Chapter 116-117-118

Chapter 116 - Kendall's Family Reacts

Kendall's family, including her mother Kris and sisters Kylie, Kim, Kourtney and Khloe, watch Gustavo's interview on the Shawn Ryan Podcast. Their reactions are a mix of shock, empathy and support.

Kris, Kim, Kylie, Kourtney and Khloe watching the interview:

• Kris: (Tearfully watching the interview) "I knew Gustavo had been through a lot, but I never imagined how deep his pain was. I'm so proud of his courage to talk about this."

• Kim: (Holding Kris's hand) "It's such a difficult situation. I think his strength in sharing this will help a lot of people."

• Khloe: "Yes, his courage to open up about this is admirable. And it's so important that he's getting support right now."

• Kylie: (With a worried expression) "It's painful to see what he's been through, but I'm glad he's getting help and support." After the interview, Kendall's family gathers to discuss their reactions and how they can support Kendall and Gustavo on their journey. The conversation is filled with emotion and concern.

• Kris: "I want Kendall to know that I'm here for her, and I'm here for Gustavo. It's so important that they feel loved and supported."

• Kim: "Kris, you're right. We're going to make sure Kendall gets all the emotional support she needs. And we need to support Gustavo in any way we can."

• Kourtney: "I agree. We need to let Kendall and Gustavo know that we're here for them. We can set up a meeting with a specialist to make sure they have all the support they need."

• Khloe: "I'm going to make sure Kendall knows how much her family is there for her. And I can also help plan something special so that Gustavo feels our support."

Kendall talks to her family about the interview and the emotional impact it had on her. She expresses her concerns and gratitude for her family's support. • Kendall: (In a vulnerable tone) "I feel relieved that Gustavo has spoken out, but I'm also concerned about everything he's been through. Sometimes I feel like I don't know how to help."

• Kris: "Kendall, the most important thing is that you're there for him. Your love and support are what matters most. And if you need help coping, we're here for you, too."

• Kim: "It's okay to feel overwhelmed, but remember that you're not alone. We're going to get through this together."

• Kendall's family decides to plan concrete actions to support both Kendall and Gustavo. They discuss ways they can be there and help Gustavo through his recovery.

• Kris: "We're going to set up a meeting with a mental health therapist to discuss how we can best support Gustavo and Kendall."

• Kim: "And we can also plan a family meeting so that Gustavo feels welcomed and included in our family."

• Kourtney: "We can create a support group to share experiences and help each other through this time." The chapter ends with a sense of unity and determination. Kendall's family is committed to providing continued, loving support to Kendall and Gustavo.

• Kendall: "Thank you, Mom, Kim, Kylie, Kourtney, and Khloe. I feel like I can get through this knowing I have my family by my side."

• Kris: "We'll always be here for you, Kendall. And for Gustavo, too. Together, we'll get through this."

Chapter 117 - Gustavo's Combat Comrades

Gustavo's interview on the Shawn Ryan Podcast becomes a widely discussed topic in Brazil as well. His former combat comrades, who served with him in the Brazilian Special Forces, are among the first to react.

Gustavo's former comrades, including his former commanders and close friends, gather to watch the interview. The room is filled with photos of past operations and medals of honor. • Captain Silva (Gustavo's former commander): (Watching with a serious expression) "I never imagined he would be going through this. Gustavo has always been one of the strongest among us. His courage to talk about this is admirable."

• Sergeant Oliveira: "Yes, he has always been a natural leader. It is a shock to know how much he suffered in silence. We must show our support now that he has had the courage to open up."

• Private Andrade: "I knew he was struggling, but hearing this publicly is a reminder that even the strongest can need help."

After watching the interview, the group decides that they need to show their support for Gustavo in a concrete way. They plan an action to demonstrate their affection and solidarity.

• Captain Silva: "Let's organize a message of support for him. No matter how far away he is, we need to let him know that we are here for him."

• Sergeant Oliveira: "I agree. And we can also plan a virtual meeting to show that we are still united as a team. Gustavo has always been a pillar for us."

• Captain Silva: (On camera) "Gustavo, we are all deeply touched by your interview. Your courage in sharing your story is an example for all of us. Know that we are here for you, always."

