Chapter 4 Three Tales of Love

Street 8 No.8, Room 808, Last Night, 8:00 p.m.

Zack was too shy to pursue true love. Even if true love was laid in front of him. Because he was just a poor author with no money and no property. He intended to go home. Nevertheless, the driver reminded him of her signal. If he let her go alone, he would regret for the rest of his life. He had 20 seconds of insane courage to chase Daisy. 

To chase Daisy or not to chase Daisy, that's a question. If he let her go alone, he would go home alone. Therefore, there would be two more solitary souls in this lonely night. If he chased her, he would be with her, spending through night together. Therefore, there would be one more tale of love.

If you had 20 seconds of insane courage, something magnificent would happen. Zack boosted 20 seconds of insance courage, and chased Daisy to the apartment. Since he chose to chase Daisy, he also chose to grasp true love, when he felt it. Now in front of Daisy, he would like to say out what he felt.

Zack: Maybe what I'm gonna say, seems so crazy to you. But I want to say out what I feel. I love your hair. I love your encouragement. I love you.

Daisy: I don't even care. Who cares?

Daisy managed to smile, but bursted out weeping with joyous tears. She wept, because Zack gentle like spring monsoon came for her. She wept, because it's the first time a man expressed his affection to her. She wept, because affection was desirable, and Zack was an adorable man.

She hugged Zack close to her arms, and leaned on his shoulder. That hug was tight enough to feel each other's heartbeats. It's warm enough to feel each other's heat. Each other's heartbeats seemed like to whisper out each other's affection. Each heartbeat echoed those three words, I love you.

She bent forward, leaning on his arms, arm to arm. Her shoulder leaned on his back, and his shoulder leaned on her back, shoulder by shoulder. Her step moved along his step, one step by one step. They close to each other walked like a pair of well matched couple. They walked in elevator, and came to room 808.

Daisy: What are we gonna do with this precious night?

Zack: Just sit and talk. Being with you, much good that is.

Daisy: Women better than their circumstance, so many are. Men who receive much better than their deserts as so many do. A woman is excellent enough to be independent. A man is excellent enough to be flattering. I'm the woman who is excellent enough to be independent. I would like to call that I'm isolated in the firm.

Zack: A woman who is excellent, also has a kind of charm on man. Your followers must line up the street for your affection.

Daisy: You flatter me. Woman and man are equal at God's feet. Nevertheless, woman must work harder to earn the equal money. In the firm, I work harder than everybody to earn the equal respect. 

Zack: The poor better than their circumstances, so many are. The rich who receive much better than their deserts as so many do. I'm a poor teacher. Someone like me, nobody would care about.

Daisy: The rich were born rich men. The poor were born poor men who must work harder to earn the equal money. It seems our circumstances are much alike. 

Zack: Do you want to hear a love story between Ms. Jane and Mr. Lefroy?

Daisy: I'm listening.

Zack: This story isn't about romance. This story is about reality. Ms. Jane was a penniless author, and Mr. Lefroy was entirely dependent upon his uncle. As Ms. Jane and Mr. Lefroy encountered, Mr. Lefroy fell in love with Jane. He had no money. He had no property. But he had his heart and soul to offer Jane.

Daisy: What happened to them?

Zack: Someone proposed to Jane. He had a respectable property of 2000 pounds a year. In addition to even greater expectations as Lady Gresham's heir. All his offer was much sincere, but Jane refused. Before long, Jane was told that affection is desirable, money is absolutely indispensable. Lefroy's uncle arranged an engagement for Lefroy.

Daisy: What's their ending?

Zack: It's a happy ending for each other's life. It's a mournful ending for each other's love. Lefroy and Jane eloped to London. They were penniless and dependent upon Lefroy's relatives. With a High Court Jadge as his enemy, and a penniless wife, that was Lefroy's circumstance. Jane didn't want to be his burden, and left Lefroy. In her short life Jane Austen wrote six of greatest novels in the English language. Tom Lefroy had a successful career as a lawyer, and became Lord Chief Justice of Ireland. He named his eldest daughter Jane. Neither Jane nor her sister Cassandra ever married.

