Chapter 26: Mo Fan: But You Came Over First



Tang Yue had just regained a bit of her composure, but how could she have expected this bold student… him!!!

What made it worse was that under Mo Fan's skilled hands, Tang Yue felt herself slipping into a daze.

Of course, Mo Fan didn't go too far, given that the taxi driver was still present. He didn't really get the chance to perform in real life. But, he had to admit, after experiencing it firsthand, he could confirm that Tang Yue wasn't faking anything.

Once they arrived in the city, Mo Fan pushed down his desire to "study" with Tang Yue and bought her some suppressants.

Tang Yue, thoroughly embarrassed, fled with a heart full of shame and self-loathing.

In fact, Mo Fan had definitely been thinking about taking Tang Yue down.

But the setting wasn't right. Plus, after they got out of the car, Tang Yue's voice carried a hint of pleading.

Her rationality was still there.

That damned rationality! How could it not break down under the charm of his handsome, irresistible face?

Later that night, while wandering around the bus station, Mo Fan received a threatening message from Tang Yue.

"If you dare tell anyone about this, I'll castrate you!"

"Tang Yue, it was you who came onto me first. I'm a normal man—my reaction was pretty natural, wasn't it?"

"Judges get two chances to accidentally kill someone. Do I need to use one of those chances on you?" The blatant threat oozed from her words, and Mo Fan could almost see the murderous glint in her eyes through the message.

Mo Fan, however, wasn't fazed. He replied, "Well, if I have to die beneath a beautiful woman's hands, at least it'll be worth it."

In her apartment in the West Lake district of Hangzhou, Tang Yue's face was still flushed as she held her phone. When she saw his last reply, she froze. Her delicate face turned even redder, and she started cursing under her breath. Then, she blocked Mo Fan, unblocked him, blocked him again, and repeated this several times.

Meanwhile, Mo Fan had no idea what was happening on the other side. He was busy wondering if the next time they met, he could maybe show off some "special talents" in her boudoir.

After obtaining the Rose Flame, Mo Fan set off directly for the ancient capital.

He had to, within a year, make sure his little loach Spirit consumed enough spiritual and remnant souls!

Though the current undead threat around the ancient capital wasn't as severe as an all-out war, the number of servant-level undead roaming about still surpassed that of most other monsters.

Mo Fan didn't hide his plans to head to the ancient capital from his father and Xin Xia.

Neither fully understood why he would skip university to hunt monsters in the ancient capital, but having witnessed his skills and performance during the Bo City disaster, they didn't oppose his decision.

Upon arriving at the ancient capital, Mo Fan finally witnessed the country's largest "Safe Boundary." Just the size of the magical barrier alone was as large as a whole city.

Mo Fan thought the people here were being too humble. With this kind of scale, surely it should be recognized as the largest in the world!

Mo Fan, living in this world of magic, felt himself growing more and more impressed by the day.

While wandering around the barrier a terrifying thought occurred to him.

The Little Loach Spirit was the spirit of the Azure Dragon. And wasn't the Azure Dragon originally linked to Emperor Qin Shi Huang? When the emperor died, the Azure Dragon had been divided into several parts: its body becoming the Great Wall, its energy became the Sacred Springs, and its soul was sealed inside this pendant.

And the old man who gave him this pendant… had the surname Ying, just like the emperor.


Suddenly, Mo Fan felt like he was connecting some pretty wild dots.

Of course, this was just a theory for now. Whether it was true or not, he'd have to wait until he entered the Dark Abyss for answers.

Still, as things stood now, there was no way he was bold enough to jump into that abyss yet.

Outside the safe zone of the ancient capital, residential areas had been built. It was clear that the undead crisis hadn't reached full-scale yet. There were still some protective city walls, and mage sentries were stationed all around. The threats to this ancient city were too numerous to count. Among them, the Tomb of the Undead and the Qinling Demon Horde were significant enough to ensure the city never saw long-lasting peace.

It was said that, inside or outside the city, if you dug 100 meters into the ground, you'd definitely find bones.

The bones themselves weren't the scary part—they were merely the remains of fallen warriors. The truly terrifying ones were those who clung to life after death, becoming undead. With certain environmental factors contributing, many who rose from the dead became walking corpses. And when these creatures surfaced, the guard mages would swiftly destroy them with overwhelming force.

Upon reaching the ancient capital, Mo Fan immediately headed to the area outside the safety zone. As night fell, the ground softened, and, one by one, decayed corpses began crawling out from underground tombs. As they approached, the sentry mages began launching full-scale attacks.

Every undead that approached was struck down immediately. However, when a commander-level undead appeared, specialized teams would be dispatched to eliminate it. These undead generals were extraordinarily powerful and could easily shatter the walls human beings had painstakingly built. Fortunately, although undead attacks outside the ancient capital happened every night, commander-level undead were still rare.

Ever since arriving at the capital, Mo Fan had been joining the sentry mages as a hunter mage, defending the city walls alongside them. It was a perfect setup—he could prevent undead from breaking through, earn some money, and collect spirit remnants, all at the same time.

Most importantly, his position on the wall kept him extremely safe.

However, it was undeniable that although his safety increased, his cultivation speed wasn't as rapid as he'd like. As expected, if a person isn't pushed to the brink, it's hard to make real progress.

Although his personal cultivation had slowed, his little loach pendant was absorbing an enormous amount of energy every day. The Spirit Remnants here far surpassed the gains he'd made in a month of hunting monsters back in Bo City.

As long as he continued collecting spirit remnants here, Mo Fan was confident that it wouldn't take long for the Little Loach Spirit to advance to the next level.

Once that happened, and he could infuse the pendant with the Underground Holy Spring, wouldn't that be a guaranteed power boost?

He wasn't about to waste any opportunity for improvement!

(End of Chapter)