Chapter 125-126-127

Chapter 125 - The Dream House

Kendall and Gustavo meet with the realtor to visit the house that sparked their interest. It is located in a remote area of ​​Los Angeles, surrounded by nature and offering the tranquility they both desire. As they walk around the property, it is easy to see the excitement on their faces.

Realtor: "This lot is very spacious, just like you requested. The house has four bedrooms, a large outdoor area, a pool and an incredible view of the mountains."

Kendall and Gustavo exchange approving glances as they explore every corner of the house. The place offers total privacy, something that is essential to them.

As they walk around the property, Gustavo, who always has an eye for detail, comments on the security of the place.

Gustavo: "The house is perfect, but the security can always be improved. We will need to add some cameras and reinforce the entry points. I want us to feel 100% safe here."

Kendall agrees and appreciates the fact that Gustavo is always concerned about her and her family's well-being. This makes her feel even more confident in making this big decision with him.

Kendall: "I totally trust you to take care of this part. If you think we need to increase security, then let's do that."

As they explore the interior of the house, they both begin to imagine what it would be like to live there. Gustavo takes in the view from the large windows, while Kendall explores the outside area, thinking of all the possibilities to create a cozy and relaxing space for the two of them.

Kendall: (with a smile) "It's perfect. We can have some quiet time here, away from everything and everyone. I can imagine our friends and family coming to visit, and we still have space and privacy."

Gustavo: (looking around) "And it's the ideal place to be away from the media, like you said. No one will bother us here. I feel like this is our place."

By the end of the tour, they have practically made up their minds. Gustavo, with his strategic and practical outlook, is delighted with the possibilities of security and privacy, while Kendall is happy with the cozy and peaceful environment.

Kendall: "I think we found our home."

Gustavo: "Yes, this is the perfect place for us to start this new phase."

With the decision made, they say goodbye to the realtor, ready to begin the purchase process. As they drive back to Los Angeles, the feeling is one of pure happiness and fulfillment. They both know that this house represents more than a physical space, it is a symbol of love, partnership and the dreams they are building together.

On the way back, Gustavo holds Kendall's hand and, with a calm smile, says:

Gustavo: "I can't wait for us to start this new phase. We have a lot of great things ahead of us."

Kendall smiles and rests her head on his shoulder, feeling completely at peace. Now, they have a place to call home, where they can live their lives together with more freedom and privacy, ready for whatever the future holds.

With their new home in sight, the next chapter of their lives is about to begin.

Chapter 126 - The Family Dinner

Gustavo and Kendall, after finalizing the purchase of their dream home for 12 million dollars, decide that it is the perfect time to bring their families closer together. They want everyone to get to know each other better and share the joy of this new phase. The dinner is organized at Kendall's house, and both dedicate themselves to the details so that the night is special.

Kendall: "I want everything to be perfect tonight. Our families will finally meet, and I want them to feel the connection we have."

Gustavo: "They will love it. Besides, we have some big news to tell you, don't we?"

They both smile, knowing that the announcement of the house and the hint about children will be the highlight of the night.

When the night arrives, the families begin to gather. Kendall's mother, Kris, and her sisters, Kim, Khloé, Kourtney, Kylie and Kendall, are present, in addition to all the children. On Gustavo's side, his mother Leila and other family members are also present.

The atmosphere is welcoming, and conversation flows naturally. The two families seem to get along well from the start, sharing laughs and stories.

Leila: "I've always heard so much about you. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. My son is so lucky to be by Kendall's side."

Kris: "And we are so lucky to have Gustavo in Kendall's life. He is an incredible man."

After everyone finishes dinner, Gustavo and Kendall exchange glances and decide it is the right time to share the news. Gustavo stands up, calls everyone's attention and begins to speak.

Gustavo: "We wanted to thank everyone for being here tonight. It is very important to us that our families are together. And since we are all together, we would like to share some news."

Everyone looks at us curiously. Kendall, next to Gustavo, holds his hand and finishes.

Kendall: "We bought a house! A place away from Los Angeles, where we can live more peacefully and enjoy our privacy. We thought it was the right time to take this step."

The families applaud, happy with the news, but Gustavo doesn't stop there.

Gustavo: "And of course, this house is not just for us. We are also thinking about the future, about our children... who will surely love the space they will have to play."

