Chapter 101-102-103

Chapter 101 - Landing in Brazil

Gustavo, Kendall, João and Leila disembark in Rio de Janeiro with mixed emotions in the air. For Gustavo, this is a moment of transition, where the past of a soldier dedicated to his country will be honored, and a new chapter alongside Kendall will begin. Feeling the warmth and familiarity of his homeland, he knows that this will be an emotional farewell to military service.

As he steps into the airport, Gustavo feels the weight of everything that is about to happen. Kendall, always by his side, holds his hand firmly, offering silent but present support. His parents, João and Leila, follow close behind, thrilled to see their son return to Brazil for such a significant moment.

During the ride to the hotel, conversations are light, but everyone feels the anticipation of the upcoming retirement ceremony. Gustavo tries not to think too much, but he knows that it will be a difficult farewell, especially because of all the memories and bonds he has built over the years as a special forces operator.

The next day, Gustavo heads to the Brazilian Army Special Operations Command, a place where so many missions began and where he has experienced moments of extreme importance. As he enters the facility, memories flood his mind of secret operations, intense training, and of the comrades he considers brothers.

He is greeted by the General who leads the Command, a man who has always greatly admired Gustavo. The General, aware of the visit, is already waiting for him with a respectful expression and a touch of sadness, aware of the reason for the visit.

"General, I am here because the time has come to end this cycle," Gustavo says in a firm but emotional voice. "I want to retire from active service for good. It is a decision I have been pondering for a long time, and now, with everything that is happening in my life, I feel that it is the right time."

The General, an experienced and battle-hardened man, listens attentively, letting Gustavo finish before answering.

"You deserve this new beginning, Gustavo," the General responds, in a respectful tone. "But I must say that, for us, your retirement will be a great loss. You were, without a doubt, one of the best operators I have ever had the privilege of seeing in action. Your precision, your leadership, your dedication are rare qualities."

Gustavo, touched by the words, simply nods, feeling the weight of years of work dedicated to the defense of the nation.

"I will prepare everything for your retirement ceremony," continues the General. "And I will make sure that everyone you have operated with is present. Your service to our country deserves to be celebrated in the right way. You were an exemplary soldier and this tribute will be more than deserved."

Emotional, Gustavo thanks the General and realizes that, although he has chosen the path of retirement, his legacy will live on with everyone he touched during his career. He knows that he is ending a phase of his life, but a new one, equally challenging and exciting, awaits him alongside Kendall.

Upon leaving the Command, Gustavo feels a mixture of relief and longing. He mentally prepares himself for what will come: a formal farewell to his service, a tribute to all he has achieved and, above all, a new beginning.

Upon returning to the hotel, Gustavo finds Kendall, who is waiting for him with a warm smile. He shares with her the General's words and the plan for the retirement ceremony. Kendall hugs him, aware of how much this moment means to him.

"You deserve this tribute, Gustavo," she says, looking him in the eyes. "And I will be by your side, whatever comes."

Together, they begin to plan the next few days in Brazil, enjoying time with Gustavo's parents and preparing for the retirement ceremony, which will mark the end of an era for him.

The chapter ends with Gustavo feeling more prepared than ever for what is to come—both the farewell to the special forces and the beginning of a new life with Kendall.

Chapter 102 - Media Confusion and Speculation

The arrival of Gustavo, Kendall Jenner and their parents in Brazil did not go unnoticed. Soon after landing at the Rio de Janeiro airport, several photos of the couple and their family were taken by paparazzi and quickly spread across social media and media headlines.

As soon as the photos began to circulate, Gustavo and Kendall's fans, as well as the press, began to speculate about the reason for the visit to Brazil. Kendall's presence alongside Gustavo drew even more attention, as it was the supermodel's first time visiting the country. The photos showed the couple relaxed, smiling as they walked through the airport with João and Leila. Kendall, who seemed at ease with Gustavo's family, was seen exchanging smiles and affection with him the entire time.

The media, always attentive to details, began to question the purpose of the visit. Some suggested that it could be a vacation trip, while others began to speculate that something bigger was in the works, especially since Gustavo had been away from Brazil for some time, busy with his Hollywood career.

Some journalistic sources, more informed about Gustavo's military past, raised the hypothesis that his trip to Brazil was related to his possible retirement. The connection between the presence of his family, including Kendall, and the fact that Gustavo had served for so many years in the Brazilian Armed Forces, led media outlets to speculate that he was returning to officially end his military career. However, no official confirmation was given, and Gustavo remained silent on the matter.

