Chapter 150-151-152

Chapter 150 – The Media's Eye

The day after Gustavo and Kendall's romantic dinner, the media publishes a series of photos showing the couple meeting up with Gigi and Bella Hadid, as well as intimate images of them at the restaurant, where they are clearly in love and happy. The photos capture Gustavo and Kendall in affectionate and fun moments, smiling and laughing together.

The tabloids and gossip sites quickly pick up on the photos. Headlines highlight the glamorous encounter and Gustavo and Kendall's passionate relationship. The coverage is largely positive, with many praising the couple for their charm and their visible connection.

Gustavo and Kendall's fans react enthusiastically to the images. Social media is flooded with comments and posts praising the couple and expressing joy for their relationship.

Gustavo's fan (in a post): "Gustavo and Kendall are simply perfect together! It's great to see them so happy and having fun!"

Kendall fan (in a comment): "What a wonderful couple! The photos are amazing and show how in love they are with each other. I'm so happy for them!"

The release of the photos also has a positive impact on Gustavo and Kendall's careers. Their social media following has increased, and they have received invitations to more events and public appearances, taking advantage of the moment in the spotlight.

Gustavo and Kendall, aware of the repercussion, discuss the impact of the media with their teams. They express gratitude for the support of their fans and reflect on how the affection of the public has been an important motivator for their careers and relationship.

Gustavo (smiling): "It's incredible to see how happy people are for us. It gives us even more energy to continue doing what we love."

Kendall (with a grateful look): "The fans have been so wonderful. I'm looking forward to what's next, knowing that we have their support."

With the success of the public exposure, Gustavo and Kendall begin to plan their next steps, both in their careers and in their personal commitments. They discuss future projects and how they will continue to nurture their relationship while dealing with the media attention.

Chapter 151 – The Weight of History

Gustavo and Kendall arrive at the 9/11 Museum in New York. The atmosphere is filled with solemnity and reflection. Kendall looks at Gustavo, both visibly moved by the atmosphere of the place.

Kendall: "I never imagined that a place like this could have such a big impact. Just look at everything that happened here…"

Gustavo: "Yes, it was a day that changed the world. And for me, it was the beginning of a path I never imagined I would take."

They walk through the museum, stopping in front of a display case that displays a tactical shirt worn by a member of DEVGRU. The text next to it mentions the role of an operator in the mission that resulted in the death of Osama Bin Laden.

Gustavo (lowering his voice): "Kendall, I need to tell you something very important. What is written there… is not entirely true."

Kendall (surprised): "What do you mean?"

Gustavo looks around, making sure no one is listening, and then turns to Kendall with a serious expression.

Gustavo: "The man who claims to have killed Bin Laden… he wasn't the first one to enter the room. He was the third one. The second one was Matt Bissonette, one of the producers of the series 'Seal Team.' I talked to him about it, and he confirmed it. But I met the real shooter."

Kendall (astonished): "Who is the real shooter?"

Gustavo: "The real shooter's name is RED. He's a tall man with reddish hair and a beard. I met him on a secret mission in Central America. RED told me he was the one who really killed Bin Laden, but he will never talk about it publicly. Special operations operators have a code of silence about their actions, and RED believes that seeking glory from it is dishonoring the mission."

Kendall is shocked and moved by the revelation, understanding the magnitude of the secret Gustavo shared. She holds his hand and looks at the names engraved on one of the museum walls.

Kendall: "I didn't know you carried that kind of secret. It must be a huge burden."

Gustavo: "Yes, and it's something that few people know about. But knowing what really happened and having to deal with it is a part of my story that could never be fully shared."

They head to a section of the museum dedicated to the victims of the attack. The sight of the thousands of names inscribed on the walls is emotionally overwhelming. Kendall and Gustavo walk side by side, reflecting on the tragedy and loss.

Kendall (voice breaking): "It's devastating to think about all those lives that were lost. And the impact that this has had on the world… it's more than anyone can really understand."

Gustavo: "Yes, it's a constant reminder that the world can change in an instant. And also that we need to cherish every moment."

Feeling the sadness of the moment, Gustavo hugs Kendall tightly, offering comforting him. They remain like this for a few minutes, sharing a moment of silence and mutual support.

Gustavo (whispering): "Let's rest now. We need to recharge our batteries for what lies ahead."

Kendall (moving closer): "Yes, let's go. Thank you for sharing this with me. I know it must have been hard."

After the visit, Gustavo and Kendall return to the hotel. The trip to the museum has left them emotionally exhausted, but also more connected and understanding of each other. They discuss plans for the next few days, deciding to make the most of the time they have together in New York.

Chapter 152 – Connections and Memories

The next day, Gustavo and Kendall meet Gigi and Bradley at an elegant restaurant in New York. The atmosphere is relaxed and lively, with the four enjoying dinner together. The mood is light and friendly, with everyone getting along well.

Gigi: "So, how is your stay in New York going? I hope you're having a great time."

Kendall: "Yes, it's been wonderful. And what better way to enjoy it than spending time with friends?"

During the meal, the conversation naturally turns to the movie "American Sniper." Bradley and Gustavo connect immediately, sharing their experiences related to the movie and their own experiences in the military.

Bradley (excited): "It's incredible how the movie brought Chris Kyle's story to light for so many people. I was so honored to play such a brave man."

Gustavo (interested): "I met Chris Kyle on an operation in Iraq. At the time, the Brazilian special forces were there when we weren't supposed to be. Chris was a good-natured guy, always joking around and lifting the spirits of the team. It was a shock when I heard about his passing. He was a true hero."

Bradley (respectfully): "Wow, what an incredible experience. I tried to portray the person he was as best I could, but hearing this from someone who knew him really touches me. I keep in touch with his family to this day, and they are extraordinary people. They would be happy to know more about what Chris was like on missions."

The conversation deepens, and Bradley suggests to Gustavo the opportunity to meet with Chris Kyle's family. Gustavo is immediately interested and sees this as a valuable opportunity to pay tribute to his lost friend and share his memories with the family.

Gustavo (enthusiastic): "It would be an honor for me. I would love to meet Chris's family and talk about what he was like on missions. How can we arrange this?"

Bradley (smiling): "Great! I will contact them and see when it would be convenient for all of us. I will let you know the details soon."

Gustavo and Bradley exchange contact information to facilitate the coordination of the meeting with Chris Kyle's family. The dinner continues with a pleasant atmosphere, with everyone sharing stories and laughter, creating happy memories in a friendly environment.

Gigi (joking): "It seems like the double date has turned into an emotional double date. But that's what makes it all the more special, isn't it?"

Kendall (smiling): "Absolutely. It's great to see how stories and experiences connect in such a meaningful way."

At the end of the evening, Gustavo and Kendall bid farewell to Gigi and Bradley, thanking them for their company and the opportunity to relive meaningful memories.

Gustavo (smiling): "Thank you for such an incredible evening. And I can't wait to meet Chris's family. It will be an experience I will never forget."

Bradley (affirmative): "Thank you. Let's keep in touch, and I'll update you on the meeting. See you soon!"