99-100

Chapter 98 - Meeting the Parents

Gustavo decides to take Kendall to meet his parents, João and Leila, at their home. Kendall is naturally a little nervous and apprehensive, although confident in their relationship. During the journey, Gustavo notices her anxiety and reassures her, holding her hand and telling her that his parents are simple and warm people, and that she will be very well received.

When they arrive, João and Leila, smiling and excited, open the door. Leila, a woman with a loving look, immediately embraces Kendall in a warm hug, while João, with his welcoming manner, also greets her affectionately. The light and relaxed atmosphere helps Kendall relax, and she quickly feels at ease.

During dinner, the conversation is cheerful, with João and Leila sharing funny stories from Gustavo's childhood. They tell how he has always been curious and fearless since he was little, with some funny situations, like the day when Gustavo, at age 5, decided to climb onto the roof of his house to "see the world from above". Gustavo, a little embarrassed, smiles awkwardly, while Kendall laughs as she imagines her boyfriend at this stage of his life.

The fun continues when Leila brings out a photo album. As they leaf through it, Kendall sees photos of Gustavo as a baby, playing in the park, and even dressed up as a superhero as a child. She finds it adorable to see him so embarrassed and more vulnerable than usual, especially since he is usually so sure of himself.

At the end of the night, after lots of laughter and stories, João and Leila approach Kendall in a sincere way. João, with a smile on his lips, says to her:

"We want you to know that we are very happy to meet you. Gustavo is clearly happier since you came into his life, and that means a lot to us. You are already part of our family, Kendall, and you will always be welcome here."

Leila adds with shining eyes:

"Exactly, my dear. You're part of the family now, and if you need anything, we'll be here."

Kendall, moved, thanks them with a big smile and hugs them, saying how much she loves Gustavo and how lucky she feels to be part of his life and, now, part of the family. Gustavo, watching the scene, feels extremely grateful for the affection and support of his family and for the love he has for Kendall.

After dinner, Gustavo and Kendall say goodbye to their parents. As they leave, Kendall is visibly calmer and happier. On the way back, she turns to Gustavo and says:

"Your parents are amazing, my love. And seeing you like this, more vulnerable, made me love you even more."

Gustavo smiles, pulling her close, while jokingly saying:

"Just don't let these photos leak to the internet, okay?"

They both laugh, as the car continues into the night, with the feeling that the connection between them has strengthened even more.

This chapter reinforces Gustavo's family bond, his humility and simplicity, and how Kendall is warmly accepted by his family. The scene reveals a more intimate and sensitive side of their relationship, in addition to strengthening the bond with their new family.

Chapter 99 - Confessions and Healing Wounds

After a pleasant evening at Gustavo's parents' house, he and Kendall return to his house. The atmosphere of affection and intimacy between them continues, but Gustavo feels the need to be even more transparent with Kendall. When they enter the house, he invites her to sit on the couch, saying that there is something very important that he needs to share with her. Kendall, noticing the seriousness in his gaze, agrees and sits next to him, holding his hand.

With a deep sigh, Gustavo begins to speak, his voice choked with emotion. He tells Kendall that he has never told anyone this, not his parents or his closest friends, but he feels that in order for their relationship to continue to grow, he needs to be completely honest.

He begins by explaining that, before entering the world of Hollywood, he was at the height of his military career, serving in extremely dangerous missions that put pressure on him both physically and mentally. During this period, he realized that he was drifting away from himself, that the weight of the missions, the losses and the traumas were piling up in a way that he didn't know how to deal with. He felt like he was breaking inside.

Then, with his eyes full of tears and his voice trembling, he tells the darkest episode of his life: one night, after a particularly traumatic mission, the nightmares came back with full force. He couldn't sleep anymore, the anxiety consumed him, and everything seemed too much to bear. That night, Gustavo took his gun, trembling, and put the barrel inside his mouth, feeling that this would be the end.

Kendall, listening attentively, is in shock and with tears in her eyes. She tries to contain her emotion, but the weight of what he is revealing is overwhelming.

Gustavo continues, saying that, at that moment, when he was about to pull the trigger, something inside him wouldn't let him. He says that he felt as if his body didn't have enough strength to pull the trigger.