When they hear the mention of children, Kris and Leila, the mothers, are visibly moved. Kris, always dreaming about the future of her daughters, gets excited when she thinks about grandchildren.

Kris: "Grandchildren? Oh, my God, that's wonderful! I'm so happy for you!"

Leila also smiles, delighted with the idea of ​​being a grandmother.

Leila: "You will have all my support. And knowing that my grandchildren will grow up in such a special place fills me with joy."

Kendall's sisters, especially Kylie and Khloé, are thrilled with the news. They can already imagine the moments they will share with their nephews in the future.

Khloé: "Aunties again! I can't wait to see these babies running around."

Kylie: "You two are going to be amazing parents, I'm sure of it."

The dinner ends in an atmosphere of pure happiness. Gustavo and Kendall feel that they are on the right path, ready for the next step in their lives. The night was not only about bringing their families together, but about making a commitment to the future they are building together.

At the end of the dinner, Gustavo and Kendall exchange a knowing look, happy with their families' reactions and even more excited for what is to come. They both know that, with everyone's support and the love they feel for each other, they are prepared for the next challenges and joys of life as a couple.

With the house purchased and the future of their children mentioned, Gustavo and Kendall feel closer than ever, ready for this new phase and all the adventures it will bring.

Chapter 127 - The Celebration Barbecue

After the dinner that brought their families together and the exciting announcement about their future, Gustavo and Kendall decide to celebrate once again, this time in their new home. They plan a grand barbecue to introduce their new home and celebrate this new phase of their lives with their families.

Kendall: "I think a barbecue would be the perfect way to show off our home to everyone. And you, as a good Brazilian, can impress everyone with your skills."

Gustavo: "You can do it! I'll show them what a real Brazilian barbecue is. They'll love it."

With that, they start organizing the event, preparing everything carefully so that the celebration will be special.

On the day of the barbecue, Gustavo and Kendall's families arrive at the new home and are impressed with the place. The house, spacious and on a secluded lot, offers an incredible view, and everyone comments on how much the place reflects the lifestyle that Gustavo and Kendall so desired.

Kris: "This house is absolutely stunning! You guys made the perfect choice."

Leila: "You guys are really starting a new life here. I can't wait to see the grandkids running around in this yard!"

The kids are excited and happy for them, taking pictures and exploring the space.

Gustavo takes over the grill with confidence and passion. He starts preparing typical Brazilian barbecue meats, such as picanha, sausage, flank steak and chicken hearts. Meanwhile, Kendall makes sure everyone is comfortable and enjoying the moment.

Kendall (laughing):

"I already knew he was good, but I've never seen him this excited!"


"If the food is as good as it looks, I think we'll have to have barbecues here every weekend."

Gustavo interacts with everyone, explaining the traditions of Brazilian barbecue, from the cuts of meat to the correct way to prepare them. His family, familiar with the culture, supports and helps in the kitchen, while Kendall's family is amazed by the new addition.

When Gustavo starts serving the meats, everyone is impressed by the taste. The combination of spices, the perfect cooking of the meat and the passion with which he prepared everything won everyone's hearts and palates.

Kylie: "I've never had anything like this before. This is incredible!"

Kim: "Definitely the best barbecue I've ever had. I think we'll have to come here more often."

Kris: "Kendall, you've really found someone special. A man who knows how to cook like this deserves all our love!"

Gustavo, with a smile on his face, feels fulfilled when he sees that everyone is enjoying and praising his work. For him, it's a pleasure to share a little of his culture with his new family.

With the barbecue going perfectly, everyone continues to talk, laugh and enjoy the afternoon. Kendall and Gustavo spend time together, circulating between the families, and reinforcing the bonds they are building.

Gustavo: "I knew they would like it. There's no better celebration than this."

Kendall: "You rocked it, honey. They're loving it. I don't think they'll want to leave any time soon."

The celebration continues into the night, with music and lively conversation. Gustavo and Kendall enjoy the moment, happy to be surrounded by their families and certain that the future they are building will be full of love, unity and happiness.

At the end of the day, Gustavo and Kendall look around the table, happy and fulfilled. They know that they are ready for the next steps in their lives together and that they have the support of the most important people by their side.


"This is just the beginning. We have a whole life to share with all of them."


"And I couldn't be happier to be living it all with you."

With their new home, their family reunited and the future of having children mentioned, Kendall and Gustavo feel closer than ever, ready to face together all the adventures that the future will bring.

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