Chapter 79 Captives (Part 2)

Further down, towards the valley, the gorge gradually narrowed and became completely impassable. It turned sharply in the opposite direction, making it impossible to look into it. On the other side, the entrance to the cave was visible.

And again I took our prisoners, not forgetting to touch them properly all over. This time the last one was a sorceress who remained in my hands. The woman was almost completely naked, and I could enjoy every millimeter of her silky skin.

«Oh, Uruk, I see you have a new favorite,» Tom nodded to me as he got off last. «I don't mind, though. I have a sneaking suspicion we're going to have quite a few women with us tonight, and there's no point in fighting over one.»

«What do we do next?»

«That depends on your rank and your skills,» Tom replied.

«Rank is iron. And from the skills...» here I thought. I didn't want to tell the whole truth about myself right away. So I limited myself to the minimum. «From the useful initial «Cold weapons». Another third level of "silence", "cleansing" and "night vision". As well as the second level of 'Healing'.»

«What a set...» whistled Tom. «It's only good for us right now. Let's split up then. You go explore the cave. And I'll see what's around the corner and bring it into a more or less decent shape with the help of our prisoners.»

«What's around the corner?» I said cautiously...

«You see... when the mob of angry ladies came upon us, many did not proportion their strength. And there were a lot of people attacking down there. It's a high altitude... Maybe some of the ladies survived thanks to the sex appeal index. But a lot of them are probably in pieces all over the ravine. It's a good thing the battle was so recent, or it would have stunk... And the twist with the cave will make our lives easier if my plans to make the gorge look decent don't come to fruition.»

«What are your plans?»

«Elementary. First, I'll scout it out myself, sort out the valuable stuff and pile up the rest. And then the sorceress and the priestess will use magic to get rid of the piles. So you can take your time scouting - you'll have about an hour».

We parted on this positive note. On my way to the cave, I was careful not to look around the corner. Especially when I noticed that the water of the stream flowing out of it was reddish with blood. The cave itself was completely uninhabited and consisted of a long but wide tunnel.

Occasionally, it widened and turned into small halls and then continued. In one of the halls, there was a beam of light coming from somewhere above, and there was a small lake in the middle, so the ground was covered with ordinary grass. But there were no insects or other living creatures to be seen. The rest of the halls were completely nondescript.

I did not make it to the end of the cave, and after going deeper for about half an hour, I hurried back. Tom was already waiting for me at the entrance, leading a caravan of bound captives laden with bags - there were obviously more surviving women in the gorge to join the ranks of the captives.

«Wo. We were just coming to look for you,» my companion rejoiced.

«I never made it to the end of the cave,» I reported. «But I never met anyone alive in the cave. But ten minutes walk from here, I found a beautiful hall with an underground lake, vegetation, and a hole in the ceiling where the light comes from.»

«Great! Lead the way!»

Soon our impromptu caravan was in the right hall.

«There! That's it!» rejoiced Tom, and after herding the prisoners to the lake, he pulled out of the crowd a slender girl in a short gray dress.

Looking closely, I recognized her as the very scout I had struck down with a rock. Up close, she looked like a young girl who had just come of age. Her figure was very lithe and graceful, but she already had a small but pleasing vagina, and the roundness of her hips was pleasing to the eye.

Her dress was made of snakeskin-like material and was very tight, emphasizing the virtues of its owner. The top of the dress left part of her breasts exposed, and the skirt ended well above the knee.

The slenderness of the scout's legs was emphasized by tight boots on a long and thin stiletto that reached almost to the beginning of the skirt. They were made of the same material as her dress. She had a pretty face with gray eyes and a steel-colored braid down to her waist.

«Look for the secret passage,» Tom ordered her, untying his captive's hands in one motion.

«And if it's not there?» the scout asked timidly. But obediently she went to the wall and walked along it, running her hand along it and covering her eyes.

«Before I left, I made inquiries about all the notable places in the area. And it is certain that this cave was sometimes used by our withered benefactors to temporarily garrison and hold prisoners. Well, this particular room looks like a typical elven hideout,» the man grinned, walking over to the rest of the prisoners and pulling out the red-haired warrior I already recognized from the crowd, one of the first we'd captured. «So if you don't find her, I'll assume you didn't try hard enough and you'll have to repeat her fate.»