"It was like something or someone was holding my hand," he says softly.

At that moment, he decided he couldn't go on like that and, shortly after, he decided to leave the Army, transferring to the reserves. It was then that he decided to try his luck in Hollywood, looking for a new life, a new chance.

Kendall, deeply moved, listens to him in silence. She wipes the tears that run down her face as Gustavo finally ends his story, relieved to have shared something so personal and painful.

After a long silence, Kendall approaches him, holding his face in her hands. With a soft and loving voice, she says:

"You will never face any of this alone again. I am here with you now, and no matter what happens, we will get through it together. I love you, my love."

Gustavo, touched by Kendall's words, feels immensely grateful to have her by his side. He hugs her tightly, as if anchored in that moment of vulnerability and love. Kendall holds him tenderly, letting him feel like he no longer has to carry this burden alone.

That night, the two lie down together, still emotional from what they just shared. They fall asleep in each other's arms, feeling that their bond is now stronger than ever, sustained by the trust and love they have for each other.

Chapter 100 - The End of a Cycle and a New Beginning

After an emotional night full of revelations with Kendall, Gustavo wakes up with a firm decision in mind. He knew that, although his career in the special forces had been a fundamental part of his life, it was time to close that chapter and fully embrace his new life with Kendall.

At breakfast, Gustavo and Kendall talk about the future. He looks at her, feeling the weight of what he is about to say, but at the same time feeling relieved to verbalize what has been in his heart for a long time.

"I have decided that it is time to retire from the military for good," says Gustavo, with a serious look on his face. "I have lived unforgettable moments, I have created bonds with my brothers and sisters in arms that I will carry with me forever. But I am in a new phase of my life now. And with you by my side, I feel like I can move forward in a way I never imagined."

Kendall listens attentively and, without hesitation, supports him completely. "I'm with you, Gustavo. This is a big deal and I understand how much it means to you. I know this is a big decision, but it's the beginning of something new for both of us," she says, lightly touching his hand.

Confident that he was making the right decision, Gustavo picks up the phone and calls his agent, Karen Lewis. He tells her about his decision to formally retire from the military, explaining that he wants to schedule a trip to Brazil to attend the official retirement ceremony. Karen, who has always supported him, listens empathetically and, without hesitation, offers her full support.

"You've done so much, Gustavo. This retirement is more than deserved. I'll take care of everything so that your trip to Brazil goes smoothly," Karen says. She immediately begins to organize the details of the trip, booking four plane tickets: one for Gustavo, one for Kendall, and two for Gustavo's parents, João and Leila.

Gustavo, relieved by Karen's warm response, thanks her profusely. "I want you to know that your help throughout this transition to Hollywood has been invaluable. And now, more than ever, I need to do this with my family by my side," he says.

After his conversation with Karen, Gustavo turns to Kendall with a smile. "I want you to come with me to Brazil for the ceremony. It's important to me that you're there. But, really, I know you were going anyway," he says, joking and trying to lighten the mood.

Kendall smiles back, with affection in her eyes. "Of course I would. I wouldn't miss it for the world," she replies, reaffirming the unconditional support she has always offered him.

Gustavo then calls his parents, João and Leila, and tells them about his decision to finally retire from the military. They are thrilled with the news and proud of their son for everything he has accomplished. They agree to meet at the airport, ready to embark on this important trip together.

As the day progresses, Gustavo begins to reflect on what the retirement ceremony will represent. He thinks about the countless missions, the teammates who have become like family, and the hard-earned lessons learned in the field. He knows he will never forget these experiences, but he also knows it is time to close that door.

He shares these thoughts with Kendall, who comforts him by saying, "You will never lose these memories. They are part of who you are. But now you can build new stories, and I will be with you every step of the way."

The chapter ends with Gustavo and Kendall preparing for their trip to Brazil. They pack their bags with mixed emotions: anxiety, relief, and a slight excitement for what is to come. Gustavo knows that this retirement ceremony will be a significant milestone in his life, the end of one phase and the beginning of a new journey.

They are ready to meet João and Leila at the airport, and together, as a family, embark on the next chapter of Gustavo's life — now, with Kendall by his side, the person he knows will always be there to support him in whatever decision he makes.