Iron Body Art



"And... 20!" Yang Fei did a twentieth push up and then fell to the ground, his biceps, chest and a little bit even the shoulders feeling like they were almost gonna explode. "Fuck! I only did twenty of them..."

But why was he doing pushups? Well, the Iron Body Art that he acquired through the real memories of the former Yang Fei consisted into basically a mix of calisthenics, powerlifting and crossfit, even involving the use of medicinal bath, herb and a strict diet to help the body become even healthier, stronger, faster than with just training.

But, unfortunately, Yang Fei didn't have any herbs or things like that, and so he had to rely only on the training part and the... diet. Well, eating only rice could make the trick, right? Maybe, he could even hunt some chicken to get that protein...

Yang Fei rested for a brief moment before returning to do another set push ups, twenty reps.

He could barely even do them!


Just like that, three hours passed and Yang Fei's body was now completely destroyed. He had done three sets of twenty push ups, three sets of ten dips, by holding onto the back of one chair and the table, three sets of thirty squats, three sets of ten leg raises, by holding onto the branch of a tree near his hut, three sets of two minutes planks, he jumped a little around, he swam into a river that was as well near his hut and finally he had done a five kilometer run. He had done mostly calisthenics for his workout, but he had to say that it was definitely enough! He couldn't move even his arms anymore!

"System... pant... pant... show me my status!"

[Yes, host!]

[Status Window]

[Name: Yang Fei]

[Race: Human]

[Bloodline: N/A]

[Cultivation: 1st level Tempered Body]

[Talents: N/A]

[Techniques: Iron Body Art]

[Skills: Little Dragon lv.1]

[Costituiton: A very bad physique]

[Charm: Above Average]

[Total Combat Power: Weaker than an average mortal man]

[Lust Points: 100]


"Weaker than an average man? What does this mean, system! Why is my total combat power suddenly lower than before?!"

[Host, your body is in a nearly completely destroyed state right now and thus you're currently weaker than before!]

"Yeah, that makes sense... sorry for shouting at you..."


"Sigh... why am I still trying to talk to you..."

"System, could you then predict the total combat power of when my body recovers?"

[Yes, Host!] [The host's total combat power after recovering will be as strong as an average mortal man!]

"...What? Will I not get any stronger? Then what was even the points of training then?! System, immediately explain this!"

[Host, you'll become stronger, but by a really really small amount. After all, nobody can become super strong after only one session of training.]

"..." Yang Fei, who before was shouting out of anger, was now silent, embarassed. He didn't know about that! After all, in his previous life he was a fat otaku pig who had never ever done an exercise!

"I'll just go to eat now..." And so, out of embarassment, Yang Fei just decided to change argument, immediately going taking the bag of rice and eating some of it.

"I should really hunt some chicken... maybe my gains will be better if I eat some protein..."

"But for now, I should just eat a lot more rice... after all, If I don't eat enough I won't become bigger and stronger... well, that's what the Iron Body Art says at least!"


And so two days of intense training passed.

Yang Fei had become much more stronger if he were to compare to himself of before... his status now showed that he was stronger: 'slightly stronger than an average man'! He was so happy! And It was a fortune that just the presence of Qi in his body accelerated the process of him muscles' recovery and their growth even if he couldn't use it or he couldn't have possibly reached even this level!

Sure, he was still weak as fuck, but it was already a huge improvement!

And its appetite had been so great because of its harsh trainings that he had eaten the entire bag of rice that was supposed to last a month based on the former Yang Fei. Did he really eat that much or did the past owner of the body eat that little?

Well, speaking of rice, since Yang Fei had finished it, he was now on his way towards the rice shop to get more and maybe... even something else, hehe.

He quickly passed through the roads of the Black Plum Village and entered the rice shop but, as soon as he entered, he saw a scene he didn't expect to witness.


Right in the middle of the rice shop, with all of the customers watching, Mei Ling slapped uncle He, who had near him had a fear trembling beautiful purple-haired woman dressed quite professionaly, straight in the face. "How could you cheat on me, He Han?! Huh?! How could you fake to have an erectile dysfunction just because so I wouldn't have suspected of you playing around with other girls?!"

"Mei Ling!" With his cheek slightly red, the uncle He started shouting, seemingly angered, but in reality really embarassed by the situation. He had to show someway to the customers, and so to nearly all of the city, that his wife was wrong... well, she wasn't, but he couldn't lose face like that! His business would have been doomed otherwise! "I didn't cheat on you! How many times do I have to tell that she's just a doctor that came to visit me because of my health problems!"

"And why were you groping her breasts when I came in, then?!" Mei Ling asked, not believing one word of what his husband had just said.

"Ooohh!" The crowd of customers looking at them exclaimed at the woman's words.

"Ah, that's because... ah, fuck it! Who the fuck are you, Mei Ling, to tell me what to do?!" He Han started shouting as he couldn't build any excuse for that, then immediately rushing at his wife, with killing intent into his eyes. He really wanted to kill her! "You're just a woman, Mei Ling!"

Everyone watched at the scene with absolute anxiety. They were about to witness a murder? What were they suppossed to do? Help her? But if the man had a knife with him, they could have ended up dead! They couldn't waste their lifes and so not one of them moved even a single muscle to help the woman in danger.

Only the purple-haired woman that had been trembling in absolute fear near He Han had moved. She started to run towards him to stop him! But why would someone that stole her husband try to help her? Something wasn't right...

Just as He Han was about to land a hit on Mei Ling, a hand catched his. "Ohi, uncle He, I always thought that you were a good person, but guess that I was wrong!"



Guys, hope this chapter has motivated you. Start training! Let's go!