Chapter 113-114-115

Chapter 113 - Interview on the Podcast

Gustavo arrives at the recording studio for the Shawn Ryan Podcast. He is warmly welcomed by Shawn Ryan, who is looking forward to the recording.

Shawn Ryan: "Gustavo! It's great to see you again. I remember the missions we did together. What year was it again and what operation?"

Gustavo: "It was in 2010, on a hostage rescue operation in a combat zone. It was a complicated mission, but we managed to complete the objective."

The recording begins and Shawn begins the interview with questions about Gustavo's childhood.

Shawn Ryan: "Let's start from the beginning. Tell us a little about your childhood in Brazil."

Gustavo: "I grew up in a favela in Rio de Janeiro. It was a difficult childhood, marked by many hardships and challenges. Life was not easy, but I learned to be resilient."

Shawn pauses, listening attentively before continuing with the next question.

Shawn Ryan: "What motivated you to join the military and how was that transition?"

Gustavo: "My father was in the military, and I admired his work since I was a child. I also always liked action movies, which inspired me even more. I entered AMAN, the Agulhas Negras Military Academy, and then went on to join the commandos. It was a challenging but rewarding path."

Shawn asks questions about Gustavo's military career and experiences.

Shawn Ryan: "What was your final rank in the special forces and what was the training like?"

Gustavo: "I reached the rank of captain. The training was extremely rigorous. I remember we started with 12 candidates and only 4 managed to complete it. The hardest part was the evasion, survival, escape and torture training. It took a lot out of us."

Shawn is interested in Gustavo's international collaborations.

Shawn Ryan: "Which special forces around the world have you trained or operated with?"

Gustavo: "I worked with the Green Berets, Delta Force, Mossad, GSG9, DGSE, DEVGRU, among others. It was an enriching experience."

Shawn touches on a more sensitive topic about Gustavo's departure from the military.

Shawn Ryan: "You mentioned that you decided to leave the military. What motivated that decision?"

Gustavo: "The missions were becoming increasingly demanding, both physically and mentally. In a moment of desperation, I had a serious episode. During one night, I had many nightmares and, unable to bear it any longer, I put my service weapon in my mouth. I don't know what exactly happened, but it seemed like I didn't have the strength to pull the trigger."

Shawn is visibly emotional, but maintains his composure.

Shawn Ryan: "That's profound and courageous. It's hard to hear that. How did you deal with that situation?"

Gustavo: "I sought professional help, and that was essential to my recovery. It's crucial to seek help when you're facing these challenges."

Shawn asks about Gustavo's transition to Hollywood.

Shawn Ryan: "How did you find your way to Hollywood?"

Gustavo: "After everything I've been through, I wanted a fresh start. That's when my agent got a call from a director from the movie 'The Gray Man,' who was looking for someone with military training for the role of Sierra 6. I took the chance and ended up getting the part."

Shawn concludes the interview with thanks and reflections.

Shawn Ryan: "Gustavo, it was a pleasure to have you here. Your story is inspiring and your courage is admirable. Thank you for sharing all of this with us."

Gustavo: "Thank you, Shawn. I really appreciate the opportunity to be here and I hope my story can help others."

Shawn turns off the microphones and they both stand up, exchanging a firm handshake and a smile of gratitude.

After the recording, Gustavo and Shawn talk briefly about the experience.

Shawn Ryan: "It was a powerful interview, Gustavo. I appreciate your honesty and openness."

Gustavo: "Thank you, Shawn. Talking about this was a challenge, but I hope it can make a difference."

Chapter 114 - Interview Repercussions

Gustavo's interview on the Shawn Ryan Podcast generates a wave of shock and surprise. News spreads quickly around the world, with headlines highlighting Gustavo's revelation about his suicide attempt and his struggle with mental health.

Jornal do Brasil: "Exclusive: Gustavo Almeida reveals suicide attempt in emotional interview. The courage to talk about mental health."

Globo: "What is behind Gustavo Almeida's courage? Interview reveals the harsh reality of mental health among military personnel."

BBC: "Brazilian veteran Gustavo Almeida opens up about suicide attempt in podcast with Shawn Ryan. An essential conversation about mental health."

CNN: "Gustavo Almeida, former military man and actor, addresses deep mental health issues. The importance of seeking help."

The general public shows a mixed response of shock and support. Many express admiration for Gustavo's courage, while others reflect on the importance of the topic addressed.

Social Media: Twitter and Instagram are flooded with posts praising Gustavo for his openness. Hashtags like #CourageGustavo and #MentalHealthVeterans are trending.

Veterans Organizations:

Veterans United: "We thank Gustavo Almeida for his bravery in sharing his story. It reminds us of the importance of providing support and resources for veterans struggling with mental health issues."

International Veterans Association: "Gustavo's experience highlights the urgent need for better psychological support for veterans. We are collaborating with experts to create more support programs."

The backlash has led to a series of interviews and discussions about the importance of mental health for veterans. Gustavo finds himself at the center of a movement to raise awareness and improve available resources.

Interview with Gustavo: Gustavo participates in interviews with various media outlets to discuss the impact of his disclosure and how he hopes it will inspire others to seek help.

Gustavo: "I didn't expect my story to cause such a stir, but I hope it helps break the stigma around mental health and encourages more people to talk about their struggles."

As awareness grows, a number of initiatives and events are organized to support veterans and promote mental health.

Veterans Support Event: A large event is organized to raise funds and provide resources for veterans' mental health. Gustavo is invited to be one of the keynote speakers.

Awareness Campaign: A new campaign is launched with the support of celebrities and organizations to educate about the signs of mental health issues and the resources available to help.

Chapter 115 - Gustavo's Parents' Reaction

João and Leila, Gustavo's parents, are in the apartment Gustavo bought for them in Los Angeles. They have just watched Gustavo's interview on the Shawn Ryan Podcast and are visibly emotional and shocked.

Leila: (With tears in her eyes) "João, did you see that? Gustavo... He went through so much pain and never told us anything."

João: (Sitting on the couch, with his head down) "I can't believe it. He was always so strong. I never imagined he would be facing something like this on his own."

After the initial impact of the interview, João and Leila meet with Gustavo for a deep and emotional conversation. They want to understand more about what he went through and offer their support.

João: (Hugging Gustavo) "Son, why didn't you tell us? We are here for you, we always have been."

Gustavo: (Settling into the couch, looking tired) "I wanted to protect you. I thought you would worry too much. I was struggling with this alone, trying to find a way to deal with everything."

Leila: (Holding Gustavo's hand) "You didn't have to go through this alone. We are your parents, and what we want most is for you to be well. It's hard to hear this right now, but we are here to support you in everything."

The conversation continues with João and Leila reflecting on the situation and expressing their unconditional support. They discuss how they can help Gustavo continue his recovery process and deal with the emotional impact of the revelation.

João: "We will seek therapy for you, if you need it. And also for us, so we can better understand how to help."

Leila: "We will spend more time together, supporting you in any way we need. No matter what happens, you have our full attention and love."

The dialogue between Gustavo and his parents strengthens their family bonds. The conversation helps open a new chapter in Gustavo's life, where he feels closer to his parents and more supported in his journey.

Gustavo: "I feel that, after this interview, somehow I feel lighter. And it's thanks to your support. I don't know how to thank you."

Leila: "There's nothing to thank you for, my dear. You've always been an incredible son. We're just doing what any parent would do."

João: "Exactly. And remember, it's never too late to seek help and rebuild. We're here for whatever you need."

Gustavo: (Smiling slightly) "Thank you for being by my side. Let's move forward, step by step."

Leila and João: "Together, always."