The Reborn Beastmaster

Chapter 1: Death and Rebirth

Kai had never imagined that his life would end so suddenly. One moment, he was walking home from the animal shelter, where he worked tirelessly to care for abandoned pets, and the next, he was blinded by the headlights of an oncoming truck. The impact was instant. There was no pain—only darkness.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself lying on soft grass, surrounded by towering trees that swayed in the gentle breeze. The air was fresh, far too fresh. He sat up, his heart pounding in his chest. His body felt different, lighter. Confused, he looked down at himself—his hands, his legs—they were his, but somehow not.

"What… what is this place?" he muttered to himself, standing shakily to his feet.

Suddenly, a screen appeared before his eyes, shimmering faintly in the air. He blinked in surprise.

[Welcome to the World of Aetheria!]

You have been granted the abilities of a Beastmaster. Your journey begins now. Good luck, Kai.

"Beastmaster? Journey?" Kai stared at the message, his mind racing. This wasn't a dream, and it certainly wasn't the afterlife he'd imagined. What did they mean by 'Beastmaster'?

Before he could process it, he heard a soft whimper. Kai turned around to see a small, silver-furred wolf pup lying injured beneath a tree. Its bright blue eyes stared at him, wide with fear and pain. Without thinking, Kai knelt beside the creature.

"Hey there… it's okay," Kai whispered, his instincts as an animal lover kicking in. He reached out cautiously, and to his surprise, the pup didn't flinch. Instead, it looked at him with trust, as if it recognized something in him.

As he touched the wolf's fur, another screen appeared.

[Would you like to bond with this creature?]


Kai hesitated for a moment, then tapped 'Yes' in his mind.

[You have bonded with: Luna – Silver Moon Wolf (Pup)]

A wave of warmth passed through him, and he felt a connection form between him and the small wolf. He could feel Luna's emotions—her pain, fear, but also her trust. It was as if their hearts were linked.

"Luna, huh? Don't worry, I'll take care of you," Kai said softly, smiling down at his new companion.

Little did he know, this was the beginning of an adventure beyond anything he could have imagined.

How do you like the start? Would you like me to continue with Chapter 2?