Ainz arrived in the Throne Room accompanied by Albedo and Sukuna. A great many beings were there, down on one knee to express their loyalty. No one moved; it was so still not even the sound of breathing could be heard. Ainz climbed the stairs and sat on the throne. Sebas, of course, stopped at the foot of the stairs and kneeled behind Albedo while Sukuna moved to the other side of where Albedo was and kneeled.
Having seated himself, Ainz silently surveyed the scene stretching out before the stairs. Almost all of the NPCs had gathered.Looking over everyone, he noticed a few people missing, but that was unavoidable. There were also many high-level minions, no doubt painstakingly selected by the floor guardians.
Ainz decided to address it at a later date and opened his mouth to speak: "First, I'm sorry I acted on my own," he apologised in a voice that didn't sound like he felt sorry at all. This was just for appearances; what was important was that he apologised. He'd acted at his own discretion, but he didn't want those beneath him to think he didn't trust them. "Ask Sukuna what happened while we were gone, but there is one thing I want to tell all of you here right away. Greater Break Item!" Ainz cast a spell that could destroy magic items of up to a certain level. One of the big flags hanging down from the ceiling fell to the floor. The crest on it was Momonga.
"I changed my name. From now on, call me..." Ainz pointed his finger and gathered everyone's eyes. "Call me Ainz Ooal Gown, Ainz for short." His finger was pointing to the tapestry behind the throne with the guild's crest. He struck the floor hard with his staff to get everyone's attention. "Anyone with objections, stand and say so."
No one had anything to say in response. Albedo spoke, beaming. "We have heard your honourable name. Hail, Lord Ainz Ooal Gown! To you, the most noble one, Ainz Ooal Gown, we of the Great Tomb of Nazarick pledge our absolute loyalty!"
Then the guardians joined in. "Hail, Lord Ainz Ooal Gown! The one who brought the Supreme Beings together was you. To you we devote everything."
The NPCs' and minions' cheers echoed across the Throne Room.
He looked out at everyone below him. "I'm going to give a strict order now, a guideline for our policy going forward." Ainz paused for a few moments. Everyone's expressions had tensed. "Make Ainz Ooal Gown an enduring legend!" He thrust the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown into the floor with his right hand. The second he did, the colours from each of the jewels began to come out and shimmer in the air. "Where there are many heroes, crush them! Because Ainz Ooal Gown is the greatest hero. Make it known to all living creatures. If we come up against someone stronger than us, then make it known by something besides strength. If we come up against a mage who has a large number of men with him, then choose some other method. We're still in the preparatory stages, but we must work toward the great day that will surely come. We must make it known that Ainz Ooal Gown is the greatest!"
Saying this, Ainz teleported away.
The throne looked a little lonely once Ainz had left, but excitement was still high in the Throne Room. Receiving orders from their absolute ruler and getting started on their tasks all together lit a flame of passion in each of their hearts.
"Everyone, raise your heads." As if tugged by Albedo's soft voice, everyone whose head had stayed bowed looked up. "Each one of you who has received a direct order, follow it humbly. Now, we have something important to discuss. Demiurge, please tell everyone what Lord Ainz told you."
"Understood." He was still kneeling like everyone else, but his voice carried so all present could hear. "He told me, 'Taking over the world does sound kind of fun.' Which means..."
Something glinted in all of their eyes—the colour of their determination.
'Its alright. This was unavoidable. I never expected to stop them from taking over the world but I can at least stop all of the deaths.' Sukuna thought.
Albedo slowly got to her feet and surveyed everyone's faces, and they all gazed back at her, keeping an eye on the Ainz Ooal Gown tapestry behind her as well. "Comprehending Lord Ainz's true intention and preparing to fulfil it is proof of our loyalty and the mark of able subjects. Know that our ultimate goal is to give this world, this box of jewels, to Lord Ainz."
Albedo grinned ear to ear, turned around, and smiled at the tapestry. "Lord Ainz, we will make this world yours without fail." Her voice echoed as she continued. "We will give all this world has to offer to its true ruler, Lord Ainz! Now Sukuna, would you be so kind as to describe what happened in your expedition in detail."
"Very well. I was with Sebas and Ainz -sama in his room as…"
He began to explain as the guardians listened carefully. And after a while…
"...and after we bid the Knight Captain farewell, we returned to Nazarick. Then Lord Ainz left to meet Albedo as I was ordered to call all of the guardians to the throne room. I believe all of you can put the rest together yourself."
"Hmm, Sukuna-dono, what do you think Ainz-sama was thinking while personally rescuing the village for such insignificant reasons? There must be something else at play here."
"...I would not know what the great one thinks nor am I capable of decrypting his designs."
'I do know what he's thinking but something tells me they won't take kindly to me saying 'He's freaking out about not revealing the fact that he is actually a human' but that's besides the point.'
"True. But we must prove our worth to our master. To that end, I would like you to join me and albedo as we finalise our plans for the future."
"Very well. I shall meet you shortly."