The End of The First Comparison

At that moment, it was as if a high-magnitude earthquake reverberated throughout the magical world.

It didn't matter if they were young witches and wizards or the older ones; their minds went blank, and their reactions became slow.

Since childhood, everyone had always heard that magic could only be strengthened over time and temporarily augmented by the use of a wand.

Of course, there would be an exception if dark magic were involved.

This is also one of the reasons why Albus Dumbledore is known as the greatest wizard of all time, in addition to his extraordinary talent for magic.

But now, what is happening? Did Harry really manage to create a method capable of increasing his magical power?

Furthermore, he used methods developed by Muggles to achieve this.

What an outrageous situation!

Gellert Grindelwald: "Impossible! How is this possible? His magical power has truly increased, and by half!"

Albus Dumbledore: "I must admit, it's impressive. Even with my vast experience, I can't fully comprehend this method. Perhaps it's because it involves not only magic but also Muggle knowledge."

Lucius Malfoy: "This is unimaginable. It is already established that magic cannot be increased unless it involves dark magic."

McGonagall: "I read in some books that during the Middle Ages there was magic where, through blood sacrifices of thousands of people, magical power could be greatly improved. Was considered so evil that it was abolished and declared taboo. Since then, it has never been mentioned again."

At that moment, the wizards were engaged in intense discussions in the group chat, and messages were arriving constantly.

On one side were those desperate to learn this method; on the other, a group of pure-blood supremacists.

Then, suddenly, there was a pause.

Cho Chang: "How strange... Why do I feel that Harry's method resembles the martial arts practices from my country?"

Penelope Clearwater: "Are you sure, Cho? You might be mistaken?"

Horace Slughorn: "She is not wrong. I traveled to China to improve my potion-making skills and got a bit involved with the culture of Chinese martial arts. Although Harry's method is somewhat obscure for me to fully understand, I can sense traces of those martial arts in his movements."

With Horace's words, a renowned potions master, everyone suddenly focused their attention on the wizards from China.

However, China does not have a well-known school of magic.

Everyone knows that there are eight great schools of magic in the world: Hogwarts, Ilvermorny, Uagadou, Durmstrang Institute, Mahoutokoro, Beauxbatons Academy, Koldovstoretz, and Castelobruxo.

None of them are in China.

Perhaps that's why, until now, the only person of Chinese descent who stood out was Cho Chang, who is perhaps considered a relevant character by the Comparison Room.

After this episode, all the wizards began to secretly reflect on the advances made by Muggles over the years.

It seems that Harry managed to develop his method through Muggle knowledge.

Does this not mean that such a method could be replicated? If magic could also be improved through practice, who knows if they would have a chance to reach the level of someone like Dumbledore?

With this thought, many pure-blood wizards ordered their confidants and house-elves to acquire more Muggle knowledge.

But they seemed to forget an important detail: since the Comparison Room appeared, all magic had been blocked.

Without magic, how would they advance in their Muggle research without drawing attention?

Even house elf apparation has been disabled. Perhaps only after the comparison ended could they put their plans into action.

Thus, the thoughts of the pure-blood families were frustrated, and their spirits were depressed.

Despite all the commotion, the video continued to play.

[With the success of the first practice, the rest was simple. Harry began to dedicate part of his time every day to magical training.]

[However, Harry still faced some difficulties. His method increased his magical power, but the effectiveness diminished with each use. In the second attempt, his power increased by 30%, then by 20%...]

[After a week, the increase stabilized at 1% per day. Harry lived this monotonous life until the day he enrolled at St. Grogory Primary School.]

[Harry didn't think much about school. His knowledge was already far ahead of the other children his age. Perhaps only university students could be on his level.]

[In this way, Harry always ranked first in academic performance. Perhaps influenced by him, Dudley also made an effort to be among the top ten, which made Mr. and Mrs. Dursley celebrate joyfully.]

[One interesting thing is that every year, during the competitions between schools, Harry always encountered a girl with thick brown hair and large teeth, who competed with him for first place.]

[Even though he always won, contrary to what he expected, she never showed insecurity. On the contrary, she always looked at him with a fierceness that Harry found adorable. No matter how much she lost, she didn't seem to give up. This girl was etched in Harry's mind.]

[Time passed quickly, and Harry was about to turn 11. His appearance had changed significantly. He was half a head taller than the other children his age.]

[His long black hair reached his neck, a style he preferred. His emerald-green eyes shone like jewels. Thanks to his exercises, his body was well-defined and broader than that of his classmates. Harry was sure that his strength was no less than that of an adult.]

[His studies hadn't diminished over the years. At this point, Harry had no doubt that he could be considered one of the smartest people in the country. As for the world... well, it might be too early to say. He didn't dismiss the geniuses of history but knew he had an advantage by learning from the accumulated knowledge of his predecessors.]

[As for magic, some time ago, Harry began to try to create his own spells. Simple spells that followed some physical logic or involved elements were easy for him. However, complex magic, such as turning stone into living beings or dealing with souls, was still a mystery to Harry.]

[To celebrate Dudley's and Harry's birthdays in advance, the Dursleys decided to visit the zoo. The two boys walked through the enclosures and observed various types of animals. They decided to split up to explore more. Everything was normal until Harry passed by a chamber with a snake imported from Brazil.]


["Interesting... I can really communicate with snakes. I must admit, this is amazing."]

[Harry was intrigued and talked with the snake for a while. Ensuring that no one was paying attention, he waved his hand.]

[In a matter of seconds, the glass containing the snake disappeared. The snake, dazed, watched its body become invisible. Before it could react, it was lifted by a powerful force and drawn toward Harry.]

["You are free; you can go."]

[Harry nodded and snapped his fingers as he walked out calmly. The glass reappeared, and an illusion was cast, making it seem as though the snake had never left.]

[After the trip, Harry returned home with the Dursleys without incident.]