Daisy: You're an author, and I'm a lawyer. Just like Jane and Lefroy. I don't know whether you would leave me or you would stay with me?

Zack: I will be right here by your side.

Daisy: I feel little sleepy. You must be sleepy as well. Nevertheless, there's just one bed. Maybe we can just sleep in the bed.

Zack: Sleeping together? Is that alright?

Daisy: Be quiet and get sleeping.

The bed huge enough for one person to sleep was just right for two persons sleeping together. Daisy and Zack were sleeping together, back to back. They felt the heat of passion, but they just slept. Even if they were so close to each other in the bed.

Street 7, Rose Bar, Last Night, 7:50 p.m.

Tulips was aware of Daisy's excuse to give Belle privacy space, and left space for Belle to hook up Charles. She intended to leave the bar, but encountered Charles's friend Adam at the table. Adam offered her a reason to stay for 5 more minutes. 5 minutes was a short time, but it's long enough for a man to steal a woman's heart.

Adam: Ma'am. May I buy you a drink?

Tulips: Thank you for your offer. Your offer is gentlemanlike. I can see. And it honors me truly. But now I have to go home.

Adam: Do you want to know what will you miss? If you just walk out the bar.

Tulips: Just 1 minutes you got. I'm listening.

Adam: You're married. I can see. Think of it like this. Jump ahead ten, twenty years. Your marriage just doesn't have that same energy anymore. You start to blame your husband. You think of all the guys you've met and all the ones you never pursued and how things might have been different if you'd just picked up with one of them. Well, I'm one of them. You can consider this traveling back in time, to see what you are missing. See, this is really a big favor to both you and your future husband. It's a chance to see how you really haven't missed anything. That I'm just as boring and unmotivated as he is, hopefully more. 

Tulips recalled the scenes her husband Jackey beat her, and started to blame her husband. When Jackey got drunk and lost his mind, he became the stranger she couldn't even recognize. When Jackey calmed down, he became a good husband again. It's twisted and insane. She could see. She started to think of all guys she had met and how things might have been different if she had just picked up one of them. Nevertheless, Jackey was the king of Street 13, and too powerful for her.

Tulips: 5 minutes you earned. I'm Tulips. What's your name?

Adam: I'm Adam, an actor in entertainment. Give me ten, twenty years. I'll rise to be a bright star. If you just left the bar, you'll miss a future bright star. Maybe I'm just boring and unmotivated. Nevertheless, because of you, I'm wanna be a better man. I fell in love with you at the first sight. Do you believe me?

Tulips: Liar! Men are good at lying to women. I doubted if you really fell in love with me at the first sight. 

Adam: Someone you saw 300 times remains a stranger to you. Someone you met once will be your future husband. Attending that reunion party was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you. It's fate that sent me to you.

Tulips: I couldn't love anybody but my husband no matter what. Though he always sleeps with his mistress in the outside.

Adam: Why don't you divorce him? If he cheated on you.

Tulips: You don't understand how powerful he is. Jackey is the king of Street 13. If I stayed with another man more than 5 minutes, he will beat the man to death, and dump his corpse to feed fishes in the ocean. 

Adam: I'm not afraid of him. Please!

Tulips: I believe you. Goodbye. Mr. Adam.

Adam: I want you to keep my business card. In case you'll never see me again.

Adam fell in love with Tulips at the first sight truly. Nevertheless, he was just an ordinary actor, and Tulips was Jackey's lady. He gave her his business card, and watched her walking further and further. The distance between them was further and further. It's breaking his soul.

Tulips walked out the bar, and got in her bodyguard's car. In the car, she took out Adam's business car, and recalled the conversation with him. She wondered how things might have been different if she divorced Jackey and picked up Adam. Nevertheless, she had no right to choose.

