Chapter 141-142-143

Chapter 141 – Training and Production Begins

After weeks of intense training, Gustavo and the consultants are pleased with the cast's progress. They review the last training sessions and prepare for the start of filming.

Gustavo: "Everyone did an incredible job. The training was intense, but you showed dedication and skill. Now it's time to show the world what we've learned."

The consultants also express their satisfaction with the work done.

Consultant 1: "The cast is ready. I'm impressed with how they've adapted to the techniques and simulations."

The series' production begins filming scenes, and Gustavo is present to ensure that everything is portrayed accurately. He watches the recordings with a keen eye and provides feedback to ensure the authenticity of the scenes.

Globo Director: "Gustavo, we can't wait to see the final result. Your contribution was fundamental to making this series what it is."

Gustavo: "I'm excited to see how it all comes together. The cast did an exceptional job, and I am sure the series will be a success."

Scene 3: Announcement on Social Media

After filming is complete, TV Globo announces the launch of the series on social media. They highlight the authenticity of the operations portrayed and Gustavo's role as a tactical consultant.

Post from TV Globo: "We are excited to announce that our new series, Arcanjo Renegado, will soon be available on Globo Play! The series brings a realistic view of BOPE operations, with the help of Gustavo Almeida, a veteran of special operations. Stay tuned for the premiere!"

TV Globo also announces that there will be a special premiere of some episodes at a famous event hall in Rio de Janeiro. The city is buzzing with the news, and the event promises to be a great event.

Post from TV Globo: "Don't miss the exclusive premiere of Arcanjo Renegado at the event hall in Rio de Janeiro! The series will begin with a premiere of some episodes, and it will be a night of celebration with the presence of everyone involved in the production."

Gustavo and the cast prepare for the premiere event. They gather to discuss the details of the night and to make sure everything is perfect.

Gustavo: "We're almost there. It's time to show the audience all our hard work. I can't wait to see their reactions."

Actor Marcelo Mello Jr.: "Me too. It'll be great to see the series come to life and receive the recognition it deserves."

With the premiere approaching, there is great anticipation among both the crew and fans. The city is in a festive mood, and the event promises to be an unforgettable night.

Gustavo (thinking): "All the hard work and dedication paid off. I can't wait to see the audience's reaction and hear their feedback."

The episode ends with a sense of anticipation and excitement for the series' big premiere, with everyone looking forward to what's to come.

Chapter 142 – Premiere of Arcanjo Renegado

The famous event hall in Rio de Janeiro is in full preparation for the grand premiere of the series Arcanjo Renegado. The city is buzzing with anticipation and the atmosphere is one of great anticipation. The lights are shining, the red carpet is rolled out, and the production team is busy making sure everything is perfect for the evening.

Gustavo arrives at the event in a spectacular suit that highlights his imposing presence and well-defined muscles. Gustavo's entrance is marked by camera flashes and murmurs of admiration from the audience. He is warmly welcomed by the organizers and the series crew.

Reporter: "Gustavo, how does it feel to be back in Brazil for the premiere of Arcanjo Renegado?"

Gustavo: "It's an incredible feeling. I've missed Brazil a lot and I'm very proud to have contributed to a series that shows the true essence of BOPE, a team with which I've had the privilege of working on several missions. It's a great moment for all of us."

Gustavo gives a few interviews, answering questions about his experience with BOPE, the work he did on the series, and what it was like to create something that celebrates the courage and sacrifice of special operations members.

Gustavo: "It was an exciting challenge to bring the authenticity of BOPE operations to the screen. I worked with an incredible team and we can't wait for everyone to see the results of our efforts."

The premiere begins with an opening cocktail party, where guests meet and mingle. Then, everyone heads to the screening room, where the episodes of the series will be shown. The audience is eager and the room is packed with critics, press, and enthusiasts.

The episodes are shown and the audience reacts enthusiastically. The action scenes and realistic depictions of BOPE operations are well received. The reactions are positive, and the work of Gustavo and the team is praised for its authenticity and emotional impact.

