"The Demons I Face And Her Love That Gives Me Strength" follows Asahi, a 17-year-old high school student in Tokyo harboring a secret—his superhuman strength. Asahi lives a double life, attending school with his friends, including his Girlfriend/Fiancé Ai, and fending off demon attacks as part of an organization. Ai is the only one who knows about his secret. The narrative balances Asahi’s high school life and his responsibility to protect the city from malevolent forces, portraying his internal conflicts, unyielding loyalty, and close bond with Ai, who is his confidante and support system. Asahi’s powers attract endless challenges, but he faces each threat head-on, embodying resilience and heroism. The story delves into his past and the trauma that molded him, revealing his protective instincts towards his sister Natsumi and deep-seated guilt over his parents’ tragic fate. "The Demons I Face And Her Love That Gives Me Strength" is a tale of courage, companionship, and the relentless drive to protect loved ones, set against the backdrop of a supernatural war.
Shameless Author Here! All the messages and discussions should be under this.
Shameless Author Here. As many of you know I have changed the name my Novel from "Beyond The Veils" To "The Demons I Face And Her Love That Gives Me Strength" Just wanted to inform if any of you are you a new reader, to avoid confusion. I am grateful to all of you who is reading my Novel and supporting me. Thank You.
Shameless Author Here! Dear readers of *Beyond The Veils*, I am incredibly grateful for your love and support. Every Power Stone, Golden Ticket, and word of encouragement fuels my passion and drives me to deliver the best stories I can. Knowing that you’re enjoying the world I’ve created fills me with immense joy and purpose. Thank you for being part of this journey! Now, let me give a special shoutout to my amazing fans who made this possible: IzanajiRyuzin– You’re the shining star with an amazing **12 Fan Value**! Your incredible support truly inspires me. Daoist7LS2kd– A heartfelt thank you for your Golden Ticket! Your generosity motivates me more than you know. Alphawolf3636– Your unwavering support with **11 Fan Value** means the world to me. Flavia15 – You’ve contributed **10 Fan Value**—thank you for being such a wonderful fan! k_cash – Your **6 Fan Value** is so appreciated. You’re amazing! Debjit_Lodh– Another fantastic supporter with **6 Fan Value**—thank you for your kindness. Vio_Zero – With **3 Fan Value**, your contribution helps keep this story alive. Thank you! Asahi_Ayato, adrie2024, Mishmish, and ryujikuga – Each of you with **1 Fan Value**—thank you for being part of this journey and for your cherished support! You all are the true heroes behind *Beyond The Veils*! Let’s continue this journey together, and I promise to bring you more thrilling chapters filled with love, mystery, and adventure. Forever grateful, Your shameless author
Absolutely mesmerizing! *Beyond The Veils* captures the perfect balance between mystery, fantasy, and heartfelt emotion. The way the author builds the world behind the veils is both enchanting and haunting. The characters are multi-dimensional, with arcs that made me feel their joys and heartbreaks. I especially loved the twists and turns that kept me guessing until the very end. This is a masterpiece of storytelling that I highly recommend to fans of fantasy and intrigue.