First Battle

"Fucking hell! Aaagh!" Noticing the Lakéqus slowing down, I exclaimed loudly. Then, I grabbed the left side of the reins and pulled it really hard. The horse got stumped and suddenly stopping it turned around facing the approaching Carlo.

At this point, none of us four knew what I was doing. Carlo stopped loading his gun. He looked at me in surprise, anger and a little bit of joy?

Nevertheless, I kicked the Lakéqus slightly with my left feet and jerked the reins as I shouted, "Haiyah!" The beast started to run towards the other beast. I constantly shouted and increased its speed with no intentions of stopping.

Noticing me approaching in such a manner, Carlo left the grip on his weapon and it fell on the ground. He quickly grabbed the reins of his ride with both his hands and pulled them downwards. The beast started to slow down but it was already late. As soon as I noticed that we reached a considerable distance, I pulled the reins upward with force and my ride jumped into the air.

The expression on Carlo's face was a sight to see. His face and his red eyes said it all, his anger, surprise and the fear he was feeling. I calculated that my ride would land on the other Lakéqus' head but due to the other's speed, the Lakéqus directly landed on Carlo. Due to the high speed I had obtained and the heavy mass of the Lakéquses, I was pretty sure that the momentum must have been very high.

Hoof! Hoof! Hoof!

Stumble! Stumble!

Thud! Thud!

Many sounds were made and every one fell on the ground. My ride was lying on the ground, breathing heavily. The other beast was bloodied all over its body and was fainted as I noticed that it was still breathing although very slowly. Both of the Lakéquses were bleeding as orange liquid flowed out from multiple regions on their bodies.

I was thrown quiet a distance due to the impact whereas Carlo was closer to the location of the collision. I noticed that I had many scratches all over my body. My breathing was unstable and I was hurting all over. Although adrenaline kept me going, I didn't know how long I could be able to manage. My feet were also probably strained as it was painful to walk.

Although I was in a pretty bad situation, Carlo was in a worse state than mine. I only had scratches but he was profusely bleeding. This was also the first time I looked at a dislocated shoulder. It just looked slightly unnatural. If not for his chest moving up and down, I would have assumed that he was dead!

Thinking that he had fainted, I started to somehow move deeper into the forest. Right after taking a couple of steps, I heard a rustling sound from my back. I turned around just to find out that he was taking off his jacket while holding a dagger in his left hand! His blood red eyes were fixed on me and were filled with anger!

"Shit!" I cursed.

I started to increase my pace to run away from the approaching disaster. I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to defend properly against a trained knight.

"Aaauugghh! Come back here you bastard!" He gave out a battle cry and riled himself up. I noticed a shirtless Carlo running towards me. My heartbeat started to increase again as I also flushed out the black dagger from Space 1.

Carlo ran towards me in an underwhelming and noticeable speed. He was also constantly limping through his 'run'. While holding my dagger in my right hand, I positioned myself to face towards the approaching knight.


Skid! Skid!

Carlo came closer and tried to cut me. He was slow due to his injuries so I managed to avoid his curved dagger as it cut through the wind.

I was now holding my dagger in my right hand and my left arm was suspended in the air for balance. My eyes were constantly observing his every move and his were observing mine.

We were shifting from left to right. I was trying to escape while he was trying to stop me from doing so. As Carlo swayed, I noticed that his right arm was limping. It was probably broken by the impact.

My adrenaline was pumping. The pain was slowly disappearing. Noticing that we were in a deadlock, I raised my right hand and quickly moved it towards his neck.


Our daggers met. He had successfully parried my attack. I looked at him and noticed that he was now smiling. Noticing that our weapons were now in a dead lock, I changed my left palm into a fist and punched Carlo in the stomach.



With a grunt, Carlo loosened his grip. As soon as my arm got free, I moved two steps backward. Just as I retreated, he made a horizontal cut in my direction.



Because I had already managed to retreat, the dagger was only able to cut the air. But Carlo had already managed to gain some momentum. Just like me, his adrenaline also started to pump through his veins.


I raised my right foot and kicked him as hard as I could on the same spot that I punched earlier.

Skid! Skid!



Both of us grunted in pain as Carlo skidded backwards due to the kick.

"Aaaahhh!" Carlo gave out another battle cry while looking at me.

"Aaaaaahhhhh!" I followed his example. It honestly felt good and I could feel that it did energize me albeit a false one.

Skid! Skid! Skid!

With your energies spiked and our adrenaline stopping the pain, we ran towards each other. I moved my right hand holding the dagger towards his throat while my left fist was already moving towards his stomach.



Our daggers met again but Carlo was fast. Just after my dagger hit his, he pushed the dagger and then slapped my punch with the same hand. I moved my right leg in an arch to kick his waist but he moved and punched my leg.


My dagger moved again towards his belly but he parried again. Then he kicked me on the side with his right leg.


I took the hit. The adrenaline was bearing all the pain. As soon as his right leg hit me, I caught it with my left arm, trapping it in between my waist and the arm.

Seeing how he was only standing on his left leg and that I was now going to plunge my dagger into his stomach, he moved his dagger towards my throat.


I stopped the attack. Now we were trapped into a stalemate again. Carlo's right arm and shoulder was twisted in a strange angle. His right leg was trapped. His left arm was interlocked with my dagger. Meanwhile, my left arm was busy in trapping his right leg and my right arm was interlocking his dagger which was aimed at my throat. If I tried to kick, I would lose my balance and he would either be freed or his dagger would succeed.

As soon as I noticed our situation, Carlo suddenly jumped with his left leg. The tension on my right hand was suddenly released and it jerked outwards. He had thrown away his dagger to catch a low branch of a tree for support with his only functioning hand. He then twisted his body towards left and kicked my right arm with his left foot.



As soon as the kick landed on my right arm, the dagger fell out of my hand. Carlo's twisting right leg also loosened my grip and he managed to free himself.

"Aaahhh!" But freeing himself came at a price as he screamed in pain. His right leg must have had sprained after that unnatural twisting.

There was no more time to pick the dagger. My muscle stat was 12 and it was now showing how effective that was. I moved forward and tried to punch through my right hand. My left hand was already preparing for the next attack. At the same time, Carlo too moved his right palm.

Slap! Slap!

He parried both of my punches with his palms slapping into my arms with force. He then quickly made a punch and moved it towards my belly. I parried it by slapping in the same way he did.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Lots of kicking and punching sounds resonated into the empty jungle. There also were many painful grunts and angry shouts accompanying them. Even the wind was silently watching the spectacle of a shirtless and bloodied man fighting a pale and skinny-muscular teenage boy.

Soon I raised my left leg to kick Carlo on the right side. I thought he would parry it too so I moved my right punch in his direction at the same time. It was funny how I was able to use all four of my limbs and he was only able to use one yet he was not going down!

However, Carlo moved against my expectations. Instead of stopping any of my attacks, he punched me heavily in the chest.

Huff! Huff!

Instantly it became difficult to breathe and I fell backwards. I was gasping for air. My brain was constantly telling me to breathe. Casper's bloody face had a smile on it. I watched in horror as he moved towards my lying body and quickly sat on my belly.

Huff! Huff!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

My breath was slowly returning to me but he didn't give me any time to access my situation as he started to punch my face with heavy punches.

Noticing that his focus was on my face, I looked at my right hand and by lip-syncing; I brought my practice knife from my inventory. With some difficulty, I moved my right hand infront of Carlo's heart. There was no strength remaining in my arms.

As soon as he noticed the old, worn out knife, he stopped punching with his only arm and moved it to catch the knife. However, before he could catch the knife, I said with a raspy voice, "Dagger Thrust!"