ch19-Tutorial (14) Military captains test

Having a ring as part of a set was incredibly rare, to the point that any set with one or more accessories included in the set was seen as 1 grade higher than stated.

For this to happen to a digit grade set, and not any digit set, the number one.

Having his thoughts interrupted Oliver had already arrived at the military base, being approached by a singular guard.

"Excuse me sir, this terrain is of limit to non military personal."

Said the guard politely, a tranquil expression on his face. A stark difference to the guards who stood in front of the inner city gate.

"I'm here to see general Rodes, I happen to be a mage adventurer and heard his call for help."

Although Oliver could only be considered a class 2 mage in the tutorial world, which was much lower than the high ranking class 4 personal that ruled the kingdom, or hidden class 5 powers.

He was still pretty confident in beating them easily, simply because of his extensive combat experience and insane magic talent and other hidden attributes.

"Understood, wait here, I will inform him of your arrival."

As the guard stepped behind the metal entrance door the guards on either side of said door both did a step towards each other, indicating that they would stop Oliver if he tried something.

It was only 15 or so minutes later of silent standing that the guard returned, not coming close to Oliver but motioning him to come with him.

"The general has some spare time right now to meet you, but make it quick, general Rodes is a very busy man."

Oliver nodded as he followed the man across a large courtyard training area, hundreds of soldiers were sparring, it was clear that general Rodes knew what was coming, and was doing everything in his power to prevent it.

"This is his office, you may go in."

The guard himself didn't move to follow Oliver, rather staying outside of the door waiting.

The generals office was located directly next to the training area, maybe a bit unusual but from what Oliver knew of general Rodes this wasn't strange.

Waling into his office Oliver came face to face with the general who was sitting behind his well crafted antique wooden desk.

General Rodes was a big man with short brown hair and black eyes, a kind of man no one normal wanted to even look in the eyes as they crossed him on the street, that was how menacing his big stature, and face that was seemingly always pissed off was.

But that aura quickly retracted as the general noticed Oliver, a big smile creeping on his face.

"You must be the mage, then you have come here to help me PROTECT THE KINGDOM."

The last part was said with a prideful yet desperate after tone.

Oliver gave the general the lightest of bows before greeting him.

"That is correct general Rodes, my name is Blade, and I would like to become a mercenary contractor for the army."

At those words the generals eyelids twitched for a second. The information he spread said nothing about mercenaries, he only mentioned protecting the kingdom by enlisting.

By mentioning mercenary work it was clear Oliver wanted to get paid, and probably handsomely by the fact that he was a mage.

"hggg, alright, I can consider giving you some compensation depending on your work. But for me to hire mercenaries, they can't just be any guy from the streets, I will need to test you."

Oliver nodded, a satisfied look on his face. And continued with a little smugness in his voice, almost acting a little like a know it all.

"And how will you be testing me general?"

Of course Oliver knew the answer, the general might be in a mostly commanding position now, but he was still a class 4 warrior. His passion laying on the battlefield.

Only by fighting the general himself would Oliver have any chance of getting items from the treasury. Normally mercenaries were given money, and only the general could take things out of the treasury.

That was precisely why Oliver lightly provoked him, making sure the general wanted to teach him a lesson by beating him up himself.

"hahah, I will be your opponent, FOLLOW ME."

Said general Rodes with a smug look on his face, expecting Oliver to have a horrified look on his face. Yet that look didn't come, instead Oliver stood confidently, smiling at those words.

Oliver proceeded to follow general Rodes to the personal training courtyard he had, not a single soldier was there, not even to clean, although it desperately needed it.

"Okey than, what do you want if you gain my approval?"

General Rodes asked confidently, almost as if he didn't even se a possibility of that happening.

"Simple, I want you to let me exchange the merits I gain through killing wolves for items from the army treasury."

At those words general Rodes fell into thought, he could in fact do that, but the army treasury was its greatest possession, of course, if the kingdom gets destroyed than there will be no army. So, he was willing to part with some parts.

"Alright, I can agree to that, but lets not get ahead of ourselves. Ready yourself, I will be making the first move."

Oliver of course knew this tactic was going to work, as it had been extensively researched as the most efficient way to get into the treasury after the whole merlin set chaos.

It might sound weird that this could be researched as no one could return to floors that they had already cleared.

But for these special cases challengers called 'repeaters' were called in. These challengers failed the floor on purpose, sometimes even multiple times purely to take out specific items or information.

Oliver generally hated repeaters, as they hindered the real climbers. Hell, he wouldn't be surprised if multiple of them were on floor 0 with him right now, already having killed multiple challengers.

But Oliver didn't have time for that right now, he needed to focus on his own plans.