Chapter : 80 : Dreams of Tomorrow

The room was quiet, the soft glow of the moonlight spilling through the curtains and casting a silvery hue across the bed. Ai lay beside me, nestled in the supportive pillows that helped her rest comfortably during her pregnancy. Her swollen belly, now unmistakably marking six months, rose and fell gently with each breath she took.

I turned onto my side, propping my head up with one hand as I looked at her. She was beautiful—more so now than ever before. Her dark hair fanned across the pillow, and her warm brown eyes met mine as she smiled softly.

"You're staring," she said, her voice a teasing whisper.

"Can you blame me?" I replied, grinning as I traced my fingers lightly along her arm. "You're glowing, Ai. It's like you're getting more beautiful every day."

She rolled her eyes but couldn't hide the blush creeping up her cheeks. "You're just saying that because you know I'm carrying your twins."