Harry Black's Wand

When the curtain of light reached this point, there was a brief pause.

The two curtains of light, one black and one white, merged into a single, immense golden curtain.

All the spectators, who were closely following the unfolding scene, couldn't help but experience a moment of confusion.

Based on the previous example, it seemed that the timelines of the two curtains of light were interconnected, but the parallel world had not yet caught up to the time progression of the original world.

However, they didn't have to wait long. Soon, the curtain of light issued a prompt.

[Question and Answer Moment: everyone is free to choose the option they consider correct.]

[Only the first three to choose a certain alternative will have the right to receive rewards.]

[Question: What will happen during the wand selection of Harry Black?]

[Option A - No changes will occur, and Harry Black will obtain a wand with a phoenix feather core, representing talent in a wide variety of spells.]

[Option B - Harry Black will obtain a wand with a dragon heartstring core, demonstrating great talent in the Dark Arts.]

[Option C - Harry Black will obtain a wand with a Thunderbird feather core, demonstrating great talent in more powerful magics.]

[Option D - A thousand wands salute a king; Harry will obtain a wand on the same level as the Elder Wand.]

Upon clearly seeing what was written on the curtain of light, everyone was initially confused, but soon everyone was immediately excited.

Finally, the moment to earn rewards had arrived, and everyone immediately focused their attention on the answers.

This, however, didn't stop them from quickly commenting in the chat group and joining in on the fun.

Gellert Grindelwald: "The question has finally arrived, but this question is really interesting."

Gellert Grindelwald: "Also, this option D is outrageous: 'A thousand wands salute a king' and 'a wand on the same level as the Elder Wand'? That's obviously impossible."

As someone who had firsthand experience with the overwhelming power of the Elder Wand, Grindelwald was qualified to say that there was no wand more powerful than it in the world.

It was thanks to this wand that Grindelwald almost managed to set the whole of Paris ablaze. Furthermore, if another wand like that existed, it wouldn't be in a regular store, on display for everyone to see.

No one denied Grindelwald's words; it seemed that everyone took them as fact.

Rubeus Hagrid: "What kind of wand will little Harry get? Why don't we ask an expert? What do you think, Ollivander?"

Garrick Ollivander: "Hagrid, a wand adapts to the personality of each wizard. If it were just that, Harry's wand could be easily determined."

Garrick Ollivander: "But, considering the prophecy and his status, Harry's wand is very special. Perhaps it really is tied to fate, or maybe not."

With Ollivander words, everyone realized that the wand selection, in theory, is simple: just figure out each wizard's personality.

But what about Harry Potter?

According to the Comparison Room, Harry Potter is the protagonist of the world, with a prophecy linked to him.

How can one predict the type of wand such a person will receive?

Hermione Granger: "I thought wands had three main cores: unicorn hair, dragon heartstring, and phoenix feather. I never imagined there could be other cores."

Minerva McGonagall: "Miss Granger, those three types of cores are quite broad for most wizards, but there are some wands that use special cores to achieve certain effects in magic."

Newt Scamander: "Thunderbird, a rare magical bird found in North America, closely related to the phoenix, capable of creating storms as it flies and highly sensitive to danger."

Garrick Ollivander: "Thunderbird, Certainly, a wand made from one of its tail feathers would create an extremely powerful wand… I choose C!"

Wizards and Muggles: "..."

Wizards and Muggles: "!!!!"

Damn! Ollivander, you really aren't a man!!

Lily Potter: "I choose D. As a mother, I know my son is capable of anything."

Petunia Dursley: "I choose C. All I want is the power of magic."

Bellatrix Lestrange: "I choose B! If Harry Black seeks power, he must walk the path of the Dark Arts!"

Severus Snape: "I choose B. Harry Black has a leaning towards the Dark Arts, even if he doesn't admit it."

Draco Malfoy: "I choose C."

Nicolas Flamel: "I choose D."

Albus Dumbledore: "I choose A."

Within seconds, all 12 responses were decided among hundreds of spectators.

Those who weren't fast enough harshly scolded those who managed to answer.

Damn it! Don't you feel ashamed of having such a fast hand? Does your family know about this?

But, as much as they complained, the golden curtain of light continued to unfold.

[Harry and Professor McGonagall calmly walked through Diagon Alley and arrived in front of Ollivanders' wand shop. Harry couldn't help but admire its architectural style a little.]

["Ollivanders - Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC, Really old. Did they make wands for the Greeks and Romans?"]

[That question became ingrained in Harry's mind, and he decided to ask Ollivanders when he got the chance. When he entered, Harry was met with several shelves along the walls. Surely, that was where the wands were stored.]

[Harry immediately noticed an old man with large, clear eyes organizing the shelves. There was no doubt that this was the great wand maker, Garrick Ollivanders. Harry decided to take the initiative and greet him politely.]

["Nice to meet you, Mr. Ollivanders. I'm Harry Potter, I came here to look for my companion."]

[Upon hearing Harry's voice, Ollivanders turned, surprised by his words, and a smile blossomed on his already wrinkled face. He walked towards Harry and looked at him as if he were looking at treasure.]

["Nice to meet you, Mr. Potter. This is the first time I've heard someone refer to a wand as a 'companion'. Can you explain why that is?"]

["Something whose destiny is to accompany and help you until death is worthy of being called a companion, don't you think, Ollivanders?"]