Each night new arrivals walked in the bar, with thrill, excitement and expectation to have an affair. As both persons were lost in love land at the first sight, so much lucky they were. It's rare to find the right one in the sea of crowds. If you did find someone who was iridescent. Nothing would ever compare.

Street 7, Rose Bar, Room 666, 7:40 a.m.

Bath together in bathtub with ice, a little crisp, a little chilled, was like walking in autumn rain. Bath together crisp enough to calm down heat, washed off the dust, as well as washed off fatigue and tireness. After bath together, Belle and Charles walked out bathroom, and sat on couch.

Charles: Your hair curly like waterfall falls at your waist. Your skin pale like snow is extremely white. Your eyes dazzling like the stars make me sink in love ocean. God has blessed you with beauty. As God has blessed me with wealth. It's God who has determined that we will be a pair of well matched spouses.

Belle: Beauty is a flower that blossoms for a season. One day beauty would fade, when youth gone like a rosy dream that fades after one night. Wealth is a tree that grows tall enough to shade the lawn. One day wealth would fall, when money gone like flowing water that flows away. 

Charles: I have a respectable property of 200 million dollars a year. In additional of I'm also the greatest shareholder in BoE. Everything I have, wealth, heart and soul will be yours, if you married me.

Belle: Are you proposing to me? I'm afraid I can't resist your tempting offer. All your offer is much sincere and gentlemanlike. I can see. Well, we just met each other last night. You're a billionaire. You can buy anything but affection.

Charles: Money can't buy affection. What money can buy is a whole flower store's flowers to fill life with romance and fragrance. What money can buy is two tickets to travel over the world to fill life with thrills and delight. What money can buy is the most expensive diamond ring and the most luxury wedding to you if you had picked up me to walk by your side in the aisle. 

Belle: Someone like me, better than their circumstances, so many are. Someone like me who had blessed with beauty by God, there are more than 30 women in the outside. You just encountered me first, you will love the other women as you love me, if you had encountered the other beautiful women.

Charles: One life is too short to love two women. It's just right to love one woman with the whole life. Attending best friends reunion that was the best thing I had ever done. It brought me to you. There are billions of people in the outside. Much lucky we are. We encountered each other, and spent through a lovely night together.

Belle: You know. Someone like you who receive much better than their deserts as so many do. Someone like you who had blessed with handsomeness and wealth by God, there are more than 30 hot men in the outside. I'm still young and beautiful. These 30 hot men will line up the street for my affection. Do you want to know which one I would like to pick up?

Charles: I'm listening.

Belle: To be my husband, he must be both the first in literature and the first in wealth. You're a billionaire with a respectable property of 200 million dollars a year. In young generation, you're the first in wealth among the hot men I have ever met. 

Charles: Who is the first in literature? My friend Zack is a literature tutor in college. Can it be Zack?

Belle: The first in literature is the most sincere poet in H City. I love his poems and admire his brilliant talent. If you wrote me the most sincere poem, I will give you a chance to date me.

Charles: Writing a peom is the hardest of the hard things for me. Nevertheless, I'll learn to improve myself in literature for you to witness my sincerity. 

Belle: You got 15 minutes to compose the most sincere poem, I'll leave you and never see you again, if you were not the first in literature. As though I was just fresh wind that passed through your life.

Charles: Rising balloon rose up inklike heaven, as white jade moon rose from sapphire ocean, with twinkling light shimmered with white moonlight, whose moonlight like water moistened chilled night. Scarlet balloon like rose rose up garden, rising like rising moon over mountain, with affection bright enough like sunlight, with lovesickness gentle like white moonlight. The brightest was neither ballroon nor moon, it's those three words posted on red balloon, with flare of sun gorgeous enough to shine, with spark of night sparkled whole grove of pine. Balloon voilent enough to be romance, rose up garden filled with flowers fragrance.

Belle: How romantic!