After the screening, Gustavo receives many compliments and congratulations. Critics and audiences are impressed with the quality of the series and the way it portrays BOPE in a realistic and exciting way.

Critic: "Arcanjo Renegado is a milestone in Brazilian television. The series captures the essence of BOPE operations in a way we have never seen before. Gustavo and his team did an exceptional job."

After the premiere, Gustavo bids farewell to the cast and crew involved in the project. There is an atmosphere of celebration and gratitude for the work done.

Gustavo: "It was an honor to work with all of you. I am very happy with the result and I hope the series reaches the audience in the way we intended. Now, it is time to return to Los Angeles and my fiancée."

Gustavo boards his flight back to Los Angeles, reflecting on the experience and success of the series. He is looking forward to reuniting with Kendall and sharing with her the success and experiences he had in Brazil.

Gustavo (thinking): "It was an incredible journey. I am looking forward to returning home and sharing everything with Kendall. I can't wait to see her and tell her all the details of this experience."

Chapter 143 – Surprise at the Event

Gustavo arrives in Los Angeles and heads straight to the house he shares with Kendall. The trip was long and he is exhausted. He takes a quick shower, puts on a casual but elegant outfit that highlights his muscles and puts on some perfume. He puts his gun in the holster at his waist, where it is discreetly kept, and decides to go to the event to promote Kendall's 818 tequila brand to surprise her.

While driving Kendall's G-Wagon, Gustavo appreciates the comfort and luxury of the car.

Gustavo (thinking): "This car is amazing. Spacious, comfortable and elegant. Maybe I should consider buying one for myself."

He arrives at the event and the G-Wagon parks in a reserved spot. Gustavo gets out of the car and heads to the entrance of the venue, where he is greeted by security and support staff.

Inside the event, the room is decorated with a sophisticated theme, and the atmosphere is lively. Gustavo watches Kris, Kendall's mother, and her sisters Kylie and Kim. Kris looks visibly worried, and the other two sisters are trying to calm her down. Gustavo approaches them.

Gustavo: "Hi, Kris! Kylie, Kim. How are you?"

Kris (relieved to see Gustavo): "Oh, Gustavo! Thank God you're here. We're worried about Kendall."

Gustavo: "What happened?"

Kris (looking around): "Devin, Kendall's ex, is here and keeps bothering her. He doesn't seem to understand that their relationship is over."

Gustavo heads to the area where Kendall is talking to some guests. He sees Devin from afar, clearly trying to get closer to Kendall, who looks uncomfortable. Gustavo approaches Kendall and hugs her from behind, kissing her head.

Kendall (relaxing as she smells Gustavo's perfume): "Gustavo! What a wonderful surprise."

Gustavo: "I couldn't miss the chance to see you and be here for you."

Devin, who was about to make a comment, looks at Gustavo with a surprised and suspicious expression.

Gustavo (turning to Devin): "Hello, I'm Gustavo. I'm Kendall's fiancé."

Devin (hesitating, looking at the outline of the gun in Gustavo's holster): "Oh, yeah… I didn't know Kendall was engaged."

Gustavo (firmly): "Yes, we are engaged. I think it's best if you leave."

Devin (noticing the gun and sensing the tension): "Sure, I'll leave. I don't want to cause any more trouble."

Devin quickly walks away and leaves the event, while Kendall turns to Gustavo with a relieved smile.

Kendall: "Thank you for coming. I was really worried about the situation."

Gustavo: "No need to thank me. I'll always be here to protect and support you. Let's enjoy the rest of the night."

The mood at the event immediately improves, and Gustavo and Kendall join the guests. The party continues with more excitement and fun. Gustavo and Kendall talk, laugh and reconnect, enjoying the night and each other's company.

The event comes to an end and Gustavo and Kendall leave the party discreetly. On the way back home, Gustavo reflects on the night and the importance of being by Kendall's side.

Gustavo (thinking): "It was a challenging night, but I managed to protect Kendall and surprise her. I can't wait to continue our life together."

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