• Sergeant Oliveira: "You have been and will always be a source of inspiration to us. If you need anything, we are just a phone call away."

• Private Andrade: "We are proud to have served alongside you. Your strength and resilience are admired by all of us."

The former comrades organize a virtual meeting with Gustavo to offer in-person support and discuss the possibility of promoting initiatives related to veterans' mental health.

• Captain Silva: (During the virtual meeting) "Gustavo, our team is more united than ever. We want to work together to promote awareness about mental health and ensure that other veterans receive the support they need."

• Sergeant Oliveira: "We can use our experience to help develop support and training programs for veterans, inspired by their story."

• Gustavo: (Grateful and emotional) "I thank all of you for being here and for all your support. It means a lot to me and gives me the strength to keep fighting."

The group decides to get involved in awareness and support campaigns for veterans, promoting events and resources that help combat the stigma surrounding mental health.

• Captain Silva: "We are going to start working on a project to help other veterans. If Gustavo can talk about it openly, we can use that visibility to make a difference."

• Sergeant Oliveira: "We can collaborate with veterans' organizations to create psychological support programs and workshops for those who need it."

Chapter 118 - Mental Health Talk

Following the success and impact of Gustavo's interview on the Shawn Ryan Podcast, he is invited to be the keynote speaker at a major mental health talk for veterans. The talk is hosted by a renowned charity that promotes veteran well-being and mental health awareness.

Location: Mental Health Charity Office

Talk Organizer: "Gustavo, your interview has touched so many lives and brought a huge focus to the importance of mental health. We would love for you to be the keynote speaker at our upcoming mental health conference. You can share your story and help inspire others to seek help."

Gustavo: "I would be happy to accept. I believe it is essential for more people to know that they are not alone and that help is available."

Gustavo begins preparing for the talk, reviewing his notes and rehearsing his speech. He reflects on his journey and the impact he wants to make with his words. Location: Gustavo's Office

Gustavo: (Speaking to himself) "I need to make sure my message is clear and impactful. I want people to feel that there is hope and that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness."

The big day arrives, and Gustavo heads to the lecture venue. He is greeted by a crowd of veterans, family members, and mental health professionals.

Location: Institution Auditorium

Lecture Organizer: (To audience) "Today we are pleased to welcome Gustavo, a veteran and an example of courage and resilience. He will share his personal experience and give us insights into how to get help for mental health."

Gustavo takes the stage and addresses the audience with confidence and sincerity.

Gustavo: (On stage) "Good morning everyone. I'm here to talk about something that affects so many of us, but is often kept quiet: mental health. In my case, my journey has not been easy. I have gone through moments of great suffering and at one point, I almost lost my life. It was a moment when I felt like I didn't have the strength to continue."

He pauses for a breath, watching the audience react.

Gustavo: "What I've learned is that when facing these challenges, the most important thing is to recognize that we need help. It's not a sign of weakness, but of courage. Help is available, and it's crucial to seek support when we need it."

Gustavo shares details about how he sought help, the positive impact it had on his life, and the different options available to those struggling with mental health issues.

Gustavo: "I want everyone to know that there are resources and professionals ready to help. Through therapy, support groups, and other resources, you can find a path to healing and a more balanced life."

After the talk, Gustavo answers questions from the audience, sharing more about his experience and offering advice on how to deal with mental health issues.

Veteran: "Gustavo, can you tell us more about your experience of seeking help? Was there anything that you found particularly helpful?"

Gustavo: "Yes, the support of a trained therapist was crucial for me. Also, participating in support groups helped me feel like I wasn't alone. Talking to others who had gone through similar experiences was very comforting."

The event ends with a sense of optimism and gratitude. Gustavo is praised for his courage and the clarity of his message.

Speaker Organizer: "Gustavo, we are deeply grateful for sharing your story and contributing to raising awareness about mental health. Your courage is an inspiration to us all."

Gustavo: "Thank you all. I hope that by sharing my experience, I can help make a difference in the lives of others. Remember, seeking help is an important and courageous step." After the talk, Gustavo reflects on the impact he made and feels more empowered in his mission to promote mental health and support other veterans.

Gustavo: (To himself) "Giving this talk was a challenge, but it was also a great opportunity to help others. I feel like I'm on the right path and that my story can really make a difference."

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