Chapter 17: Treppies

Quistis awoke the next morning her senses slightly dulled from the wine. She didn't care, she felt better than she had in a long time. She lay in thought for a long moment before rolling out of bed.

She quietly padded to her bedroom door and peeked out. Fujin was still there and sleeping soundly, a shy smile came to Quistis's lips and she went and sat back on her bed.

"What's wrong with you." She asked herself curiously.

"Just happy to have new friend who I can relate to?"

"Bullshit. You where being a bit more than friendly don't you think." Quistis made a shocked face at the thought. She did admit she felt something last night that was a little out of the ordinary.

"A little? You where damn near lustful." Quistis knew for a fact she did not want to even think about that and quickly went to take a shower.

She felt herself drowning in the emotions that that threatened to wash away her very being, so alien but so welcome. It started so innocently with just a gentle touch entwined with subtle promises of passion.

Delicious dreams came all to easily, two bodies entwined in a dance as old as time itself. The quiet sharing of wants and desires until they became one in ecstasy.

Fujin sat up with such abruptness she deposited herself in a heap on the floor. She looked about in terror unsure where she was. Then it came back to her and she quickly relaxed.

"Some dream." She mused darkly. Never had she had a dream like that much less of that intensity. She had buried all thoughts like that a long time ago.

She didn't dwell on it she never liked giving power to dreams. She couldn't ignore how warm she felt how her body tingled.

"Bizarre." She murmured as she looked about, the sun was gleamed through the blinds. The scent of coffee and eggs hung in the air.

"QUISITS?" Fujin stood her legs still fairly stiff. She then noticed a letter laying on the table near the couch. She picked it and read it assuming it to be for her.

"Hiya Fuu.

I have a class this morning. I would have woke you but you seemed so peaceful. Anyway I made you coffee and breakfast its waiting for you in the warmer.

Thanks for staying for dinner it was interesting, though I apologize for acting like a ninny earlier. Feel free to make yourself at home just lock up before you leave. Take care hope to see you later.

Your friend Quistis

Fujin stood quietly looking at the paper her face unreadable. She looked to the kitchen and noticed the empty champagne bottle sitting atop the counter. She thought about everything last night and soon found herself trembling.

Quistis sat behind her desk watching the students file into the classroom. Rinoa was among them as was Luccian who was limping noticeably.

He was a handsome young man tall, and muscular. He reminded her a bit of Seifer, though Luccian wore a coat as black as his spiked hair.

His personality was boisterous and proud he came from the class right under Squall and the others. He made a name for himself quickly and though a jackass, he took control of the Disciplinary Committee.

About time he was taken down a peg she thought to herself. She looked at Rinoa who was smiling at her affectionately. Quistis smiled back but kept it to a minimum, she didn't want the impression of playing class favorites.

The Treppies, some of them old some of them new all watched her intently like she was a demigoddess waiting to pass down judgment. She found them annoying at times but was flattered non the less. Everyone found their seats and settled down.

"Okay class. Some of you are new so I will introduce myself." She wrote her name on the board behind her. "My name is Quistis Trepe." The Treppies applauded and cheered causing her to blush.

She gave them a sharp look causing them to giggled and quieted down. Rinoa sat with a smart-ass grin on her face at the commotion. Quistis knew she would hear about it later.

"Now then I will be your teacher this semester. During which we will be going over the concept and use of various magic's as well as Guardian Forces.

Not all of you will deal with either of these energies, but it's good to have the information available and is a mandatory requirement for the SEED program.

We will also be going over regional history including Dollet, Trabia, Galbania, and Balamb.

Later will also go into some of the truths and myths about Eshtar and the Sorceress Wars." Rinoa sunk into her seat at the mention of that, being a sorceress herself.

It was decided a year ago by everyone concerned that it was for the best to keep Rinoa's secret while she was a student.

"Okay before I begin how about you all stand up and introduce yourselves to the class."

Selphie sat outside the classroom door later that afternoon fit to burst she hated being kept in the dark.

Rinoa had started to tell her something about Quistis over breakfast but left midway through claiming to be late for class. Selphie was frothing at the bit by time the last bell rang.

The students burst out of the door chattering excitedly to themselves. Selphie had to work to squeeze through the masses. She looked for Rinoa who stood in front of Quistis's desk with a bunch of Treppies.

Quistis had her head buried in her hands shaking it slowly. Selphie walked up and pinched Rinoa's arm and gave her a dirty look.

"OUCH!" Rinoa yelped as she jerked her arm and gawked at the scowling girl. Everyone was looking at them now. Selphie simply put on her cutest grin and waved merrily.

"Hi Quisty what's up?"

Quistis looked at her with a tired grin then shot Rinoa a accusing look. The Treppies all jostled each other.

"Tell her Rinoa." Quistis said dryly. This prompted more giggles from the surrounding Treppies.