Chapter 128-129-130-131

Chapter 128 - Media Reaction

Days after the celebratory barbecue at their new home, Gustavo and Kendall begin to notice the growing media attention. Photographs of the house, details about its location and the news that the couple decided to live together made headlines.

Journalist 1: "Kendall Jenner and Gustavo Almeida make a big move by buying a house together! The couple, who have been together for a long time, seem to be more serious than ever, with plans for the future."

Journalist 2: "The property away from Los Angeles guarantees privacy for the couple, who seem to be tired of the constant pressure from the media. Sources say that the place is incredible, with high security and space for future children."

The media reaction was immediate, with television programs, gossip sites and social networks commenting on the new phase of Gustavo and Kendall's relationship.

While some media outlets celebrate the news and praise the couple's decision to seek privacy and security, others don't miss the chance to speculate about the next steps, including whether a wedding is in the offing or whether children are already in the immediate plans.

Gossip blog: "Are Gustavo and Kendall planning to make their union official? The purchase of the house is a clear sign that the relationship is stronger than ever."

Speculation intensifies on social media, with fans from both sides of Kendall's career and Gustavo's expressing their reactions, support and curiosity about the future.

Kendall and Gustavo, although accustomed to the attention, feel divided about the invasion of privacy. They knew that buying a house would attract some level of attention, but the fact that the media is already speculating about their future plans — including children — is something they are still learning to deal with together.

Kendall (reading an article): "Look at this, they're already talking about us having children... we haven't even been able to move properly!"

Gustavo (laughing): "The media never wastes time, right? But let them talk... we know what we want and when the right time will be."

Despite the rumors, the couple remains focused on enjoying their new home and their time together. Gustavo, ever protective, is already planning ways to ensure that their privacy continues to be preserved.

With the news spreading, some paparazzi try to take photos of the new home, but they soon realize that the security of the place is very tight. Gustavo had gone ahead and installed additional security systems, such as cameras and reinforced surveillance, ensuring that the place remained quiet and protected.

Photographer 1: "It's hard to get any angle of their house. It seems that Gustavo really cared about security."

Photographer 2: "It's going to be almost impossible to catch a picture here. We'll have to wait for another public event."

This difficulty only increases the media's fascination, but it also guarantees the peace that Gustavo and Kendall so desired.

On social media, the reactions from fans are mostly positive. Many congratulate the couple for choosing to remain private and highlight how happy they seem together.

A fan comment on Instagram: "They deserve this happiness away from the spotlight! Here's to the babies in the future!"

Another comment: "Kendall and Gustavo buying a house together is proof that this relationship is for real. I can't wait to see what comes next!"

Kendall posts a low-key post on Instagram, thanking her fans for their support and sharing a subtle photo of the new house, without many details. Gustavo also shares a picture, just of the barbecue with his families, with the caption: "Family comes first."

These posts quickly accumulate millions of likes, and comments continue to flood social media, but the couple remains firm in their decision to keep the focus on what really matters: their relationship and the future they are building together, away from the cameras.

Despite the media repercussion, Gustavo and Kendall continue with their plans undeterred. They decide to keep a low profile about what comes next, planning their lives calmly and enjoying the new phase of living together in their new home, away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the pressure of the media.

Kendall: "The media will keep talking, but we have control over how we're going to live our lives. And this here... our home... is just the beginning."

Gustavo: "Exactly. Let them speculate. What matters is that we're together and happy."

With this mindset, the couple remains strong, ready to face any challenge that fame or the media may bring, always focused on what really matters to them: love, family and a future built together.

Chapter 129 – The Paparazzi Invasion

It's dawn, and Gustavo and Kendall's house is completely silent. They're both sleeping soundly when, suddenly, the motion sensors and infrared cameras installed by Gustavo in the house pick up suspicious activity. A silent alert goes off on the security panel.

located in the master bedroom.

Silent alarm: Beep... beep... beep...

Gustavo wakes up immediately, trained to respond to situations like this, and realizes that something is wrong.

Gustavo (whispering to himself): "Damn... this is not normal."

He gets up quickly and, without hesitation, wakes Kendall with a light touch on her shoulder.

Gustavo (whispering): "Honey, wake up. We have a possible break-in."

Kendall, sleepily, sits up in bed, her eyes wide with concern mixing with confusion.

Kendall (scared): "What? What's going on?"

Gustavo (calm and determined): "The sensors detected movement. It could be a break-in. I need you to come with me now."

Gustavo takes Kendall's hand and quickly guides her to the security room he has set up in the house. The room, discreetly located in the basement, is equipped with monitors that display images from security cameras around the house, as well as thermal sensors that track movement.

Gustavo (decisive): "Stay here. Lock the door as soon as I leave. Don't open it for anyone but me, understand?"

Kendall, although scared, trusts Gustavo and his military experience. She watches him as he puts on a tactical vest, holsters a pistol, and readies a rifle.

Kendall (worried): "Are you sure you need to do this alone? What if it's dangerous?"

Gustavo looks at her with a reassuring smile as he adjusts his holster.

