Chapter 18: Seifer

Rinoa fished in her pocket and pulled out a small card with Quistis's gleaming face on the front. She held it out proudly for Selphie to see.

"I am now a card carrying Treppie." Rinoa said with a bright giggle.

"Omigod!" Selphie exploded into laughter and turned to Quistis who regarded them only faintly bemused as she gathered her things.

"Real cute guys." She said as she slipped her bag over her shoulder.

"Oh I wanna join to!" Selphie giggled and hopped merrily.

"Sorry Selph." Rinoa said almost proudly. "You have to be one of her students, rules are rules."

Quistis glared through slits at all of them, her lips pursed annoyance.

"Oh I don't know Rinoa." Said Royce the present head of the Treppie fan club. He was a lean attractive man with dark skin. He was well behaved and a top student a shoe in for SEED.

"Oh really really really!" Selphie hopped up and down.

"Sure we can make you and honorary member." He said with a dazzling grin. He reminded Selphie of Laguna's friend Kiros.

"YAHHH!" Selphie shouted and hugged him. Causing the other Treppies, Rinoa included to oooh and ahhh. He blushed and tried to keep his composure.

"Um yeah well no problem." He coughed.

Quistis took the opportunity to escape unnoticed, a playful smile spread on her face as she slipped out the door.

After everyone left Selphie and Rinoa walked up the hall. Selphie toyed with her new Treppie card.


"Well what?" Rinoa said as they stepping into the elevator at the end of the hall.

"Tell me about Quistis!" She said with a huff and jabbed to down button.

"Well I went over there late last night and…" A hand jabbed into the door as it tried to close causing it to open again. Selphie and Rinoa looked up and both looked somewhat taken aback as Fujin stepped into the elevator with out a word.

"Well? Finish the story!" She Selphie huffed not really caring either way about Fujin.

"Umm." Rinoa babbled.

Fujin leaned against the wall lost in thought. Rinoa meanwhile made funny noises trying to get Selphie to shut up.

"Just tell me!" Selphie said getting flustered. Rinoa leaned down and whispered harshly.

"Not now!" She glanced at Fujin who was still ignoring them.

"What her?" Selphie thumbed towards the silver-hared demon. Rinoa's eyes bugged.

"She could care less about Quistis just spill the beans please!" Selphie spouted, Rinoa wanted to faint. Fujin glanced in their direction her expression as cold and aloof as always. Rinoa waved with a embarrassed and all together idiotic grin.

Selphie just looked between the two completely lost. Then she remembered the Jacket Quistis had. With out a word Selphie just turned around and banged her head on the wall.

The door opened and Rinoa and Selphie all but ran out. Fujin paid them no head and stayed on board. Rinoa stalked up the walkway incensed she had never felt like such a buffoon. Selphie ran up behind her.

"So tell me what you know and I will tell you what I know" Selphie said with a detached calm.

"Nothing really." Rinoa shrugged "I just went over to Quistis's room late last night to see how your shopping went and Fujin answered the door. She said Quisty was in the shower then shut the door in my face."

"That makes sense." Selphie chirped.

"Huh what makes sense?" Rinoa asked feeling a bit left out now.

"She had a special edition Balamb dress jacket." Selphie said simply as they walked into the cafeteria. Zell stood in line a few feet ahead of them and waved. They waved back absently.

"Who did?" Rinoa asked getting more and more confused.


"When, and so what if she did?" Rinoa shrugged.

"Yesterday when I went to pick her up it was laying at the foot of her bed."


"So that was what Fujin may have been over there for."


"It was Fujin's jacket it had to be she's the only one I ever seen with one. "

"What? You said it was Quistis's. jacket" Rinoa felt like she was being double talked.

"No I mean I thought it was Quistis's." Selphie said evenly.

"Okay so what?"

"Quistis probably found her coat and she came to get it back." Selphie concluded.

"Ah okay, and here I was thinking something was afoot." Rinoa laughed.

"What are you serious?"

"I dunno Fujin just seemed bothered by me coming there."

"Duh she hates us silly."

"That's true, why did she even come back then?"

"Who knows with her attitude I couldn't even see how Seifer put up with her as long as he did." Selphie smirked.

"Oh that was mean." Rinoa stared in surprise at friend.

"Yeah right you obviously forgot what she did."

"Well no." She said softly. She really didn't like talking about Seifer considering their past. She had actually met Fujin before she met the others.

She was dating Seifer for a short time during which Fujin would watch her like a hawk. She just assumed she was protective of Seifer but after everything was said and done she knew there was more to it.

She knew Fujin had to be hurting since he and then her brother left her alone. She had no love for Fujin but she did see where she was coming from in some regards.

"Come on we're up." Selphie nodded towards the line, it was their turn to get their plates.

Fujin stood in her chamber stoically, she looked around a moment then with a heavy sigh she slung a large duffel bag over her shoulder. It was time to go she noted as she looked at the clock.

The train would be leaving Galbania within the next hour as was the Garden, she could already hear the Engines humming to life.

She looked at the azure tickets in her hand without a hint of regret, her mind was made up. She switched off the lights a walked towards the lift.