Improvement of Magical Power

At that moment, all the wizards unaware of the Muggle world were bewildered by what was projected on the curtain of light.

What is happening with the appearance of so many texts and symbols on these walls? Is it some sort of Disillusionment Charm hiding their presence?

But how could the Disillusionment Charm cover an entire room when it normally only works on a single target?

Arthur Weasley: "As someone interested in Muggle customs, I consider myself quite informed... but I can't understand anything that's happening!"

Rubeus Hagrid: "Thank God you said that. I thought it was just me being too stupid to understand."

Hermione Granger: "This is impossible! How can someone learn so much at such a young age?"

Hermione was in shock. Her greatest pride was knowing more than her peers, but what would happen if she encountered this Harry?

Could she maintain her confidence? Her mind was filled with unsettling thoughts.

Lily Potter: "Is that my son in another world? He looks so different from mine... And is he really living well with my sister? Woo woo~, I wonder if you, sister, still care about your nephew?"

Petunia Dursley: "Hmpf, keep dreaming! It's just because I didn't know who was living under my roof. That little devil is very clever when it comes to hiding."

In house number 4 on Privet Drive, Petunia, contrary to her attitude in the chat group, wore a disturbed expression.

Watching her harmonious relationship with Harry on the curtain of light, she couldn't help but wonder if she had been right all along.

Should she judge him just for being a wizard?

James Potter: "Okay, okay, no need to start a fight over this, right?"

James quickly intervened to prevent an argument between the sisters, while Vernon did the same, wrapping his strong arms around Petunia.

Filius Flitwick: "I'm curious... What are these things called biology, chemistry, and meridians? I've never heard of them."

Minerva McGonagall: "They must be fields of study for Muggles, just like our classes in spells and potions. But this is the first time I've seen something so complex."

Severus Snape: "Your focus is completely wrong. Shouldn't you be wondering what Harry is doing right now?"

Nymphadora Tonks: "If I saw correctly, he called this a method of magical training. Could it really be a way to increase a wizard's magical power?"

Bartô Crouch Jr: "Impossible! A wizard's magical power is determined by blood. Nothing can change that."

Gellert Grindelwald: "Though I hate to admit it, he is right. For many years, we believed that magical power follows the rule that purebloods would be ahead, and that magic would grow over time... Of course, that is if you are still in your prime. Otherwise, your magic will only weaken. What do you think, Albus?"

Albus Dumbledore: "Dear friend, nothing is truly impossible. Magic has its roots in antiquity. Who knows what extraordinary things happened during that time?"

Gellert Grindelwald: "So... Albus, do you believe in this boy?"

In the Great Hall of Hogwarts, Dumbledore did not respond. His eyes turned to the curtain of light.

He trusted his intuition, and something told him that something extraordinary was about to happen.

As if responding to Dumbledore's gaze, the screen continued to display images.

[Harry closed his eyes, focusing on the complexities of his body. He had studied human anatomy several times, understanding how muscles, bones, and organs worked in harmony.]

[This led him to create his own cultivation method, a magical practice that required him to strengthen and refine his body before expanding his magical power.]

[As he began to circulate his magic, he visualized the invisible meridians running through his body, channels of magical power that transported energy like blood in veins.]

[He identified the key points where these meridians crossed and where magic concentrated: in the abdomen, the palms of the hands, the feet, and the forehead. Each deep breath opened these pathways, allowing magical power to flow more easily and powerfully.]

[With his body already warmed up from physical exercises, he began to vibrate with energy as he moved his magic in cycles. Harry used a combination of martial arts stances he had adapted over the years.]

[Each movement was fluid yet precise, inspired by various forms of combat he had studied. His arms cut through the air with controlled force, while his feet moved firmly and silently, connecting him to the ground and the air.]

[Spinning his body, he delivered quick and graceful strikes, each movement integrating his magic. The magical flow followed his movements, and he felt the internal heat increase.]

[However, instead of succumbing to discomfort, he maintained control. His muscles seemed to adjust to the magical load, adapting to the continuous flow of power.]


[He murmured, and the heat in his body was released in a light mist, evaporating the sweat from his skin. This technique was more than just a simple spell; he had refined his magical control to the point of being able to regulate even the chemical properties of his body.]

[He manipulated the evaporation of water without injuring himself — a perfect synthesis of magic and control over the magnetic field of his body.]

[With his breathing stabilized, Harry deepened his focus. His magic flowed through the meridians with more intensity, and he felt as if his own organs were nourished and strengthened by the energy.]

[It was as if he were refining each cell of his body, increasing his physical and mental resilience. The process activated internal healing mechanisms, improved blood flow, and optimized the absorption of magical energy.]

[Over time, Harry not only absorbed air but also the tiny magical particles suspended around him. Each inhalation gathered more magic into his body, while each exhalation released any excess that could overload his meridians.]

[He opened his eyes, which now shone with a greenish light. His body, strengthened by magic, overflowed with a power he had never imagined. He was sure that his magical power had increased by at least 50%.]

["It's not enough. I can still do much more."]

[At that moment, the intensity in Harry's eyes radiated an indescribable pressure. It seemed that nothing in the world could shake him or make him take a single step back.]