Chapter 37 (blade, brain and brotherhood)

They nodded at each other, then

springed to their feet, dashing towards

the golem's. Drake led the charge with

Mark closed behind. The two golems

also surged forward, both sides closing

the distance.

From a few ranges away, Drake

unleashed his attack. "Draconic mana:

Aqua Dragon Roar (3 circle)." The

pressurised water blast slammed into the

first golem's head. The golem, however,

pulsed, crossing its hands to deflect the

attack and continued advancing. Mark

leaped from Drake's back and attacked

the first golem. "Torrential Aura: Void Fist

Technique, Wave Surge (2 circles), but

the first golem took the attack head; its

fist clashed with Mark's fist, and both

were pushed back, sliding across the

ground. The second golem leaped

towards Mark to attack, but Drake did not

give it's a chance. " Draconic Mana:

Aqua Dragon Roar (3 circle)." This

forcefully slowed down the second

golem with a powerful water blast.

Drake stepped closer to Mark. "It, now

or never."The two golems attempted to

close the gap between them when Drake

cast a barrier around them, which the

golems leaped out, breaking through the

barrier, but Mark had already leaped into

the air waiting for them. "Torrential Aura:

void first technique, Torrential Force (3

circle)." This time he channelled his

torrent of aura through his veins,

compressing the force into a

concentrated punch, making the strike

like a powerful stream under pressure.

He struck the first golem with great

intensity, piercing through its defense.

The aura influenced created a rippling

effect, shaking the target on impact. The

golem instantly exploded, with its body

flipping around the floor. Mark also felt

numbed, with his body drained from the

effect of the fist and lack of sufficient


During the collision, Drake noticed a

visual sensor on the golems' necks that

resembled that of human Adam's apple

that glows whenever they attacked the

golems or reacted to attack. To test his

hypothesis, Drake cast his spell towards

the sensor creating a barrier, obstructing

their vision; this caused the golems to

pulse and react, protecting it, similar to

how humans shield their eyes from

danger. This led Drake to conclude that

the visual sensor was crucial to the

golem's actions.

Meanwhile, Mark was still struggling to

gain back his footing when the second

golem charged towards him. Seeing this,

Drake swiftly reacted and dove through

the air, wrapping Mark in his right arm

and pushing him out of the golem's path.

But however, Drake was not completely

cleared of the attacking range and was

struck in his left waist, sustaining a minor

internal injury.

The golem now turned its attention to

Drake and Mark, who were still trying to

stand. As the golem raised its fist to

strike, the inspector intervened and shut

it down.

"That enough for today's training." The

inspector announced, and his voice

echoed through the room. Freya

approached her colleagues with tears

welling in her eyes. "I'm so sorry. I'm felt

useless." She cried out, raising her hand

above them. "Healing Water Aura: Aqua

Restoration, Aqua Touch (1 circle)." A

mid mana circle formed around her hand,

releasing a healing aura energy that

eased their burns and pain upon contact.

"You don't need to feel bad. You are

already playing your part, and this is just

the beginning." Mark said, patting her

head. "We may need to rely on you in the

future, so embrace yourself." Freya

raised her head, looking at her comrade,

smiling at her. She wiped off her tears.

"I promise," she clenched her fist. "I

won't fall behind." She said with

determination. They all emerged from

the building.

Freya waved goodbye as she headed

towards her dorm, leaving Mark and

Drake behind. "Sometimes, you give off

a vibe of someone not from this world."

Mark said. Drake looked at him. "Why did

you say that?" his left eyebrow raised

sceptically, his head tilted, and his lips

pursed. "Sometimes you ask the most

obvious questions," Mark said, crossing

his arms. "And other times you do things

in a strange way." This gave Drake

hiccups. "That's not it. I'm just someone

who stays always indoors, until recently,"

he said. Their conversation continued as

they walked towards their dorms.

Back in the training room, the inspector

who oversees Drake's team training,

'Inspector Gru', was about to leave the

training room. "It seems you are done for

today." A voice said to him. He looked

up, surprised to see Professor Leo. "Leo,

it's strange to find you here." Inspector

Gru remarked. "I hope everything is

alright." He asked. "Yeah, Gru."

Professor Leo replied; he described

Drake's appearance. "I heard you were

the inspector overseeing Drake's team.

I came to enquire about their

performance." He exclaimed.

"Oh, you mean the recently formed

team I supervised. Humm, well, one of

them is strong, brave, and knows when

to retreat; the second is quick-witted,

tenacious, and has a good leadership

Quality. And the girl with them is

timorous, but her loyalty to her

colleagues is unwavering. In short, it's

just a matter of time before they become

a great team."

The mastery training class continued

each week. During his leisure time, with

the aid of the Essence Sight Codex

technique and Xena's guidance, Drake

began to develop a deeper

understanding of his own body. His

physique was undergoing significant

changes, and his basic sword control

also improved. He also sparred with

Mark sometimes after class, which

significantly improved his skills and also

helped Mark refine his stance and fist

control. Freya, on the other hand, is

training her healing skills and battle spirit.

This training continued for the next two
