Chapter 147-148-149

Chapter 147 – Heading to New York

After the success of their careers, Gustavo and Kendall decide to take a trip to New York to relax and catch up with old friends. They are excited about the idea of ​​spending time together and meeting up with Gigi and Bella Hadid, who live in the city.

Kendall (smiling at Gustavo): "Gigi and Bella are living in New York now. Gigi is dating Bradley Cooper, and Bella seems to be with a cowboy she met at a party. We should let them know we're going there!"

Gustavo (enthusiastic): "Great idea! It'll be great to see them and catch up. Let's pack and buy our tickets."

Gustavo and Kendall start packing for the trip, choosing clothes appropriate for the season in New York and thinking about activities they would like to do in the city.

Kendall (organizing her clothes): "We should pack some dressier clothes for a night out and also something comfortable for daytime outings."

Gustavo (checking his packing list): "I agree. And let's not forget the coats, the weather can be unpredictable there."

After packing, they purchase their tickets and confirm the travel details.

On the day of the trip, Gustavo and Kendall arrive at the airport and head to the VIP lounge. They relax and chat while waiting to board.

Gustavo (enjoying a coffee): "I'm really looking forward to this trip. It's going to be great to get a change of scenery and spend some time with Gigi and Bella."

Kendall (looking at her watch): "Yes, it's going to be fun. And we'll also get to explore New York together."

The boarding announcement is made over the airport PA, and Gustavo and Kendall get up to head to the gate. Airport announcement (in the background): "Boarding for flight 435 to New York is about to begin. Please proceed to the gate."

Gustavo (adjusting his backpack): "It's time to go. Let's enjoy the trip and everything New York has to offer."

Kendall (smiling): "Absolutely. It's going to be an amazing experience."

Gustavo and Kendall head to the gate and head to the plane. They find their seats and settle in, ready for the ride. The plane begins taxiing down the runway.

Gustavo (looking out the window): "I can't wait to get there. It's going to be great to see the girls and explore the city."

Kendall (taking Gustavo's hand): "I'm excited too. Let's enjoy every moment."

The plane takes off and begins its journey to New York. Gustavo and Kendall relax in their seats, eager for the adventure that awaits them. Gustavo and Kendall exchange smiles and glances, happy to be together and for all the excitement that the trip represents.

As the plane flies, Gustavo and Kendall talk about their plans for the trip, the things they want to do and what they expect from their stay in New York.

Kendall (with a dreamy look): "I want to take the opportunity to visit some iconic places and try new restaurants. And of course, being with Gigi and Bella will be the best."

Gustavo (with a smile): "And I want to explore some tourist spots that I have never had the chance to visit. It will be a memorable trip."

Chapter 148 – Reunion in New York

Gustavo and Kendall land in New York, excited to meet Gigi and Bella Hadid and explore the city. After collecting their bags, they head to the hotel to drop off their things and get ready for the meeting.

Gustavo and Kendall enter a charming café, where Gigi and Bella are already waiting for them. The two friends greet Gustavo and Kendall enthusiastically.

Gigi (opening her arms): "Kendall! Gustavo! It's so good to see you here!"

Bella (hugging Kendall): "I'm so glad you're here! And congratulations on your engagement!"

Kendall (smiling): "Thank you! We're excited to see you and catch up."

Gustavo (hugging Gigi and Bella): "It's great to finally be together. Let's make the most of this visit!"

The four of them sit down and start talking about their current lives. Gigi and Bella talk about their activities and new projects in New York, while Gustavo and Kendall talk about their recent experiences and Gustavo's successful career.

Gigi (excitedly): "I'm involved in some new fashion and event projects. And you, Kendall, how's your tequila line going?"

Kendall (with a smile): "It's going really well, thank you. And I'm so excited to finally be here with you."

Bella (looking at Gustavo): "And you, Gustavo, how was the premiere of your series?"

Gustavo (smiling): "It was a success. I'm really happy with the reception. And now, I'm just enjoying spending time with Kendall."

Gigi and Bella express how happy they are about Kendall and Gustavo's engagement. Kendall, in response, thanks them and shares her wedding plans.

Kendall (excitedly): "Thank you, girls. In fact, I'd like to invite you to be bridesmaids, along with my sisters. It would be wonderful to have you by my side on this special day."

Gigi and Bella (excited): "Of course, it would be an honor! We can't wait!"

During the meeting, everyone reminisces about fun times, especially the training Gustavo gave to Gigi and Bella and other friends of Kendall. Laughter and stories intertwine as they reminisce about these experiences.

Bella (laughing): "I remember the training day clearly. It was intense, but so much fun! Gustavo really knows how to make everything exciting."

Gigi (nodding): "Yes, and the results were incredible. It was great to see how much we grew after that."

After a fun and productive time, it's time to say goodbye. Everyone stands up, hugs each other and promises to keep in touch.

Gustavo (smiling): "It was wonderful to see you and spend time together. We'll see you again soon."

Kendall (hugging Gigi and Bella): "Thank you for everything. I'm looking forward to the wedding and more moments like this."

Gigi (smiling): "So are we! Have a great time in the city. See you soon!"

Bella (waving): "See you soon! Take good care of each other."

After the date, Gustavo and Kendall stroll around New York, enjoying their time together and reflecting on the day.

Gustavo (taking Kendall's hand): "It was a perfect day. I'm so glad we're here and that we have friends like Gigi and Bella."

Kendall (smiling): "Me too. Let's keep exploring the city and enjoy every moment."

Chapter 149 – A Day in New York

The next morning, Gustavo and Kendall wake up excited to explore New York. They decide to spend the day discovering new places to eat and trying the best of the city's cuisine.

Gustavo (smiling): "How about we start the day with brunch at a place famous for its croissants?"

Kendall (enthusiastic): "Great idea! And then we can look for some cafes and restaurants recommended by locals."

Gustavo and Kendall visit several iconic New York spots, including charming cafes, markets, and food trucks. They try a variety of dishes and talk about their new experiences.

Gustavo (enjoying a meal): "Every place we visited today has something unique. I'm loving discovering these new flavors with you."

Kendall (smiling): "Me too! It's amazing how each restaurant has its own personality."

As the day progresses, Gustavo and Kendall prepare for dinner at a new restaurant that's taking off. They dress up and head to the venue, looking forward to the experience.

Kendall (dressed up): "I'm so excited for our reservation. I heard the chef is amazing."

Gustavo (adjusting his tie): "I am too. It's going to be a perfect evening."

At the restaurant, Gustavo and Kendall are greeted with a warm atmosphere and stunning views of the city. As they enjoy their dinner, they engage in an intimate and loving conversation.

Gustavo (looking into Kendall's eyes): "This place is wonderful, but the best part of all is being here with you."

Kendall (with a loving smile): "You always know how to make every moment special. I couldn't be happier."

As the dinner progresses, Gustavo and Kendall confess their deepest feelings to each other and how much they mean to each other.

Gustavo (holding Kendall's hand): "I can't imagine my life without you. You make me feel complete and loved."

Kendall (with tears of joy in her eyes): "I feel the same way about you. I never thought I would find someone who understands me so well and shares my life in such a meaningful way."

After a romantic and intimate dinner, Gustavo and Kendall leave the restaurant, walking back to the hotel hand in hand. They talk about their plans for the future and how excited they are for what lies ahead.

Gustavo (with a dreamy look in his eyes): "I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. With you by my side, I know it will be amazing."

Kendall (leaning her head on Gustavo's shoulder): "Me too. Let's enjoy every moment together."

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