Chapter 144-145-146

Chapter 144 – Devin's Decision

Devin Booker arrives at the 818 tequila promotional event, determined to talk to Kendall. The party is in full swing, and he makes his way through the crowd, trying to find a moment to speak to her. When he finally sees her, Kendall is surrounded by guests and chatting with them, trying to keep a smile on her face.

Devin approaches, trying to be discreet.

Devin: "Kendall, I need to talk to you."

Kendall (visibly tense): "Devin, please, not right now. I'm busy."

Devin: "It's important. We need to figure this out."

Kendall (looking around, uncomfortable): "This isn't the right time. Please go away."

Devin watches Kendall walk away from the conversation, clearly uncomfortable. He sees an imposing man approaching. The man hugs her from behind, and Kendall relaxes at the touch, recognizing him by his scent.

Devin is surprised and curious when he sees the man introduce himself to Kendall.

Man (firmly): "Hello, I'm Gustavo. I'm Kendall's fiancé."

Devin (whispering to himself): "Who is this guy?"

The man, Gustavo, is dressed in a smart suit, and Devin notices the outline of a gun on Gustavo's waistband, which is clearly visible. The tension increases and Devin realizes the gravity of the situation.

Devin quickly walks away, his heart beating faster. He looks at Gustavo with a mixture of fear and respect.

Devin (thinking): "This guy is trouble. I better not get involved in this."

He decides to leave the event before the situation gets any worse. As he walks away, he passes Kris and Kendall's sisters, who are relieved to see Devin leaving.

Kris (with a look of relief): "Thanks for leaving."

Devin (to himself): "I don't want to face this kind of situation. I better stay away."

Devin returns home, distraught and frustrated. As soon as he arrives, he goes straight to the computer and starts researching Gustavo. He finds information that surprises him.

Devin (reading aloud): "Gustavo Almeida... former stuntman, actor, and special forces captain? He was honored by the president of Brazil? This is serious."

He reads more about Gustavo, discovering details about his career and his role in special operations.

Devin (thinking): "This guy is not someone I want to fight. He could be dangerous."

With the new information about Gustavo, Devin feels a weight of accomplishment. The idea of ​​facing a former special forces captain is not something he wants to do.

Devin (thinking): "There's no point in trying anything with Kendall. This guy is too dangerous. Better to give up and move on."

He turns off the computer and lies down, thinking about how the situation took an unexpected turn. The decision to distance himself from Kendall seems like the wisest one. Devin lies in bed, staring at the ceiling, reflecting on the night and the choices he made. He feels frustrated, but also relieved that he didn't cause more trouble.

Devin (thinking): "I needed to know when to stop. Better to move on and put this behind me."

Chapter 145 – The Embrace of Safety

At the 818 brand promotion event, Kendall is trying to maintain her composure while Devin Booker, her ex, insists on making conversation. She is visibly uncomfortable, and the pressure of the situation begins to build.

Devin (trying to be persuasive): "Kendall, I just want to talk for a while. We need to work things out between us."

Kendall (with a firm and tired tone): "Devin, I already told you this isn't the time. Please go away."

Devin doesn't give up and keeps trying, while Kendall looks around, searching for a way out of the forced conversation.

Amidst the tension, Kendall feels a hug from behind and a soft kiss on her head. The touch is comforting and familiar. She takes a deep breath and recognizes Gustavo's scent, instantly relaxing when she knows he's there.

Kendall (whispering to herself): "Gustavo..."

She turns and sees Gustavo, who is back from Brazil. He introduces himself to Devin with quiet confidence.

Gustavo: "Hello, I'm Gustavo, Kendall's fiancé."

Kendall watches Devin, waiting for a reaction. She knows Devin has an explosive demeanor and fears that he might try to confront Gustavo.

Devin looks at Gustavo, clearly surprised and intimidated. His eyes fix on Gustavo's waist, where the outline of the gun is visible. Devin doesn't hesitate and decides to leave quickly, his pale face and expression of concern evident.