For Kendall, this was her first time in Brazil, which also caused a great deal of commotion on social media. The model's fans were excited about her arrival in the country, and many began commenting on the style and clothes she wore upon landing. Some even wondered if the trip could be connected to a fashion campaign or special event, considering her successful career in the fashion world.

Gossip sites and fan clubs began to theorize about what could be bringing Kendall to Brazil beyond her relationship with Gustavo. But while everyone else speculated, the couple and Gustavo's parents kept a low profile, enjoying their first moments in the country in private.

On Instagram, Twitter and other platforms, Gustavo and Kendall's names began to trend, with hashtags such as #KendallNoBrasil, #GustavoEJornalismo and #KendallEGustavoAeroporto quickly appearing in the trending topics. Several Brazilian fans began posting welcome messages for Kendall, praising her appearance alongside Gustavo.

At the same time, many of Gustavo's fans showed curiosity and support. Theories about his retirement multiplied, and while some lamented the idea of ​​seeing him leave the Army, others encouraged him to move on and enjoy this new phase of his life alongside Kendall.

While the public discussed and speculated about the true reason for the trip, Gustavo, Kendall, João and Leila prepared for the coming days, which would be filled with emotion. Gustavo knew that he would soon be the center of a significant tribute for all he had done in service to Brazil, and that his decision to retire would mark the beginning of a new life with Kendall.

Chapter 103 - The Brothers in Arms' Reaction

After the meeting with the General, in which Gustavo formalized his intention to retire permanently, the General decided it was time to inform the base about the retirement of one of the most valuable operators the unit has ever had.

The next morning, the General gathered the operators and soldiers who had served with Gustavo over the years. The atmosphere at the base was one of curiosity, since few knew the reason for the call-up, but there was a mixture of respect and apprehension in the air. Everyone was aware that something important was about to be announced.

When the General began to speak, he mentioned the pride the nation had in each of those present, and then got straight to the point: Gustavo had decided to retire to begin a new phase in his life. The General's words echoed in the room, and the impact was immediate.

Many of Gustavo's brothers in arms, who knew him from arduous missions and days of intensive training, felt a mixture of surprise and sadness. Gustavo, one of the most respected operators, was always on the front lines, whether in high-risk operations or in the most secret missions. He was admired not only for his skill, but also for his leadership and the way he kept the team together, even in the most difficult moments.

The younger soldiers, who looked up to Gustavo as an example of courage and determination, were stunned. Many had never imagined that he would leave active service. There was a sense that an era was coming to an end, especially for those under his tutelage. He was an inspiration, someone everyone could trust.

Among those who heard the announcement were the operators who had participated in Gustavo's most important missions. Some of them had served alongside him on top-secret missions around the world and in combat in dangerous territories. These close comrades knew how much Gustavo had sacrificed for the country and the team.

There was an exchange of glances between these brothers in arms. For them, Gustavo's retirement represented a personal and professional loss. They knew he deserved the break, but the idea of ​​not having their leader with them on future missions was hard to accept. But more than anything, they knew how much Gustavo had given of himself, often beyond his limits, and they respected him even more for his decision to move on.

After the announcement, many approached the General to learn more details, while others went to the training ground, silently processing the news. Their respect for Gustavo made them understand that he deserved this new phase, but the void he would leave would be felt by all.

Some of the operators began to reminisce about Gustavo, telling the rookies about his combat skills, his leadership under enemy fire, and his quirky sense of humor that always eased the tension in the darkest moments. The room was filled with laughter and shared memories, a true tribute to the impact he had left on each of his comrades.

Despite the sadness, the unanimous response was one of total support. Everyone knew that Gustavo was entering a new phase in his life, and that this phase involved not only his Hollywood career, but also his relationship with Kendall Jenner and his desire to leave behind the traumas and challenges of military service.

Some soldiers and officers close to Gustavo planned to pay him a special tribute, something that would go beyond the formal event that the General was organizing. They wanted to show him, on a personal level, how much his leadership and friendship had meant to each of them.

As Gustavo mentally prepared himself for this new cycle, his brothers in arms began to make their own preparations for the tribute. They knew that Gustavo would always be part of their brotherhood, even in retirement, and they wanted to make sure he knew how much he was valued by all.

The chapter ends with Gustavo reflecting on the bonds forged during his years of service, the moments of camaraderie, risk, and victory. He knew that he was leaving a legacy and that, even in retirement, his spirit would always be present in the operations and in the hearts of those who fought alongside him.

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