ch18-Tutorial (13) Spending AP

The assistant nodded before quickly taking all the items and leaving. Oliver, after more than a week of crafting only left with a staff, and 10 or so rolled up pieces of paper in his back pocked, hidden by his long coat.

The next morning after a good meal Oliver sat in his room, and after much deliberation decided to bump up his intuition to 25, and all of his other magic stats, and speed to 20.

He honestly didn't want to spend this much, but from what he had gathered this was the bare minimum.


Floor Cleared: None

Class: Element Mage (Temporary)

Profession 1: [Alchemist (Grade 2)]

Profession 2: [Array Crafter (Grade 2)]

Profession 3: [Enchanter (Grade 2)]

Health: 20/20 (0.01/minute)

Stamina: 20/20 (0.1/minute)

Mana: 420/420 (2.0/minute)


Strength 2

Speed 20

Stamina 2

Sturdiness 2

Mana Pool 20

Intuition 25

Magic Power 20

Regeneration 20

AP: 457


Mana Bolt 2

Mana Shield 1

[Innate Trait]

Multitask Level 1

[Temporary Trait]

Pure Magic


Basic Wooden Staff (White)

Even with these stats he could dominate the tutorial, at least when no hidden powers from the kingdom or 3 noble families came out.

Feeling refreshed, Oliver, after over 2 weeks spend in the tutorial, finally made his way towards the inner city.

At his arrival 2 of the 15 or so city guards walked up to him, obviously scrutinizing him.

"Papers, sir, and city entrance fee."

Oliver looked at the guard with a smile as he took out 2 gold coins, giving one to each guard.

"Sorry guys I didn't know I really needed paper, and is this enough for the entrance fee?"

The 2 guards almost stared their eyes out looking at the shining pieces of gold in their hand, and quickly struggled to reply to Oliver.

"S.S.SSir papers are only if no entrance fee is needed, but since you paid you are free to go."

Oliver thanked the men and quickly went on his way, hearing some of the other guards bicker as they noticed the 2 of them sneakily putting the gold in their pocket.

Olivers destination was simple, the military base in the inner city. It was time for him to finally start interacting with the main event of the tutorial. The besiegement of the kingdom, by the wolf king and his army.

Of course at this moment everything was still rather quite, the kingdom was still getting slowly overwhelmed by rising amounts of wolves but nothing some capital couldn't fix.

No, the real battle would start only 2 weeks before the end of the tutorial, approximately 1 month from today.

Of course it wasn't that simple, the wolf king alone couldn't do this much damage to the kingdom.

It was a combination of none of the noble houses reacting quick enough to try and gain power over the others, while a secret group helped the wolve king with both supplies and information.

But taking care of that was for some time in the future, right now he needed to use that pressure the kingdom is under to get two specific items out of the military treasury. 2 other hidden pieces.

Boots and a ring.

Both known to be part of one of the strongest mages equipment sets in the tower, Merlin's mages set.

Merlin was an incredible legend in the tower, being crowned as the greatest magician to have ever lived.

It was so insane that most lower floor challengers didn't even know he was real. Merely thinking of him as a legend.

That changed about 5 or so years from now when someone managed to get the boots. [Merlin's Boots] from this exact treasury in the tutorial.

He had merely picked it up because even he, someone not from the tower had heard of Merlin, thinking of them as kind of cool. They didn't even have any effects, being common boots.

Later he sold them in hub world one, to a magical who was infatuated with Merlin, simply buying it as a conversation started.

Only later did he figure out that there were 5 rune lock enchantments placed on these boots. And so began the constant process of trying to break these locks.

The mage didn't have much luck though. He wasn't an enchanter after all, so to even unlock the weakest lock he spend the better part of a decade.

Even then he found himself stuck at that point, unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel to unlock the second lock enchantment.

But honestly he probably didn't care, as he, now having unlocked to first lock, could partially see some information of the boots, and it was shocking.

The boots, were digit grade.

Even with only one lock removed the boots turned out to be digit grade, no one could even imagen what they would be when the full set got together with all locks removed.

Nevertheless, due to pressure this mage was forced to sell his now incredibly expensive boots, at auction.

At that very moment, the whole of the tower got flung into a frenzy, everything with Merlin's name on it became so incredibly expensive that all previous enthusiasts and collectors became rich overnight. Even if their pieces were nothing but trash.

A well respected appraiser from the 6th hub world later even stated that this was verry likely to be the [Digit #1] mage equipment set, intensifying the tower wide frenzy and search.

Never the less, only one more piece ever got found, at the exact same spot the first piece was found. The treasury of the tutorial army base. A ring, also part of the set.

At this point most chaos had calmed down, but upon discovering that a ring was part of the set a part of the search, especially in higher floors resumed.

Having a ring as part of a set was incredibly rare, to the point that any set with one or more accessories included in the set was seen as 1 grade higher than stated.

For this to happen to a digit grade set, and not any digit set, the number one.

Having his thoughts interrupted Oliver had already arrived at the military base, being approached by a singular guard.