You are a rapist! (1)

Just as He Han was about to land a hit on Mei Ling, a hand catched his. "Ohi, uncle He, I always thought that you were a good person, but guess that I was wrong!"

"You! That's it, Mei Ling!" Uncle He started shouting and pointing at Yang Fei with his other hand as soon as he saw who had catched his hand. "You cheated on me as well! And with this little, scrawny and little-dick bastard out of everyone! How dare you talk!"

"T-That's not true!" Mei Ling immediately said back. "I never cheated on you! And don't bring Yang Fei into this! He hasn't done anything wrong!"

"Then why did you take so much time two days ago just to help him to only bring some rice at his hut, huh?!"

"Ooooh!" the crowd once again exclaimed in unison after hearing He Han's slenderings.

"T-That's because..."

"Auntie..." Yang Fei, seeing her in trouble, immediately interrupted her. "Don't listen to the words of a rapist!"

"Ooooh!" Went the crowd once more.

The purple-headed woman, who, since Yang Fei had saved Mei Ling from He Han's attack before her, had previously stopped and began listening to them, was now brimming with fear, terror, and uneasyness... but even a little thread of hope was residing in her heart at the same time...

If what Yang Fei was about to say was what she thought, she was about to lose her job as a renowed doctor! She had already nearly lost all of her dignity now! She had already lost her purity! She didn't want to lose anything else to that man!

But... if the word got out, maybe no other women would be defiled like she had been by that man! Even if she was about to lose all of her dignity... even if she was about to lose her job... even if no other men would ever approach her again, disgusted... locking that monster up was definitely worth it! After all, she could simply end her life, and all of her worries would completely go away...

A rapist?" He Han repeated, his hands trembling a bit. Had he been discovered? No, there was no way! That kid wasn't there to know! "What are you talking about?! Where's your evidence?!"

"Evidence? Who needs evidences when you have the victim right here!"

"Oooh!" The crowd of people really couldn't help themselves.

'Fuck!' Yep, He Han had been discovered.

"Come here, you purple-headed woman!" Yang Fei could her out, and she, with her head lowered, slowly walked towards him.

"What's your name?" Yang Fei asked calmly, not wanting to go directly to the point as he saw that she was trembling quite a bit. Only now, as he watched her tremble, he noticed that she was a great beauty! Her body was fricking perfect, with big ass melons and an ass that was even better! If he were to compare Mei Ling with her, she would win! And even by a large gap at that!

[Images Here]

My name's Luo Xin..." the woman said with a barely audible voice. Fortunately, Yang Fei had catched that. "Okay, Luo Xin, could you tell, if it isn't that much of a disturb to you, what this man did to you?"

To be honest, Yang Fei didn't knew if she had been raped or not at first, he had been just acting. When he had firstly seen the woman trembling, he had thought that there could have been only three possibile explanation. One, she had been raped for real. Two, she was just trembling because she feared that she could lost her job because of stealing someone else's husband, or, lastly, she was just acting so that all of the fault would have fallen on the man! As Yang Fei saw her behaviour more and more, he had been convinced of the first option, but he wasn't sure... after all, woman have superb acting skills! He had learned that when, in his last life, he had discovered that his first girlfriend was cheating on him, she used her skills of an aspirant actor to immediately make everyone he knew that he had used violence on her! For that reason, he had never ever went out of his house ever again and became a fat otaku pig! His last life had been ruined by a girl! She wasn't even worthy of being called a woman

Returning to the main topic, Yang Fei had done that question to Luo Xin so, even if she hadn't really been raped, she would say that she had been. After all, what woman would ever refuse such a precious occasion, walking away as the victim, even if that meant a man's doom? Not even one!

"I-I..." Luo Xin began, stuttering at each and every word, tears accumulating on her eyes. "W-was j-just visiting h-him w-when h-he suddenly... sob... sob...groped o-one of m-my breast... sob... sob... and he s-said to m-me t-that if... sob... sob... I ever t-told someone a-about that... sob... sob... he would m-make my l-little b-business fail... sob... sob..."

"Oooh..." This time the crowd didn't exclaim in awe. Her words were the absolute truth, everyone could feel it! Even Yang Fei! She wasn't pretending like she thought! So there existed woman that told the truth!

"Oh, dear, come here..." Mei Ling comforted Luo Xin by giving her a deep hug. "Don't worry, this man will never touch you again!"

"Sob... sob..." and then, feeling the warmth of Mei Ling's gentle arms, she started crying.

"What the fuck are you all talking about?!" He Han started suddenly shouting. "She is lying! I never touched her! I never ever said that to her! I am a honest man! She is a viper! A slut! A wrenc-"

His shouts got immediately interrupted by a slap. "He Han, when I first married you, you were a nice guy! You have a daughter for fuck's sake! I made a fucking daughter with a monster like you!"

"Shut up!" He Han instantly began shouting again, attempting to attack Mei Ling once again. Maybe because of rage, He Han's movements were far too fast, Yang Fei was trying with all of his might to stop him, but by the rate with which everything was going on he feared that he couldn't block him.

"Die, you stupid wen-" Just as his fist was about to smash on Mei Ling's face, a kick, coming from who knows where, gracefully yet strongly landed on He Han's face, immediately smashing him on the floor. Mei Ling had been saved... but who did it?



Do you guys like the new cover? Better than the previous one I think! There's more... substance!