Chapter 122-123-124

Chapter 122 - Meeting and Confidences

Kendall arrives home after a day of work and finds Gustavo, Stormi, Aire and Kylie in the living room, watching a movie. She smiles at the cozy scene and heads over to them.

Kendall: (smiling) "Hi, guys! It looks like you're having fun."

Gustavo gets up and walks over to Kendall, giving her a kiss.

Gustavo: "Hi, honey. We were just relaxing and spending time together."

Kendall greets the kids and Kylie with warm hugs.

After greeting everyone, Kendall notices that Kylie seems a little calmer and asks Gustavo about what happened.

Kendall: "Is everything okay? Kylie didn't say she was coming, and you seemed involved with them."

Gustavo: (smiling) "Yeah, it's okay. Kylie needed someone to talk to, so I offered my help. But it's better if you talk to her to better understand the situation."

Kendall understands the situation and gives Gustavo a kiss, showing her affection. With an understanding look, Gustavo says goodbye to Kylie and the kids.

Gustavo: "It was a pleasure spending time with you. Kylie, if you need anything else, just let me know."

Kylie: "Thanks, Gu. I really appreciate your help."

Gustavo: "You're welcome. See you later."

Gustavo gives Kendall one last kiss and says goodbye before leaving the house.

After Gustavo leaves, Kendall and Kylie sit down for a private conversation. Kendall is worried about the situation and wants to know more about what happened.

Kendall: "So, Kylie, you seem to be calmer now. What happened?"

Kylie begins to explain the problems she had with Travis and how Gustavo was a crucial help. She talks about her worries and how she felt more relieved after talking to Gustavo.

Kylie: "Travis is not engaging with the kids and it was really affecting me. Gustavo was amazing, he listened to me and gave me advice. I felt like I could finally get it off my chest."

Kendall listens attentively and expresses her support for her sister, offering additional advice and reassuring her that she can count on her whenever she needs it.

Chapter 123 - Gratitude and Reconnection 

After Gustavo leaves, Kylie opens up to Kendall about the help she received and the feelings she experienced during her conversation with Gustavo.

Kylie: "Gustavo was really amazing today. He listened to me, gave me advice and was so kind and thoughtful. He even told me that he sees me as a little sister. I really feel like he is an angel in our lives."

Kendall: (smiling) "I already knew Gustavo was a wonderful person, but hearing that from you just reinforces how special he is. You are lucky to have someone so loving and understanding by your side."

Kendall and Kylie continue to talk, sharing thoughts and feelings. The conversation deepens the sisters' connection, and Kylie expresses her gratitude for Gustavo, highlighting the positive impact he has had on her life.

After a heartfelt and heartwarming conversation, Kylie says goodbye to Kendall, taking Stormi and Aire with her.

Kylie: "Thank you for listening and always being there for me. I'm going to miss you, but I'm glad I had this time to talk."

Kendall: "I appreciate it. And remember, whenever you need anything, I'm here for you."

Kylie gives Kendall a tight hug, says goodbye, and leaves with her children. Kendall watches her sister leave with a smile, feeling closer and more connected to her.

After Kylie leaves, Kendall heads to Gustavo's house. She goes inside, walks up to him, and kisses him affectionately.

Kendall: "I wanted to thank you for everything you did for my sister today. I knew you were amazing, but this just makes me admire you even more."

Gustavo: "I see Kylie as a little sister too. And I will continue to take care of her and the kids whenever I need it."

The two share an intimate and affectionate moment, recognizing the importance of supporting each other's families. The connection between them grows even stronger.

Kendall and Gustavo, with their hearts warmed by the conversation and the thanks, head to the bedroom. They settle into bed together, exchanging affection and preparing for a peaceful night's sleep.

Gustavo: "I love you, Kenny. And I will always do everything in my power to take care of your family."

Kendall: "I love you too, Gu. And I am grateful to have you in my life."

With that, they hug and relax, ready for a night of rest after a day full of emotions and reconnections.

Chapter 124 - Planning the Future Together 

After a peaceful night, Gustavo and Kendall wake up together and share a homemade breakfast. As they talk about their routines and what they've been up to in the past few days, the conversation naturally turns to their future as a couple.

Kendall: (smiling) "Have you noticed that we've been spending so much time at each other's houses that it's almost like we live together?"

Gustavo: (laughing) "Yes, it's true. Sometimes it feels like we're living between two houses. Maybe we should consider taking the next step."

Kendall: "I think you're right. We're ready for this. Maybe it's time for us to find a place of our own."

They both agree that they're ready to look for a house together, something that will mark this new chapter in their relationship. Gustavo holds Kendall's hand and speaks sincerely.

Gustavo: "I want us to find a place that's perfect for us, something that's our style. A safe, comfortable place where we can build our lives together."

Kendall: "I think about that too. I think it's time for us to take this step and find the ideal place for both of us. We can look for a real estate agent to help us."

They share a moment of excitement, aware of the importance of this decision. They both feel closer and more confident about the future, ready for this new phase.

Later that day, Gustavo and Kendall begin researching real estate agents. They discuss the type of house they want: spacious, modern, with good outdoor areas and, above all, in a location with plenty of security and privacy.

Gustavo: "I want it to be a place where we can have our quiet moments, away from prying eyes, but at the same time comfortable for when your family comes to visit us."

Kendall: "Yes, and I also want something with a peaceful vibe, where we can feel connected to nature. Maybe something with a sea view?"

The excitement grows as they begin to imagine their lives in their future home.

With some real estate agents already in mind, Kendall and Gustavo arrange to visit the houses in the next few days. They both feel excited about the idea of ​​starting to look and decide together on the best place.

Kendall: "I can't wait to see the options. I'm sure we'll find something that makes us feel like it's our home."

Gustavo: "And it will be our home. A place to start a new story together."

With that, they seal the conversation with a kiss, ready to start this new journey in their relationship, hand in hand and with their hearts full of positive expectations.