Three Gifts

I looked at the greenish status window infront of my eyes in a daze. The sight just confirmed that I was actually in a fantasy world! Seeing a status window in real life was not even comparable to the ones in the games!

'Not going to lie, this looks really cool. It also moves as I move my head but stays still as I turn my eyes so I can read it easily. There are many things that I'm noticing here, like how I have two inventories and two strange skills. Is this mind power awakens some psychic abilities? Or, maybe it awakens some magical powers? Why is it locked? How do I unlock it? I'm also seeing my actual name mentioned beside Alex. Yeah, Deniel is my actual name!'

My mood was relieved a bit after seeing the status screen. I could finally see a hope for me to get out of the situation, get stronger, beat the shit out of everything and go back home.

- "Let Delta explain the status window to the host. First thing is that Alex is the name of the boy and Denial is the name you used in your past life-"

"I'll have to cut you off there Delta." I said to the air. "My name is not Denial, but Deniel. You need to replace the 'al' with 'el'." People always got confused with my name with the word 'denial', so much so that I have already grown a habit to correct people many times about my name! After listening to my words, Delta continued.

- "Sorry for the mispronunciation of the host's name, Delta will keep that in mind from now onwards. Delta can see that the host is already familiar with the status window so Delta will now move on to explain the gifts that Psais has given to the host."

- "The first gift is 'the Gift of Growing Space' which is integrated as 'Inventory'. The host can keep anything in this space with a command or a preset gesture. The space grows as host gets stronger."

- "The second gift is 'The Gift of Assimilation' which is integrated as 'Fate Points'. The host gets an ability to absorb the fate from the soul of an entity that they have developed overtime. And then the host can use that energy to increase the potential of his body by using the stat points gained from leveling up. The energy required keeps on increasing as the host levels up."

- "The third and the last gift is the host's remaining Fate from the host's previous life. This fate is not converted into Fate Points but is directly given to the host as free stat points. If the host has any queries, they can ask now."

'So FP is basically EXP but what about the stats, how do they work? I am also curious about the 'locked' portions of the status.'

Looking at the status window infront of me, I said, "Tell me more about the 'stats' and the 'mind power' you've displayed in the status window."

- "The 'mind power' is the ability that humans have developed over time on this planet. Delta lacks information in this field and only knows that it requires a strong mind and this power works similar to the term 'magic' that the host is familiar to."

- "As for the other stats except the 'mind' stat, they increase the potential of the host's four basic tissues all over their body. The strength stat increases the potential of the muscle tissue, the defense stat for the epithelial tissue, the sense stat for the nerve tissue and the health stat for the connective tissue."

- "The stat points represent the level of the stats in number to make it easy to understand. The numbers inside the braces represent the stat points that the host has gained on their own or from external sources. The numbers outside the braces represent the stat points the host has gained via absorbing the fates. The total stat points can be calculated by adding both of these points. For an average human, the base stat points are 10 for each of these four stats."

'That's pretty complicated, I can see that I have 5 free stat points so after clarifying some more doubts, I'll put one stat point in each of the stats and see what will happen. I can also see some of my stats being lower that 10 but strength being higher than it. It's probably due to me being a slave, working hard and malnutrition!'

I threw all the thoughts at the back of my head as I felt that me free time is about to be over and the others would be arriving soon. I was about to ask some more questions from Delta, as I suddenly felt lightheaded, my whole body felt very heavy and my vision started to get blurry. The status screen disappeared from my sight and I could feel myself falling towards the ground. I opened my mouth to cry for help but my jaws didn't even budge!

Before I could think or act, I slumped on the muddy ground like a lifeless body. Suddenly, I heard a young and worried voice from the entrance of the stable that just called my name, "Alex!"

'Who's Alex? I'm Deniel.'

Those were my last thoughts before I felt something wet trickle down my nose and I fainted.


'Ah! I'm thirsty, I want water.'

I opened my eyes in a dim and stale place. As I opened them, my eyes fell on 'my fan', the skinny guy who has made me his idol earlier. He was currently holding a big leaf cupped inwards and there was a transparent, clean liquid inside of it.

"Water!" I exclaimed with my dry and sore throat. Without a second thought, I gulped down the water like a dehydrated monkey!

Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!


A relieved and refreshing exclaim escaped my mouth. Looking at my fan after returning him the leaf I thought, 'Is this guy an angel?'
