Chapter 36 (the first step to synergy)

Training continued for the next two days,

and Wednesday was declared a free day

from school activities, but Drake,

however, didn't relax but continued to

train and hone his strength.

On the fourth day, Drake and his team

went to the physical and mental

evaluation building to train their

teamwork. The building is generally used

for students to develop experience

through simulated battles. It is

categorised depending on the level of

training the students wish to undertake.

There is teamwork and the individual

categories, each with three stages,

which are the first ring, the second ring,

the third ring and fourth ring, named after

the Mana rings.

Drake and his team entered the

building, the interior bathed in a blue

glow of illuminated crystals. As they

admired the impressive sight, a lady with

long white hair and piercing blue eyes, in

her late twenties, wearing a fitted black

and blue gawn approached them.

"I'm this building's third attendant.

How can I assist you?" She asked

politely, her lips graced with a smile.

"We're here to train as a team." Drake

replied. "Yes." Mark added.

The female attendant adjusted her

stance. "The building has seven rooms.

Four are for individual training, and three

are for team training. No team training

rooms are currently available. However,

a team is nearly at the end of their

session. You can wait if you would like."

She folded her hands in front of her chest

as her gaze met theirs.

"No problem, we can wait." Drake

replied. "Excellent. Please follow me to

the waiting area," she said, leading them

as she continues. "Each room has its

own instructor. They oversee your

training from their positions and will stop

the session if they deem you unable to

continue. So you don't need to worry

about your training." She turned to them.

"Please take a seat." Drake's team


"Thank you very much for your

service." They said unison, showing their

appreciation, and the lady walked away.

After 10 minutes of waiting, Ronan,

Griffin, and Veronica emerged from the

training room. Their eyes met Drake and

his team's in a clash of steel and a silent

exchange of unspoken threats.

Approaching Drake and his teammates,

Ronan imitates a hostile conversation.

"You never cease to amaze me, coming

here with your pathetic strength." A

venomous hiss hunts out of his voice.

"You really don't know your place." He

turned to Freya and sneered, like a knife

cutting through the air. "Even your third

partner is no less weak than you." He

glanced at Mark and nodded. "I pity you

for being on such a weak team."

His words dripped with temptation.

Mark raised up, enraged, and grabbed

Ronan's shirt. Griffin tried to intervene,

but Ronan stopped him with a wave of

his right hand. "Keep your mouth shut, or

I will make you regret those words."

Mark's eyes burnt with rage. The

crackled tension got broken by the arrival

of the attendant.

"Please come in; it's your turn."

Drake stood up and gently placed his

hand on Mark's shoulder. "Let go,he said

with a calm but firm voice. Mark

reluctantly released Ronan and walked

towards the attendant. Drake moved

close to Ronan. "Are you not ashamed of

yourself, acting like a sheep without a

shepherd?" He whispered in a growled

voice. His words pierced through

Ronan's pride like a dagger. "If you have

something against me, come at me

directly." Waving at Ronan, Drake walked

away, living him in a thunderstorm of

frustration, clenching his fists, and brow-

frowning. Freya bowed to him with a

fleeting gesture of politeness and left his

presence to join her teammates.

The female attendant opened the

door, allowing Drake and his companions

to enter. She closed it behind them.

They found themselves in a vast, open

space resembling a volleyball court,

enclosed by tempered glass strong

enough to withstand a force of 250

horsepower. To their left, behind the

glass, is a man standing near a

cylindrical stand. "Are you ready?" He

asked. Drake and his friends were

startled, as they hadn't noticed him. "

After a moment of searching for the

source of the voice, they all nodded. The

man clicked one of the four buttons on

the cylindrical stand. A blue crystal

humanoid golem, three times the size of

an average human, materialised before

them. Before the man could say start,

Mark leaped forward. "Torrential

Aura: Void Fist Technique, Wave Surge

(2 circle)."He channelled his aura

through his blood, drawing the aura

deeper from his bloodstream, and

infused his muscles with the energised

fluid. This enhanced the fluidity and

momentum of his strike.

He charged forward with his fist

surging with increasing power, mimicking

the force of unstoppable waves. He

slammed the golem's abdomen, sending

it flying, everyone was shocked to see

this including the inspector.

The inspector increased the golem's

tier three times, but the result remained

the same.

"Seems I don't need to hold back. He

pressed the highest tier on the

cylindrical stand, the fourth tier. The

humanoidgolem split into two, their

auras subtly different from the previous

one. Mark charged as usual, but the

golem reacted instantly, firing water

bullets with enough force to pierce

through human flesh.

Mark quickly crossed his arms across

his chest, enveloping them in an aura

shield himself. Drake also created a

water barrier using the 'Aqua shield

technique (1 circle)' to protect himself

and Freya from the flying bullets. One of

the golems leaped forward, aiming a

massive punch at Mark, who also

defended with the back of his arms

enhanced with aura, crossed in front of

him. The impact forced him to slide back.

Before he could gain balance, the

second golem, already in the midair, with

his clenched fist, prepared to smash


"Draconic mana: Aqua Dragon Roar

(3 circle)." Drake shouted, unleashing a

pressurised water blast at the golem. It

doesn't stop the goblin entirely, but it

slows it down enough to allow Mark to


"We should stop here for today." Mark

said, his voice rumbled in a low, tense

silence, waiting for Drake's reply as they

stood on guard. "We can't stop now. It'll

be our best to push this a bit forward."

Drake replied. Mark gave him a quick

glance. His brow furrowed like a storm

cloud gathered over the horizon. "Are

you insane?" He asked in disbelief. Can't

you see Freya is shivering?"

Drake took a deep breath. "Don't get me

wrong. I don't mean we need to take

them down. It's just too early for that, and

this is the best experience for her to

harden her heart. And also for us. Don't

forget, the inspector is here to stop the

training when things become dangerous"

They were still communicating when

the first golem lunged towards them.

Drake raised his hand. "Draconic mana:

Aqua shield." A water barrier

materialised around them but was

instantly shattered, with the force from

the collision sending them flipping


Drake instictivly noticed something

strange during the attack. He turned to

Mark, who is a bit far away from him.

"There is a way face them, but I'm not

sure if it will work. Regardless of it, we

need to take the chance. Are you in?"

They both lucked eyes.

Mark started to felt a strange sensation

throughout his body like a kid who got to

taste a new candy." Okay, I'm in." He

smiled back at Drake.