The Comparison Room

In the Great Hall of Hogwarts, the atmosphere was truly breathtaking.

The enchanted ceiling displayed a starry sky, while floating chandeliers cast a soft glow over the meticulously aligned house tables.

The ancient stone walls, adorned with the vibrant banners of Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw, emanated a sense of historical majesty.

It was the first night of the new school year, and the air was thick with anticipation and excitement.

The Sorting Hat had just assigned a young witch to Slytherin when Albus Dumbledore rose, wearing a slight smile.

His affectionate gaze swept across the students as he prepared to speak.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!"

His warm voice echoed throughout the hall.

"Before we begin our feast, I'd like to share just a few words: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you."

The hall erupted in laughter and applause, as usual, while everyone eagerly awaited the feast.

However, before the dishes could appear, a thunderous sound reverberated above the castle, spreading through the magical world.

Suddenly, two enormous curtains of light appeared in the sky.

One was snow-white, radiating a blinding purity; the other was black as an abyss, absorbing all the light around it.

The contrast was terrifying, and the hall fell into a deathly silence.

Dumbledore reacted instantly, casting an iron armor spell to protect students. However, to his surprise, the spell did not respond..

His usually serene face twisted in shock.

Albus Dumbledore, the "White Devil," felt his magic easily blocked by an invisible force.

It wasn't just Dumbledore who was stunned; professors and older students also felt the same force immobilizing them.

For the first time, they experienced what it was like to be helpless, like a Muggle.

"Stay calm. Everything is under control!"

Dumbledore's voice was firm, trying to quell the rising panic.

Even in the face of the situation, he remained composed.

But before he could continue, words began to form on the curtains of light.

[This is the Dual Comparison Room, where the protagonist of this world will be compared to the protagonist of a parallel world.]

[During the broadcast, questions will be asked. Correct answers will be rewarded with various forms of magic, abilities, resurrection, longevity, magical power, and more.]

[Remember: while the broadcast is active, everyone's magic will be sealed, and no attacks will be permitted.]

[A chat room will be formed soon. Only relevant characters will be invited to participate.]

The hall fell into stunned silence once again as everyone read the projected messages.

"Fred, look at this! Do you think it's some kind of alchemical item?"

George whispered, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"Don't be silly, George! This is clearly alien technology! I bet an invasion is about to happen!"

Fred replied, and the Weasley twins burst into laughter, infecting the younger students with their joy.

"Harry, what do you think this curtain of light is?"

Ron was still trying to process what was happening.

"How should I know? I'm not really a wizard yet. I don't know much about magic."

Harry shook his head, as confused as his friend.

"Besides, didn't you see that even Dumbledore looked surprised? If he doesn't know, how could I, a normal kid, know?"

Hermione, already losing her patience with the ignorance of the two, huffed and rolled her eyes.

"It's obvious these curtains are here to show us something. Pay attention to the messages!"

Meanwhile, Minerva McGonagall quickly approached Dumbledore.

"Albus, what's happening? What kind of magic is this?"

Snape also moved silently, his dark expression reflecting the same question.

Dumbledore didn't respond. He was focused on a smaller curtain of light, separate from the two main ones, apparently the "chat room" that had been mentioned.

Then, a familiar voice echoed.

Gellert Grindelwald: "What kind of magic is this? Is there magic that I do not know?"

The impact was immediate.

A collective shiver ran through the hall, and the magical world trembled.

For the older witches and wizards, memories of the chaos Grindelwald unleashed across Europe resurfaced.

His natural charisma, overwhelming power, and loyal followers were grim reminders of the days before Voldemort's rise.

Dumbledore's heart raced as he saw the name of his old friend.

He barely managed to maintain his composure as he read, but a whirlwind of emotions filled his chest.

Fred Weasley: "Hey, George, looks like we can chat too."

George Weasley: "Looks like we're important, haha!"

Molly Weasley: "You two, be quiet now, or you'll be grounded for the rest of your lives!"

Lucius Malfoy: "Hmph, of course, the Weasleys... A disgrace to purebloods."

Arthur Weasley: "Watch what you say, Lucius. You wouldn't want your house searched for cursed items, would you?"

Lucius Malfoy: "Arthur Weasley!!"

The chat room quickly turned into a heated debate, easing the tense atmosphere.

But then, a particular message caught the attention of many, especially one person.

Snape's eyes were glued to the screen, unable to believe what he was seeing.

The message mentioned his greatest love and deepest regret.

Lily Potter: "Excuse me, does anyone know how my son is? His name is Harry Potter."