ch17-Tutorial (12) Enchanter

Seeing the staff quickly light up and dim Oliver inspected it, he knew of course what the spell power enchantment did, but since he was going to be using this one for himself he couldn't help it.

[Basic Wooden Staff]

White grade

Description: A below average staff enchanted with the grade 2 spell power enchantment.

Effect: -adds 5 damage to all magical attacks. (staff)

 -does 5 physical damage. (staff)

 -adds 20% damage to all magical attacks. (enchantment)

'O, it's white grade, so it wasn't that bad of a staff after all.'

Naturally Oliver knew how powerful his grade 2 enchantment was, and with bottom of the barrel staffs it didn't have enough power to upgrade them from common to white.

Oliver had just assumed this staff was bad, as most in the tutorial are, but it seemed that the thieves guild really valued him. He didn't have any achievements in crafting or blacksmithing either so the best he could do was make a good guess.

Staffs already possessed a feature that could make your casting more efficient, or more powerful to begin with, although this one was rather lacking. So Oliver naturally chose to enhance this effect even further, stacking the enchantment to get an even greater outcome.

This might seem like an insignificant bonus of merely 1 magic damage, but it was better for enchanters to get into that habit earlier than later. As in higher hub worlds most specifically ask for such things.

Plus there was the fact that Oliver could cast basically all spells he could ever get in the tutorial instantly, and with minimal cost due to mana potions, so any other effect would be a waste.

Having inspected his new staff Oliver with a little glitter in his eyes quickly looked through his notifications, and what he found was beyond his wildest dreams.

[Congratulations. You have become an [Enchanter].]

[Congratulations. You have made an exceptional achievement.]

[Achievement Type: Tower First]

Description: First in the tower to gain 3 Professions in the Tutorial.

AP +100

+1,000 small ether crystals

[Your account has been credited with 1,000 small ether crystals.]

[NOTE: Account is locked until Challenger passes the Tutorial.]

This made Oliver extremely happy, honestly after the gaining 2 professions achievement turned out to be a race first he didn't have much hope for this one. But it seemed that he had worried for nothing.

[Congratulations. You have made an exceptional achievement.]

[Achievement Type: Tower First]

Description: First in the tower to fill all profession slots within the tutorial.

AP +100

+1,000 small ether crystals

[Your account has been credited with 1,000 small ether crystals.]

[NOTE: Account is locked until Challenger passes the Tutorial.]

This achievement might sound weird, especially to those just summoned to the tower, but was completely logical.

Not all races had the same amount of profession slots. As not all races needed the same amount of AP to increase their attributes. This had to do with a races natural talent, or aptitude.

Humans were notoriously low in that aspect, so it wasn't weird to Oliver that he gained another Tower first achievement here.

[Congratulations. You have made an exceptional achievement.]

[Achievement Type: Tower First]

Description: First in the tower to promote three profession to Apprentice Grade (Grade 2) in the Tutorial.

AP +100

+1,000 small ether crystals

[Your account has been credited with 1,000 small ether crystals.]

[NOTE: Account is locked until Challenger passes the Tutorial.]

Oliver nodded happily looking at all the achievements and rewards roll in. He was kind of getting sick of only getting the 100 AP and a small fortune for every tower first achievement, but never the less he was still extremely excited.

When someone achieved a tower first achievement inside the tower not only would they gain an incredible amount of AP, they would also gain some unique prizes.

These prizes however would normally only be rewarded at the end of a floor, mainly to prevent any variables of happening inside of the floor. So Oliver hoped he would gain them as well.

Pushing this thought to the back of his mind for now Oliver opened his status screen, just to see those beautiful numbers.


Floor Cleared: None

Class: Element Mage (Temporary)

Profession 1: [Alchemist (Grade 2)]

Profession 2: [Array Crafter (Grade 2)]

Profession 3: [Enchanter (Grade 2)]

Health: 20/20 (0.01/minute)

Stamina: 18/20 (0.1/minute)

Mana: 115/120 (0.1/minute)


Strength 2

Speed 3

Stamina 2

Sturdiness 2

Mana Pool 5

Intuition 1

Magic Power 2

Regeneration 1

AP: 550


Mana Bolt 2

Mana Shield 1

[Innate Trait]

Multitask Level 1

[Temporary Trait]

Pure Magic


Basic Wooden Staff (White)

Seeing his profession slots filled in Oliver felt relieved, like he had been naked before this looking at the three None after his professions.

Disregarding his insane amount of AP, his three very desirable grade 2 professions would make any challenger or organization in both hub world 1 and 2 drool and do anything to recruit him.

But to Oliver, this was merely the start.

Before doing anything though Oliver needed rest. He was after all going to do something incredibly difficult and important after this.

Well, everything in Olivers plan was difficult and important, but this particular step involved spending AP. And as a general rule of thumb in the tower. 'Only spend AP when you are right of mind.'.

It was looked down upon to even spend a single AP if you were only slightly irritated, not to mention Oliver who at this point could fall asleep on the very anvil before him.

So he called in his assistant real quick.

"Take the remaining materials away and sell them for me, the same with that short sword over there. I will be having a meal in the guild, make sure my room is clean before I'm done eating."

The assistant nodded before quickly taking all the items and leaving. Oliver, after more than a week of crafting only left with a staff, and 10 or so rolled up pieces of paper in his back pocked, hidden by his long coat.