Chapter 2: The System Awakens

Chapter 2: The System Awakens

Kai sat with Luna cradled in his arms, the weight of his new reality slowly sinking in. The bond he felt with the small wolf was unlike anything he had ever experienced. It wasn't just empathy—he could sense Luna's heartbeat, feel her shallow breathing, and even her lingering fear from the wounds she had sustained.

"What even is this?" Kai muttered, looking around the forest, wondering if anyone or anything could give him answers. But the forest was still, save for the soft rustling of leaves in the wind.

Suddenly, a new notification appeared before him, shimmering in the air.

[System Activated!]

[Pet System Unlocked]

Current Pet: Luna (Silver Moon Wolf, Pup)Level: 1HP: 10/30Abilities: None (Locked)Element: Moon (Minor Affinity)Status: Injured, Weak

Kai blinked, staring at the translucent screen in front of him. It felt so surreal, yet everything about it seemed natural to this new world. His instincts told him this was like a game, but this wasn't some fantasy RPG—this was his new life. And Luna, the wolf pup in his arms, was real, as were her injuries.

"Okay, system," he said, testing the waters. "How do I heal her?"

Another screen popped up in response to his question, and Kai was beginning to feel like he had a direct line of communication with whatever this system was.

[Healing Options]

Use a potion (None available)Use Pet Skills (Locked)Natural Healing (Slow)System Bond Healing (Unlocks at Level 2)

Kai frowned. "So, no healing for now, huh?"

Luna whimpered softly, as if understanding his words. Her blue eyes met his, full of trust, and it stirred something in Kai. He couldn't just leave her like this.

"I'll figure something out," Kai murmured, standing up with Luna still in his arms. "I need to find civilization. Maybe there's a village nearby that can help."

He started walking, but after a few minutes, a new thought struck him. He could sense where Luna was hurt—her paw was twisted, and her ribs felt sore, as if she had been in a fight before he found her. His connection with her let him feel that much, but that same bond pulsed with a strange energy. Was there more he could do with it?

"Alright, let's try this out," Kai said quietly, sitting back down and focusing on Luna. He closed his eyes, letting the connection between them become his guide.

As he focused, he felt something deep inside his chest—a soft glow, like a flicker of light trying to emerge. He concentrated, urging that energy to flow outward toward Luna. The warmth expanded, and to his surprise, Luna's breathing became steadier, and the pain he sensed from her began to fade.

A soft chime rang in his ears.

[Bond Healing Unlocked (Temporary)]

You have initiated a temporary bond healing process with Luna.HP Restored: +15 HP

Luna stirred, her eyes brightening as she stood on her feet, testing her previously injured paw. She gave a soft yip, her tail wagging slightly as she nudged Kai's hand with her snout.

Kai couldn't help but grin. "Looks like that worked. Feeling better, girl?"

Luna responded by nuzzling his arm, her mood much improved. Kai felt a surge of pride, but also relief. He had no idea what this world had in store for him, but he was starting to see how his abilities might help him survive.

"I guess we're a team now," he said with a smile, ruffling Luna's fur. "Let's see if we can figure this world out together."

[Quest Unlocked: Explore the Forest]

Objective: Reach a nearby settlement and gather information about the world.Reward: 50 XP, Basic Map, Beginner's Tamer Toolkit

"Well, that's convenient," Kai muttered, staring at the quest notification. "At least the system's giving me some direction."

He stood up, stretching and feeling more confident now that Luna was on her feet. Together, they set off into the dense forest, guided only by intuition and the occasional shimmering quest marker that appeared in the distance.

The forest was vast, filled with towering trees that seemed to stretch endlessly upward. The further they went, the more Kai began to notice how different this world truly was from his own. Strange, colorful birds with long tails swooped overhead, while the ground was alive with tiny creatures that scurried into hiding at the slightest noise. The air was thick with the scent of fresh earth and magic, a faint hum that buzzed just beyond his senses.

As they walked, a faint growl echoed from a nearby thicket. Luna instantly tensed, her ears perked up, and a low growl rumbled in her chest.

Kai froze, scanning the area. "What is it, girl?"

Luna took a step forward, and out of the shadows emerged a wild, wolf-like creature with dark fur and red eyes. It looked larger and fiercer than Luna, and Kai immediately recognized the danger.

[Wild Beast Encountered: Shadow Wolf – Level 3]

"Level 3? That's not good…" Kai muttered, his heart racing. Luna was only level 1, and she was still recovering from her earlier injuries. He didn't know if they were ready for a fight yet.

But the Shadow Wolf had already locked eyes on them, its lips curled back in a snarl. It lowered its head, ready to pounce.

Kai gritted his teeth. He didn't have a choice—he had to defend Luna, no matter what.

"Luna, stay close!" Kai shouted, stepping in front of her protectively. He raised his fists, though he wasn't sure what good that would do against a wild beast. But before he could react further, another screen popped up.

[Pet Battle Mode Activated]

Luna (Level 1)Skills: Bite, Dash (Locked)

Kai's mind raced as he watched the screen. "Bite and Dash are locked… but I can still command her, right?"

The Shadow Wolf lunged, but Kai's bond with Luna let him sense the movement before it happened. "Luna, dodge left!"

Luna reacted instantly, darting to the side just in time to avoid the creature's snapping jaws. Her movements were fast, fluid, almost as if she had been waiting for Kai's direction.

"Now, bite!"

Luna turned on the Shadow Wolf, leaping at its exposed flank and sinking her teeth into its leg. The wolf howled in pain, thrashing wildly to shake her off.

[Luna deals 5 damage!]

Kai's eyes widened as the system continued to update him in real-time. "I'm actually… commanding her."

The Shadow Wolf snarled, turning its focus on Luna again, but Kai was ready this time. "Dash, Luna, get back!"

Luna released her hold and dashed backward, narrowly avoiding the Shadow Wolf's counterattack. But the wild wolf wasn't done yet—it lunged again, and this time, Kai knew it would be too fast for Luna to avoid.

Just as panic started to grip him, another screen flashed before his eyes.

[Tamer Skill Unlocked: Battle Bond]

Synchronize with your pet to share physical strength and instincts.

Without thinking, Kai activated the skill, and immediately, a surge of energy coursed through his body. He could feel Luna's heightened senses as if they were his own. His muscles moved in sync with hers, and as the Shadow Wolf lunged, Kai instinctively dodged to the side, pulling Luna with him.

"Luna, now!" Kai shouted, feeling the connection between them strengthen. Luna leapt forward, her jaws locking onto the Shadow Wolf's neck in a final, decisive bite.

[Luna deals 15 damage! Shadow Wolf defeated!]

The Shadow Wolf slumped to the ground, and a notification appeared in front of Kai's eyes.


Luna gains 25 XP!You gain 10 XP!Loot: Wolf Pelt, Minor Health Potion

Breathing hard, Kai stood there, staring at the defeated Shadow Wolf. He couldn't believe it—they had actually won.

He turned to Luna, who wagged her tail, her tongue lolling out in a happy, satisfied way.

Kai laughed, kneeling down to ruffle her fur. "You were amazing, Luna. We make a good team, huh?"

As he collected the loot from the fallen wolf, Kai couldn't help but feel a growing sense of excitement. This world was dangerous, sure, but with Luna by his side and the system guiding him, he was ready for whatever came next.