Chapter 80 Captives (Part 3)

The warrior was not bound, but hung helplessly in her master's arms. She was still conscious, though apparently unable to move. The lack of panties was evident beneath the loose skirt, and traces of blood were visible on the inside of her snow-white thighs.

«Even though you defeated me by abusing my body, don't think I'm going to give up on you,» the redhead declared scornfully. In truth, contrary to her words, the warrior's face expressed an extreme degree of consternation.

«Of course, of course,» Tom replied, grabbing her by the throat. The woman gasped, struggling for breath and unable to move. The scout, impressed by such a demonstration, shuddered and continued walking along the wall, biting her lip with eagerness.

«What happened to her?» I asked, nodding at the warrior.

«She got a little temperamental. I had to teach her a lesson... and the rest of us, too,» the man replied, shaking the wheezing victim for good measure. «Sorry for ruining her, by the way. But in return, I'll give you the scout today. She's a smart girl, and she realizes that by lying under you, she increases her chances of never getting to know me...»

Tom had an idea and dropped the warrior at his feet and pulled the blue-eyed, golden-haired priestess I knew out of the crowd of captives. The rest of the women huddled together in fear, not even trying to escape.

«I think it will be helpful if I repeat the lesson. I'll show you the beauty of having priestesses among the captives,» the man told me as he deftly untied the priestess's hands. Then he pushed her over to the warrior. «Heal her.»

«But I have no more higher healings,» the priestess whispered.

«Give us the common ones! We'll wait,» Tom waved her off. After making sure that the prisoner had started to use the healing skill, he turned to me and started to tell me. «I have high strength and endurance due to a number of combat skills. In addition, I've been very generously endowed with some virtues by nature... So I have a hard time with women. And, well, I've never had too many women at once. I haven't been put in all-female units, but there are plenty of others in mixed units. So, although our situation is unenviable, I intend to fulfill my old dream and have fun to the fullest. And you too, keep up.»

The man watched the warrior's healing progress. And when she was finally able to move, he deftly placed his foot on her throat, pinning her to the ground. Then he grabbed the priestess by the hair and threw her into my arms.

«Hold her for now,» he threw at me without turning around. Then he removed his foot from the warrior's neck. «Now, let's repeat the lesson. Show me what you can do!»

«Dirty bastard!» the redhead hissed and immediately jumped up from the ground and kicked Tom hard in the chest.

The blow hit its mark, but the man only staggered back, catching his opponent by the leg. She tried to hit him on the nose with a fist. But he turned his head slightly, causing the woman's fist to fly at a tangent. And then he let go of the warrior's leg and, taking advantage of the fact that she was almost at point-blank range when she struck, grabbed her around the waist.

«That's it!» Tom declared, clenching his hands tightly together.

The warrior in his arms jerked. But immediately collapsed helplessly.

«And just to make sure...» her opponent added, grabbing the woman's neck with one hand and her crotch with the other and lifting her over his head. Then he forced her down on his knee. Then he threw her to the rest of the prisoners and turned to me. «Last time, I'll fuck her after this. But I'll hold off for now.»

«You're cool with her,» was all I could say.

«There's no other way. Especially now that there are so many of them. If we show any weakness, the whole company will tear us apart. But this way they'll be docile and submissive...»

«Sir, I found it!» came the voice of a scout.

We all turned to the voice and saw that the girl was standing near the open door that had previously been disguised as a wall.