Gustavo (soft but firm): "I'm trained for this, Kendall. Trust me. I'll be back soon."

She takes a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves, and does as he asks, locking the door as soon as he leaves.

Gustavo moves through the house as if he's on a mission. He keeps his rifle in position, performing CQB (Close Quarters Battle) maneuvers with precision. Each room is searched meticulously, the house completely dark, but he doesn't need light – his vision is aided by thermal and infrared cameras.

As Gustavo advances, he approaches the garden. Through the cameras, he has already identified the intruders: three figures, who move stealthily through the shadows.

Gustavo (to himself, in a low voice): "Let's see what they want..."

He surprises them, pointing the rifle at the three invaders.

Gustavo (in a stern tone): "Stop where you are! You're invading private property. I'm armed. One wrong move and I'll shoot."

The intruders freeze. They didn't expect such a quick reaction and, above all, they didn't think that they shouldn't invade the home of a highly trained ex-military man. Two of them quickly raise their hands, while the third seems to be trying to hide the camera he was carrying.

Paparazzi 1 (desperate): "Please! Don't shoot! We're paparazzi! We just wanted to take some pictures!"

Gustavo (angry): "Pictures?! You broke into my house! What do you think you're doing?!"

The fear on the paparazzi's faces is evident. They begin to realize the grave mistake they've made.

Paparazzi 2 (trembling): "We... we didn't know... we thought it was just another celebrity's house..."

Gustavo (interrupting, furious): "You broke into a military man's house. If that wasn't illegal, it would be stupid. Now, stay still. The police are on their way."

Minutes later, the police arrive at the property. Gustavo lowers his gun and informs the officers of what happened, explaining that the three intruders are paparazzi.

Police officer (to Gustavo): "Good job keeping calm, sir. We're going to take them in. Do you want to file a police report?"

Gustavo (still serious): "Yes, and I want a restraining order against these guys. They broke into my house, and this is not going to stand."

The police detain the paparazzi, who continue to apologize and beg not to be arrested, but Gustavo remains firm. After filling out the necessary paperwork, he watches as the three are led away.

Police officer (to Gustavo):

"Anything else, just call us."


"Thanks. I hope I don't need it."

Gustavo returns to the security room, where Kendall was anxiously waiting for him. She runs to him as soon as he enters, relieved to see him safe and sound.

Kendall (hugging him):

"Are you okay? What happened? Who were they?"

Gustavo (calmly, stroking his hair):

"They were just paparazzi. Idiots who don't know how to respect privacy. The police have already taken care of this."

Kendall, now relieved, sighs deeply and looks at Gustavo. Kendall (angry): "I can't believe they broke into our house! This is going too far!"

Gustavo (reassuring her): "I know. Tomorrow we'll deal with this more seriously. For now, it's okay. I'm here, and no one will hurt you or invade our space again."

He kisses her gently on the forehead, and she smiles, although still frustrated with the situation.

Kendall: "I just wish we could live in peace, without our every move being watched..."

Gustavo: "We'll get this done. We'll figure it out. Today you're safe, and that's what matters."

Gustavo and Kendall head back to the bedroom, the adrenaline slowly fading. They lie down on the bed together, and Kendall cuddles into Gustavo's arms, feeling protected.

Kendall (whispering): "I don't know what I'd do without you..."

Gustavo (smiling): "You'll never have to find out."

They slowly fall asleep, trusting that despite the media intrusions and the stress it brings, together they can face anything. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, but tonight, at least, they have the security of each other.

And so, the house, which should be a peaceful haven, becomes yet another proof of the love and protection Gustavo offers Kendall. They know the paparazzi will keep trying, but they also know they are prepared to deal with any situation together.

Chapter 130 – The Leaked Footage

Following the incident at Gustavo and Kendall's home, one of the paparazzi managed to escape with a video of what happened during the break-in. The footage is quickly circulated by various gossip sites and social media, showing Gustavo in his security room, wearing a tactical vest and armed with a rifle.

The footage shows Gustavo announcing his presence and his willingness to use force if necessary, followed by him calling the police and ordering the intruders to be removed from his property.

As soon as the footage starts circulating, the media goes into a frenzy. News channels, gossip sites, and social media are full of speculation and reactions about the incident. Some headlines are:

Headline 1: "Paparazzi Raid Celebrity's Home and Find Armed Ex-Military Man – Watch the Video!"

Headline 2: "Gustavo Almeida Shows Off His Combat Skills in Homemade Movie – Media and Police React!"

The TV presenters and commentators begin to discuss the incident with enthusiasm.

TV Presenter 1: "So it seems that Gustavo Almeida is not only a former military man, but also a fierce defender of his privacy. He reacted quite decisively when the paparazzi invaded his home."

Commentator 1: "He was fully prepared. What is impressive is how quickly he dealt with the situation. But this is something that really makes you think about the limits of invasion of privacy."

Commentator 2: "Of course, there is also the issue of the police being called and the police report. Gustavo did the right thing, but it also raises questions about how invasive the press can be."

