Intermission 2

After a while, Sukuna, Albedo and Demiurge gathered in the meeting room. All three of them were seated around a square table where Albedo and Demiurge sat on two luxurious chairs while Sukuna was seated on the sofa.

"What do you wish to discuss today? I do not believe I left out any details when I explained today's event." Sukuna started.

"Not at all, Sukuna. However, I must say that you went out of line there. Protocol dictates that I must be informed when a guardian leaves Nazarick."

"I do not remember your protocols being something I must follow, Albedo. Furthermore, this was Ainz-sama's direct order."

Both of them momentarily glared at each other before Demiurge chimed in.

"This can be discussed later, Albedo-dono, Sukuna-dono. For now we must decide what to do with Carne Village." Demiurge commented, finally ending the standoff.

"Ainz-sama has told us to leave it be for now. I assume he has plans for it down the line." Sukuna stated.

'I don't want these guys to start using the villagers for experiments after all.'

"He has told me of its importance as well. He said that it holds importance as our only point of contact to this new world." Albedo added.

"Do you have knowledge of our immediate surroundings?" Demiurge asked.

"Yes, although Ainz-sama is the only one who has the map as he was the only one to meet the headman, I asked around and found out a few things. We are currently near a place called Katze plains in the Re-estize Kingdom, and besides Carne village, the closest settlement to us, which also happens to be the largest, is E-rantel. Other than that, there is also the royal capital, although that is further west and requires a few days of travel to reach. The Baharuth empire is to our east. Furthermore, the Slaine Theocracy, the fools who dared go against Ainz-sama's will."

"Kufufu, shall we immediately head out to annihilate them?" Albedo asked, incensed on hearing Ainz's name.

"Yes, from what we have seen, the current soldiers they have are far outclassed by our forces. An invasion should be viable." Demiurge assented.

"NO. Not yet." Sukuna stated in a stern manner.

"And why must you excuse the existence of these insects any longer." Albedo asked, irritation in her voice.

'Because they still have THAT World Item. but I can't just tell them that. Even if we beat them in a straight fight, if one of us gets brainwashed and the dragon lord steps in at the same time, we won't make it out of that situation without damage. Although the chances are negligible, I can't ignore the butterfly effect. Oh well, when in doubt, Ainz to the rescue.'

"Because Ainz-sama has let the matter be. And everything he does is for a reason. If he deems it that we leave the theocracy alone, then we LEAVE IT ALONE.."

""...Very well."" both of them assented.

"Also, get information on groups known as the scriptures." he said.

"Why show such a keen interest in a particular group, Sukuna-dono"

"Nothing in particular. I just came to know from one of the bugs I killed earlier that they are the strongest forces the Theocracy have under their command. I wish to see how those bugs in particular will crawl."

'Also, we might prevent Shalltear's brainwashing if we go in weary of them. I can't say it outright but at the very least I can hint to it.'

"Oh-ho, so something has piqued your interest, Sukuna-dono. I assume you wish to hunt them yourself." Demiurge said, amused.

"Oh nothing like that. Think of it as a passing interest. Something like an audience member amused by a puppet show… but that isn't as important. Let us not get distracted now. What should be our foremost objectives?" Sukuna said, changing the topic

"For now, resources. Nazarick has no lack of materials right now, but who is to say that it will be so for much longer. Furthermore, the more our plans expand, the more we will require." Demiurge stated.

"I was thinking the same thing. We will need scrolls and crystals, both low ranking and high ranking ones at that. Demiurge, you should be the one to work on it." Albedo added.

"Are we sure? Surely his intellect is better used on other matters?" Sukun interjected.

'YEAH RIGHT! I cannot let this happen. Just remembering the description… no.'

"It is quite alright, Sukuna-dono. I would be happy to lead this endeavour."

"Unless you have someone better for the job, Sukuna. If so, you are free to recommend them." Albedo taunted, knowing she had one this round.

'...shit, they've got me here. Ah shit, I'll just have to see what I can do about it later. I can't even tell Ainz as me giving a shit about 'insects' might draw suspicion.'

"...It is fine. I was merely making sure."

"Excellent. We must also collect more information about this world. The hierarchies of power in the countries around us as well as the important powers and their ideologies, connections, and anything that can be used against them. Who should be sent?"

"Send Sebas, and have Solution Epsilon accompany her." Sukuna answered.

"Those two would be the best fit… But would Sebas not be missed on the ninth floor?"

"Pestonya will suffice. Yuri Alpha will still be present here as well. And for maintenance, Eclair will do a more than adequate job." Sukuna answered again.

'I should make sure the timeline stays the same.'

"Then we have our answer. Now, we will need pawns in each country in order to make sure their nation smoothly hands over control to us. Shall we discuss who must find such pawns and the nation which they're responsible for?" Demiurge asked.

"Personally, I was thinking of leaving the Baharuth empire to Sukuna-dono, while demiurge or I handle the kingdom. And since the theocracy is to be left alone for now, that leaves one of us to handle the information sharing between our groups."

"I will pass. Have one of the minions do this work. They should be enough. I will be leaving shortly." Sukuna said.

"Oh? What is this about, Sukuna?"

"Ainz-sama offered me a reward for my work in carne village. I accepted it, and requested to leave Nazarick for a short while and head out to perform reconnaissance. I shall act differently to Sebas' team though, so he still needs to head out. Also " Sukuna explained, closing his eyes for a bit and leaning his head back, as if resting.

This was true, as Ainz had offered him a reward in exchange for his actions in Carne after they had returned.

"Interesting… when will you be back?"

"Hmm… the time of my return is uncertain, but it shall be around the time we get more certainty on how we should tackle each nation."

"Very well. I wish you a safe journey."

"Keep it for now. I won't be leaving immediately, after all I must take a few days to make sure all of Nazarick will be alright without my presence. Not to mention I still have unfinished business with a few people." 

'I need to get a look at my flavour text before leaving too. Knowing myself is extremely important in order to have a good grasp on where I stand. Luckily, I've heard there are records in the tomb's library somewhere. they might not be complete or entirely accurate, but they should be good enough. ' I thought.

"Hmm… then do come see me before your departure. Ah- there was also that matter. The…." Demiurge started on another topic.


A/N: vol 1 of the OG novel is complete. Next arc is where the story truly gets going.