Kendall (thinking): "He's leaving because he saw the gun. Gustavo always carries it for safety. One day I asked him why he wears it, and he told me it's to protect me."

With Devin out of the picture, Kendall feels relieved and happy. She looks at Gustavo with a smile, admiring him not only for his courage, but also for being there for her in her time of need.

Kendall (to Gustavo, with a smile): "You made me feel so much safer. I'm so glad you're here."

Gustavo (smiling back): "I'll always be here for you."

Gustavo and Kendall leave the event together, with Gustavo's arm around Kendall's waist, a gesture she loves. They walk side by side, talking and laughing as they network with others at the event.

Kendall (introducing Gustavo): "Everyone, this is Gustavo, my fiancé. Gustavo, these are some of our friends and business partners."

After making introductions and mingling, Kendall and Gustavo prepare to leave. Kendall is grateful to have Gustavo by her side, feeling protected and loved.

Kendall (to Gustavo, with a loving tone): "Let's go home. I can't wait to spend time with you."

Gustavo (smiling and pulling her close): "Me too. Let's do this."

They leave the event hand in hand, ready to relax and enjoy each other's company.

As they walk to their car, Kendall reflects on the night and Gustavo's presence, feeling more secure and happy than ever. She's excited for the future with him and the next chapters of their lives together.

Kendall (thinking): "I'm so happy to have Gustavo by my side. He's everything I've ever wanted and more."

Chapter 146 – Reunion Night

Gustavo and Kendall arrive home after the tequila brand event. They are both tired, but happy with how the night turned out. They look at each other with a smile, acknowledging their satisfaction at having overcome the situation with Devin and being together again.

They head to the bathroom, determined to take a shower together to relax. The hot water and cozy atmosphere provide an intimate and relaxing moment.

Kendall (smiling as she washes Gustavo's hair): "It was great to have you by my side today. I felt so safe."

Gustavo (hugging Kendall, with a loving tone): "Me too. I was looking forward to being here with you."

After the shower, Gustavo and Kendall lie down on the bed. The room is lit only by the soft light of a bedside lamp, creating a calm and intimate atmosphere.

Gustavo (speaking enthusiastically): "The recording of the series was incredible. I had a series of interviews with Brazilian TV and the premiere was an absolute success. It was so good to see all the hard work pay off."

Kendall (listening attentively, smiling): "I'm so happy for you, Gustavo. You deserve all the success. And how has the audience's reaction been?"

Gustavo: "Very positive. People really connected with the show. It's a relief to see that everything is going so well."

Kendall (enthusiastically): "And what did you think of my updates? Our tequila brand is starting to gain traction. The party was a success, and we got great feedback."

Gustavo (smiling, pleased): "I'm happy to hear that. I knew you would rock it. Tequila is amazing, and you did an excellent job promoting it."

Kendall then begins to talk about the events while Gustavo was away, detailing the challenges and successes she faced, and how she felt about launching her tequila brand.

Kendall: "It was an intense but rewarding time. I faced some challenges, but I also had many victories. The tequila party was the highlight. I was a little nervous, but everything went well."

Gustavo (stroking Kendall's hair): "I knew you could do it. You always excel in everything you do."

With the conversations over, the couple settles in more comfortably. Kendall rests her head on Gustavo's chest, and he wraps his arms around her, creating a safe and welcoming space.

Kendall (in a soft tone): "I feel like all our achievements are even more meaningful now that we're together. There's nothing better than sharing these moments with you."

Gustavo (whispering): "I agree. Being by your side makes it all worth it."

As the night progresses, the couple begins to fall asleep. Their calm breathing and the warmth of each other's bodies provide a sense of peace and contentment. They close their eyes, happy to be together and to have overcome the challenges.

Gustavo and Kendall, wrapped in a loving embrace, sleep peacefully, certain that they are sharing a special chapter of their lives. As they fall asleep, Kendall and Gustavo reflect on their experiences and the future ahead of them. They are grateful for the support and strength they find in each other.