Gustavo's phone begins to ring with messages and calls of support and questions from various friends and family. Kendall is next to him, and the mood in the house is a mix of frustration and relief.

Kendall (taking a call): "Hello? Yes, we are fine. It was a complicated situation, but it is now resolved."

Gustavo (calling a friend): "Yes, I know the footage was leaked. No, we're not hurt. We're just upset about the break-in and the exposure. We'll get this sorted out."

Gustavo and Kendall are called to a meeting with the police officers who handled the case to discuss next steps. They meet at the police station office, where the chief of police greets them.

Chief of Police: "Mr. Almeida, Ms. Jenner, I'm so sorry this happened. The footage was leaked, and we're aware that it brought more unwanted attention to you. We're working to track down the source of the leak and make sure these people are held accountable."

Gustavo: "I appreciate your support. I just want this to stop for good. The house should be a safe haven, not a target."

Chief of Police: "We understand. We'll make sure additional security measures are in place. If you need any further assistance, please let us know."

Back at their home, Gustavo and Kendall discuss what happened and how they can move forward. Sitting in the living room, Gustavo tries to calm Kendall, who is visibly stressed.

Kendall (frustrated): "I can't believe this is happening. They're showing the video to everyone."

Gustavo (sighing): "I know, sweetie. This is a nightmare. But we need to stay strong and focus on resolving this situation. The media may be all over us right now, but we have control over our security."

Kendall: "What about the restraining order? Will that really help?"

Gustavo: "Yes, it's an important step. We'll make sure they're held accountable. And we'll beef up our security if necessary. We can't let this affect us any more than it already has."

Gustavo decides to do a complete overhaul of the home's security system, adding new sensors and increasing the protection around the property. He also talks to a private security company to install additional patrols.

Security Technician: "Mr. Almeida, we're going to add additional cameras and a rapid response system. We want to make sure your property is as safe as possible."

Gustavo: "I appreciate it. And please keep this as low-key as possible."

Gustavo and Kendall, though shaken, find themselves in a moment of reflection. They realize that despite the hardships, they are together and strong.

Kendall (with a sad smile): "I just hope this passes soon and we can have some peace."

Gustavo (holding her hand): "We'll get through this. We're going through this together, and that's how we'll get through it."

They embrace, finding comfort in each other as they face the next challenge life throws at them. The experience, though painful, strengthens their resolve to protect what they have and ensure a peaceful future together.

Chapter 131 – Gustavo Faces the Media

Following the tumultuous episode involving the invasion of his home, Gustavo decides to take a proactive approach to confront the media and reinforce his family's security. He makes his Instagram profile public, a strategic move to communicate directly with the public and clarify his position.

Gustavo (in a live video on Instagram): "Hi, everyone. I'm Gustavo Almeida, and many of you may have heard about what recently happened to my family and I. I decided to make my profile public so that I can speak directly to you and set the record straight."

Gustavo, with a neutral background and a firm posture, records an explanatory video. He is dressed casually, but his tone is serious and resolute. The camera is set to capture his face well and convey a sense of sincerity.

Gustavo: "Recently, we had a very worrying situation where paparazzi invaded our home. I want to make it clear that we do not tolerate this type of invasion. If more people try to do the same, we will not hesitate to use all necessary means to ensure our safety."

He pauses, making sure his words are impactful.

Gustavo: "As a former military man, it is my duty to protect my family, and I will use all the knowledge I have acquired to keep our home safe. Our privacy is important, and we will not accept any more invasions. I appreciate everyone's support and hope we can move forward with some peace."

Gustavo's video quickly goes viral. He begins to gain millions of followers on Instagram, including several celebrities and influencers. The repercussion on social media is intense.

Followers' Comment: "Gustavo, we are with you! I am glad you are taking measures to protect your family. Stay strong!"

With the increased public attention, Gustavo further reinforces the security of his home. New surveillance systems are installed and a private security company is hired to carry out regular patrols.

Security Technician: "We have added more cameras and sensors at strategic points around the property. Security is now even more robust."

Gustavo: "Perfect. I wanted to make sure nothing goes unnoticed. I appreciate the quick response."

Kendall watches the video get a lot of attention and feels relieved and proud of how Gustavo handled the situation. They meet in the living room to discuss the next step.

Kendall: "You did an amazing job with the video. The support you're getting is overwhelming."

Gustavo: "Yes, I'm happy with the positive response. But the most important thing is that we can now feel a little safer."

With new safety measures in place and Gustavo's profile growing, he and Kendall are trying to get back to a more normal routine. They go on low-key outings and avoid media attention whenever possible, trying to find a balance between their personal lives and the public eye.

Gustavo (on the phone to a friend): "We're doing well. Trying to find a balance between the public eye and our personal lives. I appreciate everyone's support."

Kendall (to Gustavo): "Let's enjoy every moment together and focus on what really matters. We're getting through this and coming out stronger."

They hold each other close, finding comfort in each other's company as they navigate the changes in their lives. The situation, while challenging, has strengthened their relationship and renewed their commitment to safety and privacy.

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