Harry Potter

In the vast and dark void, where silence reigned supreme, the souls of the dead wandered in an ethereal and enigmatic realm.

Shadows intertwined with the faint light that emanated from a distant and shimmering curtain.

Among these souls, the enchanting and ethereal silhouette of a woman remained motionless, her sad and contemplative gaze fixed on the luminous curtain before her.

Rubeus Hagrid: "Lily... my dear Lily! My God, you're still alive!"

Minerva McGonagall: "Hagrid, please, calm down!"

Albus Dumbledore: "It's been a long time, Lily. Little Harry is well. He has just been sorted into his house."

James Potter: "It's good to see you again, Headmaster. Could you explain what's happening? The last thing I remember is fighting Voldemort, being hit by the Killing Curse, and then... nothing."

Albus Dumbledore: "James, it's been more than ten years. After that night, Voldemort vanished without a trace."

Bellatrix Lestrange: "!!!"

Bellatrix Lestrange: "That old fool is still talking nonsense! How could my mighty master disappear if He... ahem, well, saying He vanished is a bit premature, don't you think?"

Bartemius Crouch Jr.: "..."

Rodolphus Lestrange: "..."

Rabastan Lestrange: "..."

Other Death Eaters: "..."

The group seemed to be under a silencing charm.

Even some students couldn't help but give a thumbs-up to Bellatrix.

Damn, did I hear something I shouldn't have? Is someone going to silence me tonight?

These thoughts raced through the minds of the young wizards, sending shivers down their spines.

Harry, lost in thought, looked at his mother's name. Although he had never met her, Aunt Petunia mentioned his mother only in passing, and Hagrid, when delivering his Hogwarts letter, had shared a bit more.

A warm glow spread across Harry's face.

Was this the maternal love that other children his age experienced?

Harry Potter: "Mother, I'm here!"

Lily Potter: "My dear Harry, how have you been? Are you eating well? Sleeping enough?"

Lily's words flowed like a dam breaking, her heart overwhelmed with concern.

James Potter: "It's great to see you, Harry, but I think we should first discuss that curtain of light."

Albus Dumbledore: "James is right. Nicolas, do you have any idea what this is?"

Dumbledore turned to Nicolas Flamel, the greatest alchemist of the past centuries. Surely, someone who had lived for over 600 years must know something.

Nicolas Flamel: "It's good to see you, Albus. But I'm afraid I must disappoint you; I cannot decipher this curtain of light. However, it seems we won't have to wait long for answers."

As Nicolas Flamel finished speaking, the two curtains of light began to move.

The black, as dark as the night, retreated behind the white curtain, slowly disappearing. The white curtain grew brighter, and a countdown began.





[The comparison will begin now.]

[Night on Privet Drive.]

[Privet Drive was quiet under the night sky, deserted except for the faint glow of a few streetlights, illuminating the worn cobblestone pavement. The shadows of trees swayed gently in the breeze, and the occasional bark of a distant dog broke the silence.]

[Through the mist, a figure appeared, walking slowly down the road. Tall, thin, and elderly, his silver hair and beard gleamed in the dim light. His long robes and purple cloak trailed behind him, and his twinkling blue eyes shone behind his half-moon glasses.]

[He stopped to retrieve a lighter-like object from his pocket. With a flick of his wrist, the light from the streetlamp was drawn into the device, revealing it to be an alchemical tool.]

[A nearby tabby cat caught the man's attention, and he smiled.]

["I was expecting to find you here, Professor McGonagall."]

[In response, the cat transformed into a woman with square glasses, her black hair pulled into a tight bun beneath her emerald cloak.]

["Good evening, Professor Dumbledore."]

[Her expression was stern as she followed him.]

["So... the rumors are true?"]

["I'm afraid so, Professor. Both the goods and the bads."]

["And the boy?"]

["Hagrid is bringing him."]

["Are you sure it's wise to trust Hagrid with this task?"]

["Professor McGonagall, I would trust Hagrid with my life."]

[As Dumbledore finished speaking, the sound of a motorcycle echoed above. A giant, twice the height of a normal man, landed on the road, adjusting his goggles.]

["Greetings, Headmaster Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall."]

["I hope there were no accidents, Hagrid?"]

[The giant shook his head and presented a baby in his arms. It could have been any baby, if not for the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead.]

[Professor McGonagall, clearly anxious, spoke.]

["Albus, I don't think leaving him with those Muggles is wise. They're the worst sort of Muggles I've ever seen."]

["Minerva, they are his only family."]

[McGonagall insisted.]

["This boy will be famous; there won't be a child in our world who doesn't know his name."]

["Exactly. That's why it's better for him to grow up away from all of it until he's ready."]

[As Hagrid silently wept and McGonagall expressed her concerns, Dumbledore gently placed the child on the doorstep with a letter.]

["Good luck, Harry Potter."]